Death Note: Switched - xMelodyQueenx (2024)

When they touched down in Ireland it was raining, but the weather couldn't put a dampner on their spirits. Ryuzaki and Lightfeltlike Rem and Souichiro were with them on this journey and they were determined to enjoy themselves before the real work began.

R would be officially announced as L's partner when they returned from their break and they suspected their caseload was going to go through the roof! But until then, they planned on enjoying themselves.

They would always grieve for those they'd lost but they both finally understood the importance of honoring them bylivingas well. They would move forward as lovers and partners just as Rem and Souichiro wished.

Kira would not win.

Light held Ryuzaki's hand in the taxi and they leaned against one another, smiles of excitement curling both their lips. Obviously they were excited about their break but far outweighing that was their excitement about their first time together. Light had been reading up on safe anal sex tips (well, sex tips in general if he was being honest) and hoped Ryuzaki wouldn't be too dissapointed in him. Whereas Ryuzaki had had lovers before all of this was new to Light. When he'd broached the subject of his inexperience to his lover he'd been kissed sweetly and had been informed Ryuzaki liked the idea of being his firstandhis only and his worries had soon be put at ease.

After months of little more than hot, teasing kisses and some heavy petting, Ryuzaki was counting down the minutes until they arrived at the cabin so he couldravishLight.

'I'm going to ride that dick so hard it's gonna blow his mind'he thought with a devilish smirk. Despite his lustful thoughts, Ryuzaki was most looking forward to theclosenessa sexual relationship with Light would bring. He couldn't wait to curl up in his lovers arms still wearing his sweat andfeelingthe ache of him in his body.

Their relationship was one based on learning and L knew Light would teach him what he needed to know to become a Detective in his own right. And he would teach Light about the sensual pleasures of loving someone. They would learn about themselves and one another, for the rest of their lives.

"I'm so excited" Ryuzaki whispered as he pressed closer to Light. "I can't wait to get into the spa bath"

Light smiled affectionately at his beautiful lover and pressed a kiss to his hair. "You have a nice long soak in it while I prepare dinner, okay, Baby?"

Ryuzaki smiled impishly. It was probably for the best if Light continued to cook, even on holiday. His food was disgusting at best and inedible at worst. It was a good thing for him that Light was so sweet and didn't mind cooking "Okay. I need to prepare for you anyway" Ryuzaki pressed a hot kiss to the spot just below Light's ear that always made him shudder.

'Prepare? Oh.Oh.That prepare!'Light couldn't help but flush. Just the thought of pressing inside that tight, hot body was sending his blood pressure rocketing. Ryuzaki giggled at Light's reaction and calmly pointed out the window at the line of dark evergreen trees marking the location of their cabin. He loved how flustered Light was, even as he tried to pretend his words had not affected him.

Ten minutes later they stood before the soft beige door of their home for the next few weeks. They breathed in the scents of pine and fresh rain and smiled at one another. It was perfect. Light let them inside and they admired the cozy yet opulentlayout of their cabin. Naturally, Ryuzaki headed straight to the bathroom to find the indoor jacuzzi that may or may not have been the deciding factor in him booking the cabin. They left their bags by the door to unpack later and went out to explore the garden and decking area.

"Oh, wow" Light whispered, enchanted by the sight of the tall trees enclosing the garden from the outside.They were perfectly secluded and the birdsong sounded so soothing as they stood in the soft rain and listened. There was a decking area for outdoor dining, an outdoor hot tub (which neither fancied using considering the current weather) and a beautiful display of well kept borders. Bursts of pink, orange and yellow roses blended beautifully against the lush green of the lawn.

"Definitely wow" Ryuzaki agreed. "Apparently the weather will clear tomorrow so maybe we could take a hike in the woods?"

"That sounds good" Light agreed, encircling Ryuzaki's waist with an arm and pulling him close. "I'm going to start on dinner soon, Love, so why don't you go try out that bath?"

Ryuzaki smiled and craned his neck up for a kiss. The kiss was slow and sweet but tinged with the heady promise ofmore.

"I'll do that but don't stress too much over dinner, Babe, we didn't bring that much food with us, remember? We can go shopping properly tomorrow"

Light smiled and nodded but what Ryuzaki didn't know was hehadprepared for this important dinner in advance. He was making Ryu's favourite pasta dish and chocolate and raspberry ganache cake for afters. He'd even packed a few bottles of champagne and some rose petals to make the evening even more memorable.

