The Egyptian, October 19, 1956 - COnnecting … · Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1956 Daily Egyptian 1956 10-19-1956 The Egyptian, October 19, 1956 Egyptian - [PDF Document] (2024)

The Egyptian, October 19, 1956 - COnnecting …· Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1956 Daily Egyptian 1956 10-19-1956 The Egyptian, October 19, 1956 Egyptian - [PDF Document] (1)

Southern Illinois University CarbondaleOpenSIUC

October 1956 Daily Egyptian 1956


The Egyptian, October 19, 1956Egyptian Staff

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The Egyptian, October 19, 1956 - COnnecting …· Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1956 Daily Egyptian 1956 10-19-1956 The Egyptian, October 19, 1956 Egyptian - [PDF Document] (2)

-~ THE" EGYPTIAN/ ~ IS.A~ Creeks Hold Own . Political Conventions

l ~ SllItliem IlIInlis Unlflrstl,. Cartl Dn" I ~ . Illinois, Frtlb" Omlln 11. 115&

~~;~ 'Magic Memories' Win Be serUJ rbi , Jist of fortbcoming ITIO"-

auditorium II 2 and 8:30 p. m. on • . :: :.,'\"!:: I:'d"Th<u;:'; 1956' Hom' eco' m-Ing The--::me Suhda)'$. Single admissiOn will .

, oU~~n:!:7n~~~;;.~:,~,~ Health Ed In ~~: .. ~~.~, lib..., tn~"!y'~~on:.~~o s~ • '. I • . ,

happerungr" the Creeks Monday B . . M S S:J!ucm~:on In~dt~: ~Y~2~.1. "~Iaf.ic) r"'lcmorics" will be t& It\'Ulmg ~c:d ClDdldut5 for the eglos .. nominltingcon\'e!1~Wedne5ICb}' mil)' purdwc seuon .: ~ 2;~i~ ~~i~~~l fonhcomU'lg all-sdlool dcaion C • I ~'ening It Shryock auditorium progwns,S2.50 or Uxtccn Reynolds, Homecoming daimun.

Gmr.....,n mgn«! .. Ih< ,,11,.. urrlcu um wilh mud. 'nih ........ d little rM " .50, in Shf)'OCk Audi~um. "hid! U '\ The SIU lieahh Ed . de- attendance. ~ The mM'it:s ITt: ,00... 21, Pt. "i~esI:~ti~c:k~~ tm~'~b :tr studm:~'~:~N'f~=: rtmtnt las instituted ~~~- ~uarith: na:.::: ~.fth ;~:g: ~~,(~:~:nlh::~)~ idi,::.l~~~~~:g "political" ~ah'ity. km. which ~an this faU t~. fSA presidt'llt Gene Aoro'aplain- NO\'_ lB Flamenco (Sp"nilh~. ..... I lK" ""' .... ~_ ... "&

In I sntmg Wt could 0 n I ~ ~t enables a srudC:~lI 10 ohain ing to I curious mc:mbers jug what Ott. 2, Los£ i;lounduies (Amni- oommjuee Ind tht quet'.n ·candi-have b«n made more: realistic:~' thiS £;all t~. ~u er.ah!a - stu· the: ISA meant .lo the: uudcnt. an)., Dec, l b;. Monsier \ ioo-nf .dateswillbeinaoduced, tdaision camc:ras and supporte:rS dcnt 10 obtaIn hIS maRa s dc:grtt. ·,'It is m l5oo",tion for the: in- ( Frene:h'); Jan . 6. The BrlJn. of 'The: Queen" CorolUtion ""iIl ' ot " Joe S~.ith" , six sororities and 1bc:rc Irc: Iwd'T (oune5 in all dependc:nt students- I) the bcspc:c_ Sr, Trinian's (~riti5h); !In, be al 7:30 p. m, in Sru,'ock Audi· 10 fnte:rrutl~ ftonvhc SlU eam- six h,:hidJ m ne:w to the HaIth taded preside:nt Q~' • "and iu f\ lac:c:lcMn Ir- Umronn rorium. pus \\'ett ~I~_ _ Edueabon de:pmme:nt_ goal is 100 prD\i de £e:llowship to Fe:b. 3. M."'n - Of On Oct. 26 at 6:30 p_ ;., a pep ~- Da\id T . Kenne:y, 1SSlSUt11 One: or the: ne:w courses is w. NUdenu through 'al ac:thities." Fe:b. 17, Blnh of nlIyand bonfire: ",ill ¥ hdd near ~ of .£O''ttIlmmt, ~-.:d.u litled "Hc:aJth Ap raisal of School Following the question Ind In- 31 , Wher~'c:r She: tOO time: Mr. and Miss Fmb-

rhamcn~ fOf ~ n.ll~' , ~th ClI.i1drc:.n", The ~Uf$t' indudc5 a ~\\"e:r sc:uion Dean l. aarl.: o"" 'is n ) , Apnl 14, A man wiU-be iMroduced. Frahmen • B. Wdh~ Phi Tau, arung pud\' in 'the: role of lhe: teaCher spoL:e: to the: lundful 15 10 ,,'lut ~rl~' dC\-d~mcnl of will alKl be gh-en the: frc:sbng n

as pl~ cha~nnan_ . in ihc: he:~hh appnisal or the: direction the ISA a n taL:e:. \ I~ the: motIon Oith, and Ihfy .will throw their Mixed ~nl wu ~'ldent school chi ld. Onh' wde:nu who "It)us to meet the: n~s [or rllms l ; 1895 ' I bc3niC5 In rhc: bonfire..

among the: putICIp&nts, as lom~ Iu'T Nd Hulth ' Ed t" 450 the: !iNdent whose: needs art not Mu),Quec:n ofSc:ou.IB96 Afle:r the: benlirc:., the Home-~ \'Oicm _ \i~ .protesilrc:. eligible for the c:o:::_1on curre:ntl~· 'met", 0~"i5 wid. day Troublts. 1902, A Trip . 11 "N ' h M FaU.:' . gamst the nonu~oru bc:ing.ser- .. . _ "T\\'~nty fi\'e: per ttnt of Iht Stu- f\ loon, 1903. The Grn l :;;I~ pr:;;.nttd;~ S~ Audjl fled ~~ tbc: tdc:pbo~ the: nlglu ~1c:t~s and ~b!~als In denu It StU commute: and a I.rge: Robbe:'1'. 1905,. ~~ B,' ron 8 15 FolI -Idor~_ _ FllIuly life: Educau~ 1$ anoth- group Jj,'r In pri\"lIt homc5. -nc,. er ... IOO6, . Poulblll'tti or A the:~ya~ Que!",~:~~fi

