Watching the PercyJackson-Verse - Chapter 20 - Xifos (2024)

Chapter Text

Disclaimer: Percy Jackson belongs to Rick Riordan, as well as any other element of any other work, creation that appears, credits to whom it corresponds.

This reaction fanfic (watching), is about Percy Jackson in other worlds, taking the place of characters from other franchises, movies, games, etc.

If you don't like it, I have another Percy Jackson reaction fanfic seeing other characters from other media, without changing them, such as: Justice League, Avengers, Team Avatar, etc.



The parts referring to what is 'projecting':

What is said in the projection or if it refers to a fic, which you have permission to use.

What PJ's Characters Are Seeing and Hearing

To differentiate future characters from their past/present counterparts, I will add the letter F to the end of their first or last names, or use P to differentiate the past/present from those in the future


The spectators on Olympus still did not fully understand this Perseus, with the most observant ones like Chiron, they were reviewing what they knew so far about that counterpart, but even so it was not enough, they needed to know his past to be able to understand this version. Although the huntresses still thought that this Perseus was closer to their opinion of men than the previous variations, but they still needed proof of that.

All of them were about to continue with the projection when it was paused, but they already had an idea of who did it, so when they turned around they saw the queen of the sea, being the one who paused it again and she was looking towards the door of the Olympic council room. Out of curiosity, the other spectators turned to look at the door of the room, discovering that it was Triton and Athena, but what surprised them most was the appearance of the goddess herself, since when approaching the Atlanteans, the goddess seemed somewhat insecure and cautious.

'When has Athena acted unsure?' It was the question that the greeks demigods and gods had in their heads, especially the children of the goddess, the Romans since they did not interact much with the gods did not know what to think, but there were some (cof Octavian cof) who thought of her as a weak goddess; the Atlanteans curious about the way of acting of the goddess of architecture, but they wouldn't question... for now. Hestia because of her dominions and knowing the history between her proud niece and the sea deities had an idea of what was going on, she just hoped that her family or those she can really call family, would start to heal.

"We should continue" To avoid delving into what was happening with Athena, Hestia commented that they should continue with the projection, so they resumed it, and seeing that the specification of what world it was was missing, several knew that they would continue with the last one they were in.

Watching the PercyJackson-Verse - Chapter 20 - Xifos (1)

"Check her it first, she always keep a knife somewhere."

They saw a couple of the men who were apparently guards, point flashlights as well as some weapons/tools at Bianca's counterpart, causing Hades and his children to be the most worried, with the god memorizing the men's faces, and making promises that if he found their counterparts, Because if they harmed his daughter's version and they would suffer the worst of punishments when they reached his kingdom/domain, unbeknownst to him, his son thought the same as him

Watching the PercyJackson-Verse - Chapter 20 - Xifos (2)

They watched as they put her against a wall and began to check her to see if she had a gun, but they saw how the man who was checking her stopped, taking his time on the woman's butt, and the others watched with amusem*nt the actions of their associate.






Everyone was getting angry, and anyone would think that the Huntresses would be the most annoying because they seemed ready to kill someone, but an intense sense of death and despair began to be felt, which put everyone present on alert or at least those who could resist it.

Looking for the source of that sensation they saw that Hades was the culprit as he was expelling his power, with the shadows swirling around him, and that some bones seemed to emerge from the ground, while the king of the underworld had a face of complete fury, and Nico did the same but to a lesser extent, meanwhile Bianca was trembling at what was happening to her counterpart.

While most of the campers, huntresses and Amazons, along with some gods were trembling, but by the power of Hades.

"Hades" Hestia released her own power to calm them down, along with getting her brother's attention, making the king and prince of the underworld react who calmed down, but were still really upset, the others only looked at these two with trepidation, fear and/or caution. As they tried to process the image of those two, along with Hazel showing her support for Bianca, while she´s trying to reassure her.

Watching the PercyJackson-Verse - Chapter 20 - Xifos (3)

They watched as the man's hand went to the front of the woman, where the pants started, causing the feeling of death from before to begin to return, and Bianca's fear to grow again. Just for them to see a blade come out of the heel of one of the girl's boots and drive it into the man's family jewelry, which left everyone in shock and several of the men in fear of the daughter of Hades, thinking that she was undoubtedly her father's daughter. Because she had no mercy, at least that version.