'Should have picked up candles though'Light thought as he watched Ryuzaki race towards the bathroom. Thankfully, the cabin was well stocked and Light had soon lit several soothing lavender and pine scented candles. He was nervous so spent ten minutes placing them artfully around the cozy lounge area until he was satisfied they looked just right. He put the champagne in the fridge to chill and hurried into the kitchen.

'I might not know much about sex or romance but I know I want to make Ryuzaki happy'Light thought as he turned the oven to preheat and familiarized himself with the layout of the kitchen. Despite his nerves Light knew that tonight was going to be perfect.

With that thought in mind, Light began to assemble his ingredients and smiled as he set about preparing their meal. Ryuzaki had been right, this holiday was just what they'd needed. He wasn't L here, he was simply a young man eager to show his lover how much he loved him.

He was eager to finally experience sex and the (what he had once considered useless) emotions that came with it, Because he knew now they were anything but useless.

Ryuzaki, His father and Rem had taught him the true value of love.

As Light worked in the kitchen, Ryuzaki lounged in sweet smelling water and let out a long sigh of contentment.

"You wouldlovethis, Rem" he moaned as bubbles kissed his skin. He'd already shaved and moisturized so he allowed himself a few moments to indulge in just feeling the warm water lap lazily over his body.

He was half-hard and grinned as his eyes strayed to the bottle of lube and butt plug he'd packed. Of course he'd have to show Light how to prepare and stretch him himself in the future but that wasn't what Ryuzaki wanted for tonight. Tonight was going to be about pleasure and exploration and he wanted as little cause for stress for Light as possible.

'He'll probably be a pro by round two anyway. He picks things up so easily!'The ex-model thought as he finally forced himself out of the bath. It had been a while since he'd last slept with someone and he took his time in fingering himself open. Thankfully he was loose and relaxed from the bath and soon he had the black plug embedded deep inside him. It made him ache deliciously as he walked and the plug rubbed up against his sensitive inner walls. A spark of pure lust shot through him as he imagined the tip of Light's thrusting co*ck hitting places the plug couldn't.

"Oh f*ck" Ryuzaki whined as his co*ck twitched. Light was rather well endowed and he shivered at the thought of Light pounding against his prostate.

He forced himself to calm down before chucking on his black dressing gown (the short one that showed off his legs) and nothing else. It would be so thrilling to eat dinner in nothing but his skin, a flimsy satin dressing gown and a buttpl*g!

Light's jaw nearly hit the floor as Ryuzaki strolled in, all long, slender legs and glowing skin. He nearly dropped the flute of champagne he was holding as Ryuzaki smiled that sultry smile of his.

"I take it you approve?"

"Hell yes" Light swallowed thickly, eyes drawn to those slim, smooth legs. He couldn't wait to feel the wrapped around his waist. "You lookincredible, Baby…"

Ryuzaki smiled at Light's disheveled appearance. "So do you, Light" he crossed the room and enfolded the taller man in a hug. "Sometimes I still can't believe you're actually mine, you know?"

Light uttered a surprised laugh. "Me?You'rethe ex model, Love"

Ryuzaki tightened his hold. "That is nothing. Nothing compares to you. You saw past all of that when we fought Kira together"

Light cradled Ryuzaki's head in his hands and kissed him tenderly. "You are, and always will be, more than a pretty face, my sweet Ryuzaki"

'I love him so much. Thank you, Rem, thank you Watari for giving us our lives to be together'the teenager felt tears prick his eyes as he kissed Light and clutched at him tighter. Now he knew what they were it all seemed so natural. Soulmates. He and Light were simply meant to be together.

They sat down to dinner and Ryuzaki smiled at Light's obvious nervousness. "If you're not ready, Babe-"

"Iamready. I've been ready for months, Ryuu" Light hastily explained, "It's just… it feels… momentus, doesn't it?"

Ryuzaki smiled. "Yes, it does" he sighed as he looked at the rose petals and beautiful dinner Light had prepared for him.'How did I ever manage to get so lucky?'

After their main, Ryuzaki wolfed down dessert and complemented Light's cooking, doing all he could to put his soon-to-be lover at ease. The rain began to fall again and the soft patter against the window made them both relax. Leaving their dishes, they curled up in their customary position on the sofa and listened to the soft hiss of the rain.