An u:arnpk ,of, this .appoca~ cr of the: courxs designtd 10 en- should hu'e I chance 10 belong to In The . Air, 1912, Qli«n be: held in the: Woody Hall I..ounge. "'nr Eldon_- Kltln, SI~ :: i!J!~theltUd~n ltor~onafl'".uten.i I wouk;d b\T exprosion," ~. WIth S2nh ~hardtl . Ie! AI 101_ m. ~ Homtmming

~~\~,"~id,~~nfust: p~:~~I~~\'e~r~o, No w!'t ':~:' no(':.i:~· ; Paadt: will get undttwlY. T hi s minute ••• ",!Uk 1 check my 'COm- Instruct in \"arious phases of fam-~ wild disorganized con: !\lay I::!, Incorrigible: (Swedish I j yeu the: rarade has I tbeme. AU rniltmmts!~· ily life: tducation. fu sion. Pr~W'e mlno-ed wrply May 26. Mmde ~.>\mai. nCMumuSlfollowthttNrnc:"Mc:m-

Early In the program, before Another C:OUf$t'. " Methods Ind Ind dJic:iwlh,_ an ) ;lbcCcntleman'i nRoom 6 ories or a.ildhood fn" the: 'I'Gb"l hM ~, tbt attend- Mllerills in Stcond",rxt School Spri ng Fc:Rh-a1 ciuinnl n, dw Binh ~ A Nation and 1bc:: J»ndt "'111 begin It s..Qo I.ntli, the queen I (Dun, and t h t Health Eduarion ," is designed 10 ofriccrl. srudtnl council r~nxn- ' Ul'-t)· films a.n only be- aurnd· ". T ekia' E' 0 more and come down Unn'Ull!T 1956 homtcoming queen candi- show the prospeah'e: tcachtr tht: uti\'t5, Iht hornc:c:oming qu~n an- c:d with I ~n tid~, uce In u Y ~ S}-p!lln. an~ . , '- f SIU. Futurtd In the puadt

dates wm:_announwl. fund~taI pfOCC$lc:$ in\'oh-ed, in didate:. h~r coun Ind Itt tndants . Must Have ' l Wh' th F" , WIU be me queen •. ~ ~ n... gub ~.,. od<a<d S¥n, Ih< lOOting or hodlh «I",,"on .. ~'" no~n,,«I. Free TIckets ' ere s eIre. n .. 3 ~d~ b. £no""",,,, """",

day. ~ .. 1,4. by \ 'Obn3 In each the: secon~r)' I~~_ A ~nera l e:nlhusilsm was nottd. Tomorrow I Ii' hes, organl~ . hotRs. Ind. otbtr 01 the , ndnidual Crc:t'k houses. l'htre Ire: thtcC Idditional cour- but the: amfidc:nt handful who 11- T H . . ha 'l Campus Cops Lead F-remen to MISSing Fire . SIU organwnons, Tbt 5-1 U

Afle" I 1'Ott count had_ bc::t:n I'tS II the: 500 Iet·~ W I N\'C juu knd~ the: conl:cntion -.ned to 0 - omecoml I'C ~nll . noon B GI Hupe. t hii instrumtnb, At anI' ralc the: marching band. ~nd 47 ar~ ~gh taL:m 111 d:ae platform d::o.a.irman, begun primarily for WOIL: On the: be "Igorous d~l(c lbe Ine:ndantt_. 10 N,e: lhelr pl~-rUrN 1.1 - • 1 fl. ~ he ' f w:hool bands '1'.'111 liso paroopate:

• • idtd by ~1Cr5 ~ on the: mutft"S_ "or COUEst: I'm ~.try much dis- h~o~ fr~ n~L:tu to for Ihc: 1951 0.oclisL:. Pictur~ A p~le: of ~rrung leans adde-d the ~r~Jd~'~fi: ~~t ~_ in the WPI Homecoming parade .uge and In Ihc:: auchenc., the: , Il'l5Iod Ind dlsappo,nttd with the corni ng. Mon~~ 'i be talM at i';aufTUn StudIO a 5J'uk of o:otemcnl ~ o the SI U d " he: to Ihu:_ ~ . ctual nominatioru from tbr noor ... attendancc", Floro said "With!O II I . m .. III the . Ill inois An~. ampus laSt rtlon_day noghl. ~ I~ 10 I lCene: or the: burn- At 2 p, m. the: SalulW ..... i I I "'tttinaod~. Woody Hall morl (han 5,000 indc:pt:ndc:nt sru- Ion I~ree 5hX3enlS '1 Hours It ~udio al e: <)1. m. _ Tht ~-Io-sc:nous, bUI CQnf~ ' IngJt3\e:s. play Westtm lIIinois, Duong half·

'Ilw: Creek', u:ted a VOl! eount- de:n" h.c:rt II SIU. onl), I rew ~ a~I~. t.o ont of .. S:.~O p.m. on wce:L:d""i; 9 a. m. 51on-cauSIng blue: occurrt d In BOY5 in a 'e:ry lind of dIeM time ttrcmoniC5 nOli winnen and Ing proccdurt bncd on one \'Ote H C "I wtre: inwc:srtd enough 10 IMe:nd Ing ~'·~I~. The:y Will gl1"e:",hl l1l ,o noon on Sa'urda,~. • front of .AnI~ony l-Iall lboUI ,~ ,- from pajamlls 10 BVO'. ,urround- house doc:onrion \\innc:rs will be foc ad. group. ' ,hditiduaJ \IOting ouse ounCl 1M JSA ncminllion_" 0 10 the fill( ~n, 10 101 \' Sl1J SfudenlS ate rc:quiltd 10 pick- 10 p. m. ~ll:Ing tilt, fire cd the: naming luf pile:. announced.