"We should have boots like that," said a huntress

"Not a bad idea," replied another, agreeing

While the hunters were proud of the woman and that maybe they should make boots like that, the latter was noticed and heard by some men who managed to hear their comments and looked at them with fear, almost horror in their faces

"They're monsters," thought those men

They watched as Bianca's counterpart beat the guard, first with his own legs and then with the man's own weapon, until he knocked him down with a final kick that threw him against a wall of the tunnel they were in.

Watching the PercyJackson-Verse - Chapter 20 - Xifos (4)

"BITCH!" one of the guards shouted, launching himself at her.

They watched as the guardians got angry and pounced on the girl, until they subdued her despite the fight she put up, holding her with one of the bars/handles of the weapons/hammers around her neck.

"I'm going to kill them," Nico couldn't help but say, being overheard by his sisters

While everyone was angry or furious once again, with the Huntresses being the second most annoying, and Hades along with her children the most furious, and they barely controlled themselves from letting go of their power, while Hestia tried to calm the others with her own power, even though she was also furious.

Watching the PercyJackson-Verse - Chapter 20 - Xifos (5)

"I don't think she likes to be touched."

They heard the voice of Perseus, whom they saw leaning against a wall with a cup in his hand

"And you don't do anything?!"

And he doesn't do anything?!

The hunters immediately got angry thinking that he had been there all along and did nothing

"Stop blaming him!"

"His other self will beat them up!"

As for Jackson's friends, they defended him from the hunters' accusations, because they thought that his counterpart would give the guards what they deserved, having seen that the son of the sea's counterpart was someone of action, not words. Although when he spoke he caused several spectators to shiver or had the feeling that they should not interrupt him.

"If I were you, I would accept my injury and leave while I could."

They saw that Bianca was released, as they approached Perseus, the 3 guards as a sign of threat, those who recognized him only snorted at how useless and stupid it was, in their opinion.

"Does your small and private world have a name?, Huh?"

They heard the dark-haired guard ask Perseus, while the latter only drank from his cup, and Bianca crawled to one of the bars to lean on it and stand up.

Watching the PercyJackson-Verse - Chapter 20 - Xifos (6)

"What if we don't run away?... Will you kill us with your cup of soup?"

They saw and heard the other two guards laugh at what the dark-skinned one said, causing several to realize or at least think that none of them had the slightest idea who they were talking to

"They're going to regret it," commented a Malcolm

"It's tea, in fact."

Especially with how calm the Perseus was on screen

"Is it just me or does someone else feel the desire to get away from him?" Grover asked his friends, being overheard by a few others who agreed with the satyr.

Watching the PercyJackson-Verse - Chapter 20 - Xifos (7)


"I'll kill you with my cup of tea"

The surprise at the answer surprised everyone, causing almost everyone to doubt it, only the gods and Chiron were kept their thoughts of seeing until believing, the rest thought that he was only bluffing to worry them and put fear in them, to make them leave... some more than others, others thinking that what Perseus said was impossible (cof Octavian cof Sons of Ares cof Huntresses cof)

"Did he lose his mind?"

"He's bragging"

"Does he really think that will scare them?"

"Did he go crazy?"

Some of the most incredulous or skeptical expressed their opinions, in the face of the threat or warning of the counterpart of the son of the sea, while everyone watched as Perseus placed his cup upside down on a rock and Bianca smiled, causing some to begin to think that maybe Perseus would do it and others thinking that the woman thought that the brag would work

"You know the rules, don't kill them if they're registered."

Watching the PercyJackson-Verse - Chapter 20 - Xifos (8)

They saw the dark-haired man turn to another of the guards, while he pulled out a knife, and the other told him the rule that they apparently had in that place. With the dark-skin man lunging at Perseus, who quickly grabbed the cup and slammed it against the rock before stabbing it into the guard's chest, then twisting it, and releasing it letting the man fall on his back, dead on the ground




"It's not possible.!"


"I don't..."

"I can't believe it!"



Everyone was stunned by what they had just witnessed, who can kill with a simple cup?...

What kind of man can do that?...

Although the first to come out of the surprise were Hades and his son who smiled at the actions of that Perseus.

"Come on!"

Watching the PercyJackson-Verse - Chapter 20 - Xifos (9)

Despite the surprise and silence in the room, they could still see what had happened, with the remaining guards challenging Perseus with their 'weapons' ready to strike him, before Perseus took a small iron the size of a key from a lock, and put it on the rock...

The next thing the guards did was grab their comrade knocked down by Bianca and leave.

"I do not blame them"

"I'd run away, too."

"He's dead now, they should leave him and go."

Some of the spectators commented in agreement with the guards' actions towards Perseus, others amused, some pleased, and still others were astonished.