Light was worrying about how to instigate things when Ryuzaki turned in his lap and kissed him.

Suddenly, it all seemed so natural. Light carded his fingers through his hair and sucked on his tongue while Ryuzaki defly undone the buttons on his shirt.

"Don't think" Ryuzaki whispered as he tugged Light's shirt over his head. "Just feel. Be with me"

Light moaned at the sensation of cool air ghosting over his chest. His heart was racing as Ryuzaki dipped his head to kiss him once again. His hands wandered to Ryuzaki's hips and, after receiving a nod from Ryuzaki, parted and delved beneath the silken robe. Light's eyebrows shot up in surprise as he boldly skimmed a hand over the teenager's bare ass and felt something entirely unexpected. Plastic!

'Is that… is that a buttpl*g?!'

Ryuzaki's smirk was dark and sultry as Light tentatively touched the base of the plug nestled between his ass cheeks. "To make it easier for you, Love" he breathed into Light's neck.

"f*ck" Light whimpered, co*ck twitching inside his slacks. "Ryu, Baby, are you trying tokillme?"

"Mmm, definitely not" Ryuzaki nipped at Light's throat. "At least, notyet. Wait until I'm riding you, then you will think I'm killing you with pleasure"

Light licked his lips, mouth dry as Ryuzaki reached down and palmed the bulge in his pants.

"Can I ride you? Right here?"

Light nodded, too turned on to speak. Ryuzaki gently guided Light back against the cushions and continued to palm his co*ck through his pants.

"Shouldn't we be doing this on a bed?" Light asked before he could stop himself. Ryuzaki paused in his task of pulling off his trousers.

"If that's what you'd like, Light"

Light smiled shakily as he regained his courage. "Maybe later. Right now I want that ride you've promised me"

Ryuzaki giggled and pressed a teasing kiss to Light's thigh. "Well then, you'd best buckle up" once the trousers and boxers were discarded, the teenager found himself staring at a very erect, verydeliciouslooking co*ck.'f*ck, I need that in my mouth!'

"Ryuu?" Light's voice rose an octave higher as his lover settled between his legs and gently guided them apart. "You don't have to-"

"Oh, Iwantto" Ryuzaki purred as he rubbed his cheek against the throbbing co*ck. Light's breath hitched and he tangled his fingers in that shaggy mop of hair as Ryuzaki kitten licked the tip of his dick.

"f*ck!"Light cursed, pleasure racing up and down his spine as Ryuzaki slowly drew him inside. It was hot and wet and everything Light didn't know he needed. "Baby!" He gasped, head spinning at the overwhelming sensations. Ryuzaki flicked his eyes up to see Light's flushed face and he began to bob his head slowly, pleased as Light's mouth hung open in a gape of pleasure.

'I can't go too hard, he'll come too fast. This is all so new to him'Ryuzaki reminded himself as he hollowed his cheeks and sucked just a little bit harder. Light whimpered his name and Ryuzaki groaned at the salty splash of precome on his tongue.

"Close!" Light warned, hips bucking off their own violation as Ryuzaki playfully lapped at his weeping tip and kissed his straining shaft.

Reluctantly, Ryuzaki pulled away. "Mmm, Light, you areexquisite"

Light flushed, his co*ck twitching with longing as he stared at those pouty lips. Suddenly he wasn't nervous at all. Perhaps that was the whole point of Ryuu going down on him? He was thinking with his heart (and his co*ck) and he simply didn't have the space for reservations or nervousness anymore. "Come here. Sit on my lap" Light rasped.

"Yes" like a cat, Ryuzaki slinked gracefully upwards and clambered into his lap. "You can touch me, if you like…"

Light's hands flew up to stroke down the smooth, soft skin of Ryuzaki's back before they glided over his hips. He took his lover's co*ck in hand and gave a few experimental tugs. Ryuzaki hissed, hips rolling seductively as he bucked into Light's fists. "So good, Light, so good, Baby"

Emboldened, and touched by Ryuzaki's respect in allowinghimto set the pace, he snaked a hand round Ryuzaki's hip to squeeze his ass. The low moan Ryuzaki made in response lit a fire deep inside Light. He'd never felt more alive in his life!