was ~t _ pcnni~. 15 the. tntlre H M t· 1 The: ISA. lud $till out more: thin 1 9~t~:r:d:':~~ ;~ttl~Lc:t51\lr ~nd " ctum proofs in pc,non tO I:r:~7;:,,~nd Ioc:al con~ubulafy 1M fireme:n. afler uccruining Su sho", ~t 7 and 9 p. m. organ,Ubon cast 115 '"OlC togcthtt. as ee 11Ig 1,000 po nied 11m11 ihc:c:.ts 10 man,' be ' -c\t '11 be ~' ~I d rlC1Ufe mlX'ups, SludlO Char_ .s \V'I 'd f Ih~ blue. was in control Itft tbe: Morgan. T b t ~},ax ftumbtr WlIS 2.1, Ind ~ ' . houi0t5. on campUs 'nd .~rr. It Nd !:d in&'Tu~~~~ ~., ' an~nnoun- ~ ro~ uling ObelisL: pic:turC5 Ant~":rHal:'~7:c~.e:.~ ~:: Hr:_ scene: . ~ CfOwed. dispc:~, Ind Buddy M~ :k~ ;d2r=,~1 :;; optr:~na me: ~:~P::;in::r~hl; d:b~n~~:r:r ~~~~, ~!:~ - gypu ,aIr SI, 15_ He ,ol~-his roommate:. Joe: Huracy, iliea:Aa:~~n?7-i:~lr~o;;IS~i;:n~n ~'oc:L: Auditorium~ ~~ ~~. lor CKh._ The: Iargtr groups. for u- h.ouSt counc:il or Woock Hall Mo:t- ts. But d~ilt thisonh' a ftw pc:o- Free Short CourHs ALL.SCHOO L BO NF IRE fibou~ II ,..d Joe: "limed 10 all the · 1m .• a conom by the: Johnny Long Imple:. ",ith 35 members protnl, da,· onighl \Jilh the inb-odUc:tion of pI e: came to a-prw thtir opinions.. Being Taught by SIU 'II--sc:hool be f" '11 be: "] .:!d:unrn:l. h r r' I . ~n \\i ll be: ghoen in the: Na-wOI;'ld M\"ra "ot.!ng JlO1~'CT of 1.14. ~ mttnbm. Bc:c:L:y ~c:rrk sc~ior dau p.tcIi- A series of-no tuition. no credit. held n"'l alhe: \'-1 ~~d:~t \U nion n u7e:s I IJI~:~d~cJ thl~r ~~ I~':~~ N~ PAR KING tional C~n:I Anno!)" . " ,hilt I g;up ",th 0~1} 21 ,:1 less Aftcr inlroCuctions Donna t N_ ~e~t nomlnff. \'011X~ her .dj~~. Won counts arc being oflc:red b~. flulllelu . A ~ft ball ~imc: \,ill be s~ncd u!PmOlof, and loared ~it:hl The:re: " 'Ill be no poUling on Tht: Cindertlli. &11 "'II~ ~in \ Iould ha\f; a nat voung po 'tt of pbinc:d the: main objc:-c:ts of tilt r:nt'd:;I'r but \us optimistic: SI U dh'ilion of Ic:chnial and I Pb\~d ~t 4 p. m. Suppc-r will be: past Anthon" H aJJ and OUI into the: S. Unin 'rsilY A\·e:. from..B a. m' ll l 9 :30 p. m_ In thc: Nat:J.orul­on~ I of ch conidor p rnident: I .. ~~ I~~rt'd ' . d bu ~du l t education with. the coopcr3- W"f'c:d in ,he V11 Sludt'lll Un- the: counll\': 10 noon on Oc:t. ~ i , ;-':0 one \\iJJ1~~AtmOr)':IlJ~fY ~l.n&nd r,an iUri:'';,:'\h:,\\t1'el:~ ..... uOf~ 1 I . To lak ~tk idC'4s hom ~n in:r~t(d e cn:~~~~:, 'so i~ rion of. high schools "hert I h c illn_ . The peOple: atound the file: \\crc be ",t1o,\(:d 10 park from S~'c:amore: F~ I ~ ;\oPI~~O ~ m break. fllxnuting number_ as rnc:.mben thc:houw: ~u1K"ll. . WIll become~:' I ho ," she: coune I ~ taught. _\her tht ~nfi't a d~n« \\111 ~mingl~; confused n 10 \\hc:ther to Gr.Jnd, bo:au~ of th~ pamt fut "'ill t: ~'c:d-in the Uni\'a. £"ltd - nil I throu!!hout the: b. To lnltrpre:1 tht I~ of SOlid. pc: Thc:sc cou.rscs mUll ~ requested br hdd ~I \ , 1. All SIU gude:n" lhere: wu In'<ttRc:, blau:. or the: hal is dtedultd to come: ~th on . 'CU .

~Ily, ~~tI~~g .. an I~ .co~; 1;t:lii~~J:;~don ~~i~i~~:::, • AnOl!~r no~inc:c, Mlr$h, Spa. ~~ 7:b'h:ld~ 1~:O:~~he[:/~ II~ \M"iI«! 10 alle:nd. fircman naliguor Iud a wrong look Uni"e:nity al I a. III. S-IticL:ee;'f~t 111 the Homec:om-t lnUOUS proaw of hcad~nnng p niulion tht h 'd f cc: ~ , Wid thaI If the: ISA wtre: a c:ouna IS 10 bring the: hrma lip- - . Students will be Illowed 10 puk ing aaiv'iries "ill go on .k Mcm· I? dc:tmn! ne I group:, 5ttenSth; . t'ttrs fTl('Clin ~u:nd c::,r:;n::ino ; ))Qlounl pcmef, il ,~"OUI,~ ~~uJ: o-datc on any ne:w rnrthod. ,hit Candidates For School on SI U pi!!.. i"g lou, C\·tn if l~' d,y. ~' ,.;11 be .told in d:w Snt--

Eafly In me: SotMJon, a .. monon gQOd 'd gs In a be.ue:r org~nluuon. AI mil" conc:t'rn him. do nOl h" 'e: puking pemulS- tknl Unton and In fronl of Old ,. !,AS made ~: the Theta XI frale: r- 0!ai'= e:ior ~ 'al 'lOll or ~ng IWKe: I )'eJr (~I homccom- i"ht councs tq be: held on ;\0- This will hr: for that day only. Main .