"Killing with a cup of tea... why didn't I think that?"

"I didn't come here to play who's the best killer."

"But it's my favorite game, didn't you know?"

They saw Bianca bend over the body of the dead guard, to take out the cup, and start talking to Perseus, whose beginning of the conversation, surprised them...

They knew each other, what history there was between them, especially when Perseus looked older than Bianca, but also some worried about that Bianca but that she seemed to be dangerous

"I knew you were looking for me"

"Is that all?... you missed the best part, I joined some mercenaries in Lupus 5, I was accepted, I was taught the business, I made a profit... I was enslaved Percy, do you know what thay can make you when you're that age? When you're 12 years old..."

"I told you to stay in the new Mecca, but you didn't listen."

They saw Perseus react angrily, who ripped off a lamp and removed his goggles

"I was followed by the mercenaries..." I always have them on me, I spent 5 years in a freezer to get them away from you... And you go and join those fake cops who just wanted to use you as bait"

"What's your excuse, Percy?" That you left for something good, that you should cover my ass across half the universe"

"You joined them."

"There was no one left!"

Although they didn't understand exactly what kind of relationship there was between the two, they were all beginning to understand that Perseus was trying to protect Bianca, with the woman not understanding it and feeling hurt because she believed that Perseus abandoned her, so she made bad decisions.

"Stupid girl" Rhodes couldn't help but think at the recklessness and impulsiveness that was insinuated about what they had learned from Bianca's counterpart, it should be logical that, if her brother's counterpart was a fugitive, Bianca's would not be safe being by his side, fleeing from one place to another, and such a life was not life. Perseus' actions were so that she could have one, but the girl did not understand.

The sea goddess wasn't the only one to think so, her mother, as well as several of the more mature, sensible, and analytical onlookers, noticed it. The catch was that these were the minority.

"Analyze everything, and do it well, before you say anything." The Huntresses on the one hand were upset that Perseus abandoned the woman, but before they could express it, Rhodes quickly told her to analyze well, as he had an idea of what they thought.

Not to mention that Artemis' huntresses were starting to get on her nerves, the attitude of her cousin and her girl scouts was another problem she had to deal with; Each member of the hunt after analyzing them, which took them a long time, began to reluctantly understand that this Perseus was trying to protect the girl, which prevented them from considering him like the rest of the men, much to the annoyance of the huntresses.

Bianca instead realized that for her counterpart Perseus was important and that she apparently had no one else, a part of her began to think that she did the same thing as that Perseus, only that her motives were not so altruistic, and that Nico must have felt abandoned when she left him to join the huntresses... but the camp would take care of Nico, right?

Hades feeling grateful because that Perseus took care of the counterpart of his daughter, but also wondering if his daughter made the same reckless decisions... He had to talk to his kids, maybe ask his wife for help to talk to them... No!, maybe it's better to ask Poseidon for advice on how to deal with children or help of Hestia... Hestia, better


If you are interested in reading more chapters of this fanfic or the other fanfics, before they are published here on fanfiction, AO3 and Wattpad

You can do it on P treon:Xifos&Gladius


Thanks to Anthony Baca, Dylan, twistedflame899, Zook, k, kolokolo, Soul, Aaron Clay, Kirito, Sbhat Asfaha, Alexander Cullison, Jose Castro, Sergio Avila Jr, Charles, Edavila, Doom 7bz, Robin DiWinter, Yorda, Red, Wesbrook, John Smith, Bear, DuranteEmrys, Kingjames2332, Hollow_d_wrld, Wat3rF0xKail, D3m0nRulerZ, Stephen Odom, Enrique Cristobal Luna, Christophe Dean, Jake, Leo Clark, Shrimp, Nicholas Fritz, Connor, Lachlan, Aiming, Brandon Ossandon, JamesNic20, Forgotten Frost, julio vega, Connor Lloyd, Godaken, Alex Hawthorne, Roger Gaulke, Kitsune, Jose Vazquez, Brad Rieman, Charles Beecham, WhoisMitch, Ken Harris, Ravunz, Stefan Gottlieb, joshua scroggins, Benji, Rocket22, Luis, Chronicle Clock, God of Wind 200, Alchem, Orioles Enjoyer, Raj, James Cavazos , United Federation, Daniel bridges , XVenomX159, Voidful 911, Malignance, luis a. v. r., Henry, Daniel R. andOettamLassfor their support on P treon


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I don't own the images and videos, credits to whom they belong

Watching the PercyJackson-Verse - Chapter 20 - Xifos (2024)


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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.