"I want you" Light whispered, trailing a hot line of kisses down Ryuzaki's beautifully elegant neck. "Ineedyou"

Ryuzaki shivered and pressed closer to Light, spreading his legs so he straddled him. "I need you too. I need you inside me. Take the plug out, Love"

Light gently tugged the plug free, fingers itching to sink into that hot, tight hole. Ryuzaki's moan of encouragement spurred him on and he carefully sank a finger inside.

"Yesss" Ryuzaki rocked against it, careful not to move too fast or spook Light. "More" he whimpered when Light pressed just the tip of a second finger inside.

"I don't want to hurt you, Sweet" Light whispered, sweat trickling down his brow as he tried to process just how f*ckingincredibleRyuzaki's body felt clamping down around his fingers. He could only imagine what it would feel like around hisco*ck.'But I'm soon going to find out'

"You won't" Ryuzaki assured confidentially, "I want you to finger me open slowly. Work up to three. Take your time"

Light curled his fingers and Ryuzaki let out a sharp whine of pleasure, toes curling in bliss as a sweet ache blossomed inside him. "Mm, yes! Light, that spot!" He panted, unable to form coherent sentences as Light's clever fingers pressed against his prostate.

When Light could easily fit three fingers inside, Ryuzaki began to ride them, hips rocking in a mimicry of what he'd soon be doing to Light's co*ck. "There's-Ah!L-lube in my dressing gown pocket" he panted, amazed at how f*cking dexterous Light was. As predicted, it didn't take Light long at all to master the fine art of fingering. With a little experience, Ryuzaki knew Light was going to be astud. "Slick yourself up" he guided softly, eager to be filled with his lover's co*ck.

Light fumbled for the dressing gown and cursed when he realised he couldn't open the cap and slick himself up with his fingers still embedded into Ryuu's body.

"Might want to take them out, Babe" Ryuzaki giggled, great gray eyes sparkling with amusem*nt. Light giggled too, and gently removed his fingers. He warmed the gel in his hand before spreading it over his co*ck. He was certain he'd never been so achingly hard in his entire lifetime. He was tempted to stroke himself but the sight of Ryuzaki's dark eyes fixed on him was pushing him dangerously close to the edge already.

Once he was slick, Ryuzaki whispered for him to hold his co*ck at the base. Light did so and his eyes fluttered shut as he felt Ryuzaki slowly sink down onto his co*ck. He took in just a few inches as first but the feel of that tight ring of muscle stretching to accommodate him made Light cry out sharply as pleasure lanced through his body, spreading out in tendrils through every part of him.Nowhe understood! f*ck did he understand just how special and magical sex could be with someone you loved. It brought tears to his eyes and he clutched at Ryuzaki's hip, stroking the soft skin to remind himself that this was real.

Ryuzaki whimpered , his body trembling as he carefully sank down until he was fully impaled on Light's erection. "Oh, f*ck, I've missed this" he whispered to himself. While he'd had several lovers in the past, this experience with Light was mind blowing. He'd never felt so full before, nor more aroused. It was like their bodies were designed for this.

'No. Theyaredesigned for this. We are soulmates'

"Ryuu! I can't! " Light cried out through clenched teeth. It took every ounce of control he had not to just buck his hips and come immediately.

"Shhh" Ryuzaki soothed, tenderly stroking shaking hands through Light's hair. "Calm down. I've got you"

Light shuddered as he focused on breathing. Each gentle pull through his hair calmed his frazzled nerves until he smiled shakily at Ryuzaki. "I'm sorry…"

"Don't be. It's overwhelming" Ryuzaki brushed Light's lips with his own. "And it's perfect. So perfect"

Light kissed him again, their tongues gliding together as their bodies rocked sinuously together. Ryuzaki moved slowly, mouth locked with Light's. They swallowed one another's whimpers and moans as their hesitant movements gained purpose.

Ryuzaki pushed Light back against the sofa and laced their fingers together. "Gonna ride you" he panted, hips rolling as he lifted himself off Light's dick and dropped back down. Light squeezed his hands, his mouth hanging open in shocked pleasure. It felt so good! He rocked his hips upwards to meet Ryuzaki's downward movements. Ryuzaki whined his approval and began to bounce in Light's lap, the wet sound of Light's co*ck sliding in and out of him filling his ears.

"So good, Baby!" Light gasped, "So f*cking beautiful!" He freed one of his hands from Ryuzaki's and brought it to his chest, thumb and forefinger plucking at a pale pink nipple. Ryuzaki let out another choked moan and Light smiled. He wanted to hear more of those moans and whimpers. He wanted to give his lover everything. He drifted his hand down lower, over Ryuzaki's toned, flexing belly, and gripped his co*ck.