, r~ n:~g~:~ :.:ri:£ h~:; ~!IKj~~ 101 I~Y f.1~r:n. ~~nl l~d t~~~r:i:!n~~:tI\'3l) tbe:re: ~bc:t 12. art ; Benton ~lgh Elect"o Announced Dolphin Club lniated 0 of ~~'jng t \:ng~~';h ' cou::nd~n~ndanu ,~:e:gsc:Jc:ctu:d~' De~n Oa"i, also .spole: or polilit rlonoc;,;, ~I:~': ~np~d. !~i~t:: Inn , ua }, 11 CI" n . e: seating 1. W indo,,'s, Ruth Emgee ~I power. He:. OUlbntd Ihrcc: ques- prof~r in the K:hooJ of agncul- Cam S Qu 1'- t t Irra~:;:/~u,e ;rd- 2_ Uhran' Btm· G",Fonh. lions that, the group should Isk. lurt; Sltcl(""\'iJle H igh School. a "1\ gid s "ill be: running lor Eldtr ind \I~n' Ruth 1"twlin _ pUS, ponsors een'"\IUD es

. en se tctJon ont can- 3. On cU.'pm, C.nol llwrron ~nd lold o.f tw~ roles lhe: ISA plays c:oune on f~nn managtnKm b~ 11(llIlC1:Omin Queen In Tucsdu·. Thrce st~dt'lli.s ,rc: Iic:C"li np: e:itt- '. ,k a ldart lwI betn ,~I~ed ho" - -1 . Studenl Union , Kav Camp. In ,~he unl~'c:nl~" Han'C:Y s_ \ t oads, InSlructOf In !he: 1111 ,<Mol ~tu,on Krording '10 lion for the: Spring Festil"al Chair- 1hc: DoI~hm .au~ • • M1~ly- On ~o'" 9: "':d 10 d.t fust rt't:r, the Theta. XI ' rD;Ide rc-quot bell -. Stt.all~ II be: I ~!itia l fortt , tehool of agri:ulrure:; Spana I h~h 1 .,,, "~II, Sludc-~1 Counc:iI c:Ic:t"- nun. JKk Thatc:ha Richard Small f~rmcd .me:n s s\\"lm~~ng _organw- ~o\\' ~III begin at 7 p . m, and ror an~r ~Ion_ 5. Handbills and Tags, Sand, pnmull~· f .. ht uktd~· Should it Sc:hoot-, '" course: on dllin' produc- Uun ~ha lf ' and Tom Sill \\ili 'be runmng for uon. \~-III prtsc:nl In mtlwy n~w e: s«on~ at 8:-15 p_.m: •

T"htir. ~-'O"/rc-qUUl, to . heir Sin~lar . be a polotlc;a' fo~. iCrond,uy?" rion b), Ilo'llrd 1-1 _ Ol~n, a))w "'lud('nl~:~i l1 \ 'Olt for onl ... one: !lUI office:. ~nd dlffe:rent ~.'" C\.~ ~n on The: poet of ,dmlss:on for acL . he: quahficauolii of the: candIdates "On S da 20 fr I] Or should It comblnt itself with ttnl proftuor In the: Khool f g I d f he " \1 i . tlK' SIU eampu5. for 11, fl rsl In- pttfonnanc:t' ",,11 be SI S. 1$ ~' wen nominated, ,,-as de- to J? IIUl .J" Do ' omthcr I. ~i Stronger groups." .nd trv to rt:Kh riculturt. Trico I libh Sch~/ ~ J: lf lor qhe:e:n an ~rur . OI f~ ll\'bc: ~~ or Ihe: ~nioB ~~n h fOf nual \,'ate:r show on No\' , B,-IO, Prooetds will go loward pa}ing

ni~i~::riat[:;t session, diis Ix f-;;~~Sib.c:L: ~d:~g ate:C;;p ~~O~~~~I~~~ 'cl!le ~~'3~e: ~= co~ ~n-'dai~' prod~lon b\ ~~~dl'~n~~nbaSi~~lng " , ~~dl~~/F:rri~. ~~k ~th:~r: ~~::~. 10 Eadc Bittn, c I u b :m e:~~~u~~~, ~~~ .. me n:que. was .oittd by the: sra~les. .. . group"_ P }-JO\\lr~ H . Olson. am~~n t 1'10: '-\". c:a ndi~al" lisu:d ~n Ihe: bil- and ~1arg~ Ritchie: ar~ running me dub's prcsc:nulion of I h e: the: ICUIl goes each 0uistma5 ,-a-­Ddta au delegation, but the: or- all Tbc:~ ;:' 11 be,1 ~;: o~ On the: lber I 5lU- T~~; ~/~ = 1 of agncu!cult, I(~ \\1 11 . be In alp~bclla l order. for n C"e-presuicnr. DenniS Pcrry b w"'te:r mow, at Ihe: Uni\'trsi~' Pool, cation for I training trip, Expenso g1-niutionl9'OUld onh' 10 giw tbtit d ~nlC 10 3~ ~m~r~ n~ dent who commutes ",nd who H\·cs 5Oil~ and gftni lizu b a ;Uj o~ ~lndld"'lC::S runnonLror 8~n unoppostd ror ittTtIa'y'trc:asure:r. will mark tht ~inning of " Big c:s wert praiousl}' JIIid by the: in­candidate', nlmt • I)" at ;, In Irs, C\\lntn, in prh'~lt homes, g~ I duna: to Pttcr V .}' r

f, o.cp ~I{ ~ t ~TUC't. J.ane: ~'. Y Running for junior ru)$ of- rime ~q uacadc:s 10 the: SIU cam- di,·idu.U. Many ocba c:olltges aUo