Light grinned and began to slowly pump Ryuzaki's erection in time to the rocks of his hips. Precome dribbled out from the tip and Light used it to lubricate his movements, earning himself a pleased whine for his efforts.

"Oh f*ck,yes" Ryuzaki closed his eyes, rthyum faltering as he pushed up into Light's hand.They were hurtling towards the finish line and Ryuzaki knew I was going to be f*ckingglorious."Light! I'm gonna come! f*ck me! Oh, god, that co*ck!"

Light canted his hips and began to f*ck up to meet Ryuzaki's downward thrusts. The sofa creaked in protest but neither found themselves caring. They were too absorbed in one another and their journey towards completion.

"I'm close" Light whispered into Ryuzaki's ear, "Can I come inside you?"

"Yes" Ryuzaki moaned, the words making him bounce faster and harder, "Want to feel it. Come for me, Light"

Light grabbed Ryuzaki's hips to steady himself and thrust as hard and fast as he could. The fleshy sound of his balls slapping against Ryuzaki's ass as he lost himself in a mindless rut soundeddirtyand Light came with a startled yell, grabbing Ryuzaki and holding him close as he spurted his release into that twitching channel.

Ryuzaki bit down into Light's neck as his own release smashed through him. He could feel each hot spurt inside him and it brought tears to his eyes. They were finally together in the fullest sense of the word and it was the best thing that had ever happened to him. He spurted out thick ropes of come onto Light's stomach and ground down hard on Light's co*ck, using the tip to stimulate his prostate and enhance his orgasam.

"Ryuu.." Light slurred as he slumped back against the sofa. He felt utterly spent and like he was floating on air. He wasn't a virgin anymore. He was his Ryuzaki'slover.

Ryuzaki curled up in Light's lap and rested his head above his racing heart. Light was still inside him but he made no move to dismount. He planned on keeping Light very busy!

"Was that… okay?" Light huffed, his cheeks tinged red as he gently stroked Ryuzaki's face. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

Ryuzaki giggled breathlessly and kissed Light softly. Light was so f*cking sweet! "That wasincredible. You know, I have a feeling you're a natural at this.By tomorrow morning I bet you would have put methrough my paces!"

Light's eyes darkened with lust and Ryuzaki smirked as he felt Light's co*ck twitch inside him.

"Well, you know me, Darling, I do enjoy learning new skills…" Light flexed his hips and Ryuzaki yelped as Light's semi-hard co*ck bumped into his prostate. "So, I'll practice all night until my Baby issatisfiedwith my progress!" It all seemed so natural now. Light thrust into Ryuzaki and nudged against his prostate, his body flexing and moving as if he'd been doing this all his life. Hewantedto do this every single day for the rest of his life. Being inside Ryuzaki was addicting and now he'd had a taste he wanted more and more.

'I'm gonna f*ck you into oblivion, my Ryuu'Light thought with a breathless giggle of excitment. He pulled out and smirked when Ryuzaki moaned in protest. He wanted to try taking Ryuzaki on his back. He wanted to look into this stormy eyes.

Light pulled him down onto the sofa and clambered on top of him, nothing but love andpassionin those beautiful eyes, Ryuzaki knew his suspicions had been correct: Light was going to be anincrediblelover. Light rocked inside him and drew Ryuzaki's legs around his waist and Ryuzaki groaned softly, surrendering to bliss.

"Oh! Light!"Ryuzaki scratched at Light's back as his lover began to pound into him with a vitality that astounded Ryuzaki. Light made him come just from his co*ck and by the time they'd made it upstairs Light was on him again, this time bending him over the bed and taking him gently from behind.

'I've unleashed an incubus!'Ryuzaki thought foggily when Lightfinallycollapsed beside him on the bed, severalblissfulhours later.

"Did I pass?" Light slurred, lifting his head and smiling at his lover with sleepy eyes.

"With flying colours" Ryuzaki groaned, burying his head into Light's neck. He was asleep in seconds.

Light encircled him in his arms and fell asleep to the lullaby of his gentle breathing and the soft patters of rain against the window.

Finally everything wasperfect.

Death Note: Switched - xMelodyQueenx (2024)


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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.