"Wt'K only fip.ting fqr prind- a~n.' . d' . I 00. d ' lI N"e: the: \'Oi« of expression , the: agri~~ ~s;...n~o C5loOt In Aut: Eadie:, . 00r0l~~, ~~lmKltt~· Jo fioc:rs ue: B:ob R\;PF Ind Bill pu~ , " lhe: preside:nl ~dc:d_ 1M ~cnd the "inta mining trip. r~ not to stall thinp," said OM \VednalaU loa . ~ \\ 1. Tn It t .1 "Tb.:: JSA d-toul.d go in thl: ...... y . nl. nne: Homn: an '1"'$ a. Spxt"·. presldenl : !'\orda ungrc- Aquac:uC'~, I " 'omen ', ,,,;mming The: Dolphin Cub. forrmtd u. Ddm o,i spoleanan_ "W~ WUlt rid' y~1 10.30,!n ~lIu Brac:k- the: xhool 5bouJd ...... nt il 10 SO", il an 'l mm the: nta4 of the: (on- p;t'~g l~i\n"lddJ~1S ~ dtr Ind Marcu SP~" "ilX-prcsi- club. will a~ist tht Dolphin Oub. spring, and unda- the: t'IIlItIagc of to gd dtinp dent from tht: con- m."A~$~~rtmt~il - I du.' Da\,iiKlid. ltan't!utvcrylong.i£ mtualtJ." 1~ . ' ~TlC . or;:' te:~ dent; Ind Dale: Coud, ~"IIry- "~1r. Uolphin PreK'nu", the: Dr, William W. J:feusnc:r. has . ' -e.ntionfloor, ftatbY pretious~m- men \\il~~~n ~:OC~: , mlon, ugcnll M, ilt rn.a,surct: na~ of the: show, ,,-ill be: a "' ___ le"o mcrn~ip ~[3~, It illll. hon?r-

rmtments !DIM btNun organlU- rion I'OOfIl at 10 Oct. 29 .. V ti g Pr d 1 Id Acres Student Union C.andu:Utc:5 for Cre:UlnlCn Sru- \-an~' ~'JlC of program, Eight ary I!K'n I S\\'1IMnng fratenuty._ bon"," 1'ht . ' d- . cd 10·30 0 n oce ure A • dtnt Council reprOt'nraun'S art: t:nttmining leu are Khtdultd. E1igibt1ityis

Tempm: an hit for sc:nnl mtclmg I JOWl' It . . ~U , Board Meets Mondl, Herman Aytn;, John SIW, Gloria The pror-r. indudts In ubi- who hl\'f; kttc:rc:d in the: Wltu sport

=r~;:m~s~tin~n::~ '~ 'Shlt Fair' on • • .- . s.-.u~'f;~C::.h~~i~~ r:!::: ~~;. ~~, ~: ~~::~I Jo~~ ~~)~ aathc:~S~~t 8:k,I~~ :rcs~d~:Wli~ utqJtional in-tbf' Ddra Oli, Thm Xi, and Sig_ Moyl. Hour MondlY Three Poll:ng Places In!! uf t1~ "car at 7 p. m. Monda), Joe: Gny, R.ic:hard Nlge. Jay })Jnlomimic: c-xhibitions Ia" yc::ar n.c: SIU m)ptt'f 15 the tla-c:nth ,na Pi fNtemiries, daUtngtd some- ,. U nl~hl. All ~f the: 17 mcmbe:rs \\'tre IlaWiusscn, Mat)' Kay lIL:e:)". gained much popularilY; a "-".&cf adminc:d to the: narional du; of of lht zWes gowming th.c: voting ..'1,111 ~ ,~. Jlnt! G3~~01 J'IlJot'1lL Ind the: pbn~ for the: com- Marcia Spcnc-rr, Susan Teschner. Lolltl by the: AquaetttSi bncy di\'- dolphins. Induded in the nanonal }wotdUR'. ~ IJllU r ,I,n lbe:: on~1 scrc-c:.n. "~ In ordc-I to VOle: in llot Ca. be: itt up inside: thcst Ihfff pb~~, i"~ \'ur wne: disc:Usstd, Marslu Rae: VanCk,a"e Ind SIlly ing; c:omc:d~' ditling: tighl land chapta Irc: the Uni\-u-Pty of 1JIj..

"How an loI't: IKUmI: rWtI if :;:.n of. S~Ie: FI Ir I Mon.dl}: In 23 -flc:ai.o"" studenu m~1 dlO" Sludt tJ 'be do h 1ll'lf I'~ns lor a homc:c:oming Roat Wrighl, ( ownbc::n ,nd lhe: .election or lhe: nois, NonhwCSUt1\, PurdlX, 10\,,,, J~ a~'t wri~(" ~id Eldon ~nl\'m.HY Sch~ Audltonum. actffitr tic:L:«:" D) _he: work- ac:ti\'i ' n.

d..... . h not I\'e ~ b- Wefe: and rour corn- Gaylord l'Ia~'dc:n is.running u~- Oolphin~~n. 10\\-a. SI.1u:: Michigan Statt, Wis-

Klan, Nl connc:c:tlon ",Ib I K- \\11l ~ proudes homc:spun m at the poll. Amn!)' w eu will . t:< u ~ " ?I . them. ml) 0 I1I1Ucn we:re: set up. 1nc: commil- oppcned ror the: sophom*ore presl- The: hlghh~hl of Iht aqUK.Ide: collSln\ ~hnnC5OU I nd Tc:.xu, III aJIUIl_ that ~ been ckm.a~dcd by humor W!, ro~1 of ~ncc: be. punched Ind given . hKk along tam an a.u!hon~uon slip 10 ,·ote t~('S wtre 15 follo\\'s: I 'Krrcshmenl dent ,lot. Othe:r ~pho~ore a ndi· will be the sc-kaion a( a dolphin of -whiCh N\'C biggtr mro!1mcnts the Sigma Pi , on d.t bo.sis of an and mmtdJ ~I.nst the fillr back_ " ?th the: ballot,. aoc:ordmg ~o ,Son- by plUCntlng ~~ fee "",,'e:mcot c(>mmittcc". cpporuiblt fQf the: date:) are· lviat)' . Kay R.ldu.rds and qUCt'n. . . .'- • than SIU _ _ .

• .-mx bJ tht.e:ounten- grou,.,:ds of ~ nu.dwcst.. • rue , Unb'tr, Stuiknt Council pres.i_ car~ .at a doL: In .the. s tudtnt e .. kn.. and other refrnhmc:nll I t JCfl)' G rucn, na:-preslde:n t: a nd H e:r mil~ WIll rc.o;ro It the:. 1M n"'tlonal Dolphin Cub ~ ~t wu liken. In d tnO\'le ... ,1I begin II ~:30 dent. U~Ion . whtre:. authorization t1lps d4nc:.t" a h.ou$t. commiu«". for Diant Finle:.y ~d QucL: Gibson, Nationi! Auoc:iation of lntcr<.ol_ orginatcd II the Unh-asity of D·

DIIe Coad. 'l1Ieta Xi, ,,""u win-~ 8:30 r' m. SJU ~ U~,~. Voti!'J booth. will 1. Set up bt- "''JU be: 1!oWtd. • the decorltion, o( the: U n- ~r}'_treasum. Icgille: AhtlttiC1, I regional ,wim- linois in 1921, Today, it is (Dft.

". ." • small.70 nwpn O\'U AI_ ~ty ~II :~~~~""Ib ~'1ty hind dit election worws tables. Tbt: Homecoming queen. c.Q&l." ion. a pUblicity ~itttc, for the: 'Four candidates Ire running for uiing championship mc:ct which liderc:d ont of their nujor r::ampw pba KappI Alpha candidate. Lc:i- tlc:~ ."''' . <;I1iI,1?" 20c, smglt The ballots must bt marL:ed ",it!J and atte:nciants', ~nd the: Spring pobttts anlf~informalion .bout the: freshman cl.a.55 presidtnl1" 'f"he)' \\i ll be held At SIU nDOt , pring, programs. tbI ~v..rl , fOf the- junior d"s adDlmwln " , 11 be 3'k. In "X" and droppc-d in the: daig- Festival c:bairrt"lln \\'ill be ,·ottd for Ihr diners anJ Iht r«rt)lion arc: Jlltk Rtgan, Milt Drwq'. AI~. Lhc: Aqw be:~u'Y \\ill reign II Dolphin Oub officm .. II fol.. ~ nomination. ELECT OFFICERS n.c:ci box_ ~. all 1JUdc:.nls.. Each dillS will C<lmrniucc:, ' " 'hid:o (OInK coffee O\.\iglu Freimann and Jim Wbil_ all ...... ·irnming c:\'!":nll Ihroughoul lo ..... s:

o!.. ~~. ~ ~ ~ ad: HtIICmIll ~-as deard Jft" dme~. ~:: in OM of ~ m~~ r: ~~ ::, :;um=: :Ind~ ::~~~ ~~~\;: tbc:Thrti~~nae ",-iU be- ,E.~t~;:r' ~ ~;:!:, u.r. ic Mel DOt bem alJoy.'Cd to 1i}:,1 ofthc: first floorTbompson l , StudtntCouncilmmlbers_ t m haes. - unnt i{,hlmire and Pit McCft: gin on Noy. 8 with only one sbow, g;ud,; Smnaa, ttasuftr, B ob ~ ia ;e c.Jd,, bal- Point. No. 4, fI,~ondlY ni~hl. ~ 2. In fronl oftht Srudtnt Union Lut year 2,200 sruck:nlS ,·o:rd. Tht: dtaions of tbr: of(~ of are- o~ the ~ Ted Pete:rS, lr V'\U Sl&n. at _B p. m_ t;,owcvet. Montgomcry,jPCbl ~..a ~nA btqi~ of a mlwnSt:rSUnd- offia:rs_ unde~ .lJm arc 1"1<7"Pf"CSI- .3. At the ~uth entnntt of he This WIS lhe: most .thu tvl:f , ·ot~ . IhI' ~ wert posaponod unnl the: Georgine S~c:kl Ind Sara Tesch-- on Nov. 9. Fnday In~ No," .10, John Huber, .apnt ...... R.rM .~}l: eonc:enung group repracnu- cl:tnl, 1 0m 1'1111, and ~I)' Har- Libruy . E"e:n n'lm' ~Iudenls _31'} 1~1"-'CIrd 11 nrXl ,~c:ning wh.ic:h has not ba:n ncr arc r..lnmng loe freshman .cc- Satu~}', h4'O p!"Ot'nuQon, "' I I I Pe:nbtnon. ~, uwI Al ..... ru~aham. In ,caw:oln.tD.lrbtpol4....uJ'IOOtI: .tha~,~ ., Un~,dead,~'- ftW)'-~' bel'WD. Oinf, tI::ao..~OUactClC •


The Egyptian, October 19, 1956 - COnnecting …· Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1956 Daily Egyptian 1956 10-19-1956 The Egyptian, October 19, 1956 Egyptian - [PDF Document] (3)

Oa. 16 is Hom«oming. It is idea for all the groups w1Uch the dav .r.ntn III the cOnner stu- entmain alums to show

dents 'of Sou~ a~ wc~ ~t ~~ in beck. Man), art making this the lions u to wlat lu.ppcned fiur. homecoming in many yean:. "antem" or what the nNo'

They \\;I1 ml'C1 their old ~ looks like on the insidt.

:oidt:::;;;;cnt mcmbcn of ~k ~ng~'y ~.~o But tht iChool has challged so think might be alumni don I

mud!. in just the lUI ft\\, yean: tatc to talk to thtm and alia W I.a-et\ recent gnduaus wouM iruonn,uion , Twaty )'tAn Ed lost. So it "wId be • good now rou might « in their WOH.

ITOT You a ncallmean ITOT'cr. chy by th~~ My

• /\ wttl: n«d.5 fewa cia)'I be- more miltakes ausc the profCS$Of'S hair S;m ::;.~ • • " Iongct" and his Ic:cturu mart ••• day by complt,,\" . .. dl~' by thy. The bu- I'm not I

ncb grow morc unaxnJorublc: I:'s Frid.J.y), while thc stairs I Jot 5!«pCf • • • nOWO~LYTUESDA'1-

IN CHICAGO Anthropology Club ·· Or.!r J. Wills, Xling dan Will Meet Tuesday.

' at the chool ol agri~ltutc l Ord ~ The Anwopology Qub ccntly dcctcd co<h..tinN.n 0 mm Tuesdn n1gh! It 7:30 Rutll·Urbln Rdi1tion$ Commillec, in tht M~ Lounge. mveled to1OUago yatuda}' 10 II· mminJ:S are open to

lend I mc:tting of this C'Omminc:e. taestc:d. This group was fonnm with ~M: ,~ club ,oTCio.'B

ide2 of promoting and sponsonng Fllhh.a~. pft'Sl~I : Jon communi[\' act iduc:s Ixtwc:en the c:ntC'namrT'lC'nl dlalmun: rural and 'urh.ln popul ~lion. In do- 1;0, rr~. c:h:.inna~: ing Ihis the: C'Omminec: hopH 10 good, Kunile'S ,l."OOrdmJtor: promote ixuer Ie-blions and I the hculty 3d'1sors arC': deeper understanding betWeen lhe D , \\,int~n!illr'UClOI, 3nd urban and rural Illf,:mhc:n of Ihe- Jc:..In BalN, ~duat e- assist;lnt, romm~niry, • The dub is pbnninJ: I (;,'" r 'nl;n~·rin,

trip JO inn~s.ugalc the- lndiln <:h.. was nicc of (he: U njH'nll\' fons ' in Southnn Illinois,

'-3dminisu'2uon to all off dauc:s 0-;' lal'f' III 'imilu 1('1 the ' H omecoming cb~'. but it was un· built in, Gilnt Ci~: Put., ntct:uaf'\', i\'oboch would Iu,'c wert' bUilt IS drfcn~,,'e forst I ~hou'l\ . h after 1400 A,D,

The Wel~Dressed Coed Selects Jewelry to Complemenl Each Elnsemble of Her Fashion Wardrobe

Follow Her Elllftple and Select hwelry for Your 1956

HOlltaminc Frllll Our Smut Dui(nl

Ray's Jewelry

~~~"1_ .. . ~ ~~I.h QU".'Y-a.._ Prlc •• ~ 1?Jr.'jte~ . ..J •




Come In ,nd Try Ont of Our Delicious



Complele line of "

• COSMETICS • DRUGS • Sch~ol Supplies



Wlld.oot C.aom-On give_ you confld.~".

pricrd from ~1t :.i-$31.9S


Complete Line of .. Clmiu l • Jm • popular



II's Suits Tailored by


A Smart " Joe on thE ' 50!!"

S!leru His Suit fra m One of

Our Impttubly TJi!ortd


Sl n(ll Bruded , 2 or 3

,BuHons. I,y LUIUl Stylyint.

Nurow Lapels



· jOOW.dJICkion

----, SALE-T r'o-\\'hccl all·met·

mila. electrie roaQ(J. child, mining chait. ur~)' guild galt. hard rubbc-r dish dniner, Ilumi­

' nurn lo\\'dl nck, WOmtll'S red hootS, nu 8, all 1 377L~1

oct, 19'nO\',6·

dlnce " i ll ~ held I!pn immC'dillelv (01,

SIU J:.utt m Mic:hig~n tomorrow night.

d3ncing will bt pro­• the bJ"i1iar E~'Ptiin

and a ta lc-nl .how in mr n 'C'n·

Wrts1lint Boli nt Roam \\' IIh In e-ye fut ph~~al Utl'to

the uudcnls II Southc-m SCI aside- I room in Ih c

wrestling Ind boxinG, has nuts on mC' nOCK a f1IiSC'd pbtform II thC'

Are you a nosy note-poacher?

Let'. hoptl noll "" .. 'U~ you know one. The ,.., MIt ..

pooch.'-, chltingulshil'lg cha,. oderidlcs 0,. .,pry hcmcM,. o fre .. looding noM-. and • lo'c:k of friend&. Why! Iec:oUM Ih~ charactet, ,.Ii •• on b0r­rowing oll\er peap1e'. not-.

Nev. r hoi 0 notebooIr., fi" poper or pen to toke IWJtM himloelf, Now 'jUl't thot ,illy? Somebody ought to .. II hint how.ory it it todrap tn for .upplie,- Y".'.,. rtOcb and .Ioda of ..... rythino from ring bindentotypltwrttar ....... So make lur. you nev.N!Oft 10 abUM 101ft friends. Come in ond doCk up today,


The Egyptian, October 19, 1956 - COnnecting …· Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1956 Daily Egyptian 1956 10-19-1956 The Egyptian, October 19, 1956 Egyptian - [PDF Document] (4)


D.ltr CII OIIl~C! An~aI Flln'''', Dfy


Mrs Mariam Bunker. IDCllber of Delta ~ . ohKrved founda:'s T wo Sig T.u

day Sunday C\"ttIing with I ban· chapttt bouse last quet It Tom's RestaurmL Delta were Emign J.d: an ,,_ ·66 )"W'I ~Id Ca. 13. ernUl graduated

T omolTOw High' School B,oh. T,,,! w.~ ••• d Al Jooy s"= .. d lUy Loud" Day· 1 000' Exp'ected

• Sig .fp plcd~ Mr Gene Bunker. pottery InsUUC " •

_.-0 ~'. II """"I""" p*rn~~· ~I' ~;o::a;;~ ~ det: ;:~ f:: cl CAn 1,000 high school upper- ma), ngisttt in the S~~ Un

. ~!en ch,!:~·t ~T~r 1$ a andi~tt [or pu~~~!. ~ ~n:i ~h ~ ~~dj;~ ~\c: ~~ ~:~ for rrcdun.aD Student GouDal rcpreswulI\'t. tchool "Cuest Da}." The juniors ~Ji anr:nd a "antty' shew.' In Stu

ptelident. Mazy IU)' Richards is • candidatt ~d ienlotl ~~l get In Inside ''lew yock Auditorium • •

for sophom*ore clxs presidUlI. I~P~ life. After the thew manbrrs of the i Mary Ksy Ricfa~ is. andidalt llstJt;atlons .htve hem sent to ~ Ind Girls iwlr will guide

• (or sophom*ore clus)rcsident • school~ m ...... tbe 3! ~. the ,Uiton On toun Or the SIU KapP'i Epsilon ruili wed: Judy HuilriS; bas been chosen ~ counors. J'befC .)(noljJnil .

Wtdnesda.y night w it h to repreKnl Pi Omega Pi al its na- : the Dumba- of $tUdenu .and amJ'US: .. cxtlUSi\~l fot rushees. tional convention in Otiaso, Dc· F.nes that may att.c:nd. I. Clark Oms. dircdor ~r ~-

nub ",ttl.: t:s was top- c:cmber 27.29. . 11S1tlng 5I:udents and chapuolltS dent affain:, and Ma. Dnu ,nil by a hou party Friday ! ~ I . ~ as official S,~U bOAeSSCS. It

Delta Sip Hud · fhru XII Pick~Clndldltu ~t and snack bour. II will who came hack for ICllipas Gr'IUps I' Susie KiliJMr is fbm Xi', on. bt:ld on the Wood), Hill

party ' i ewed fUms , Judy Sanders is ~itmJn of 1M chdue for the. Dolphin Quem con. fram 3:30 to 5 p. ro. Tek"e C\'mts.. ronccuions ~ittet". for I.h e ~, spon~ by the SIU swim- The period fram 5 10 7:30

dcconnon them Spmt amumtter· Shldl1 111ng learn. m. will be the dinner bour, wben . hem PBuu is axluirman (IN the I D~le Caw:l is a andidate for the "iutors may go where t h c )' I They ue Jim Ohms brulJ.a51: cmnmitttt. JOInne Fru· kcrt'Ury-trtasura of the junior please to buy their C\"e'ning meal. BoQ Dou~las.. is al?o o~ the b~kf~ com· cbu. • At 7:30 . m. the guests ",;11

~ .JM:.~t.~ M:. ~~":! Ii; Millan, Mr: and Mrl Mu Mit- Maulding AFB.

:::bcn:~l~ ~ !:i ~:~ ~:J~ to board: and Or. R09 Mcr:ricl:. IOnvi.Ue, f1orid..

Emil Sp= Iw b<en d«Ud ptt- Clwl" BlrlIock. sident of the ttudin County dub. Tau I!ctl\"t, is now pbying

Jim McKiniry qd Jim H an· with the BiDy Mty ttI\-ding

!;~d~n~_~~~' !:~td~a~dcn~ urday It Owlc:ston. They will em All-Star JII% _nu •• 'n'~.m,m.

;;khigan~ '~~'~gb7 ~~ iHe n~ Delta 'au is sponsoring an all· M.y OTglniution in ~l ~ in the men's gym Pa. . • . tomorrow n ight, ruturing the Sigma Tau Gamma held m; fall

~~~r ~ :bed f: ru~~1~tl~Ober ~~d

FREE! '"'

Students . Only, .. WYE fOUR DRf.c:a.UIIIIG WITH


T ....


Y· ~d' "NOII,dF.Is.

O STftJ'ntlo.KI.d . VO.'11 LIn II


SELF SERVlC~! In3n taknt show. arc Homecoming

Emil spees, R. K. - Dillinger, John Hunmacb WIS

and Fnnk Wissinger lumdcd I alumni chairman.

~lttee: chlltman .. ~~"t nlltter. JOIn No~ 15 5(:mn& on , Don Billy Ifld Dale Cozad arc a~d the Sm.Eastc:m Michigtn been cs:;.~ \\ iI· the .finafl\% rornmltttp- for Home-- ~-o-diairrntn ror the chapter's footbaU game" in MeA-nmw Stad· LA U N D R O.M A T

men han plIY~ m'o ~~!. Vette is Co-dwrm.ln for domecoming house decontions. ium. J DOORS WEST OF POSTOmCE steering commlttte meeting It R. T . Sulli\"lID wffercd Ownpaign yesterdar for ~on mtum! wrist footlWl two's annual fonhcoming Student He is reported to Union convention 10 he held .it isfaaoriy. the Unh~ty of Dlinoi5. .

fOOlball games to date. publicity of the H ome Ec Ouh. c.o..awantn for the cby arcl:~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~ "ith the Sig and one Joy Va';s and Barb FrInk WiSSlDgtt and Jlne l\liIlcr. the Sig Eps. 1ft: OD the committee:

"'Bud" Loftus, Teke morhn-'s dub. """ r'--""" I •• ; Surowil,;j, a junior, WiS e1ec- PE MEET TODAY Frank Wiwngtt is ro-chainnan Embusy Elects Offlten

~: ~!ro~ii;M'cK~~\'~: h~ et:.:t1~::: !rr~ dccted tn:ISlUU of.the Social' rcttnt bu5iness mctting. RC'C'civ-Senne T uesdiv • ing ~ficcs werc:

Jim Hankin~ .nd Bill Moll will president. _ppcar as guem: on ~ISIL-nl , president and

and ~~ ~ j~~ ~~ ':~}~ aa:: melns i m:~n~ ~~w~:o~~; ~be I'l~th rd Ph)~~t put "'lCd:md_ Loftus Lois lWi'Iis a ondidatc- fOf Cox, • 5Ophom*o~ , was" c;~on 5C'ctlo~ ~ ·the IllinOiS

from SIU in 1950. queen', ('01.111 .. Diane finl~' is I "icc: praidCO·t. calion AssociaODn routs here Morani is the: Teke's poli- ondidatc for Sophom*ore c I. ~ J offia:rs insuUed ,,"ere Jot day. . ,.

~innan (or this year. SCCft"tlIf}'-trusuru. " 5efb'C. nl-al-mns' Chuck The mOl'le' Thr:~' Grow Up

.;r; ......... , .......... ' ~tlaryj ~hl: '~ r;~·~oo~.5hown to the SlflllU Plf~'f 16 Enpled .

,,~ ..•• ~""' ... _ Jrl:~ a~~r:'~ ~~ To:I;~1~, ~~' ~lt. UIl,IO of The Craus-Webbet test for [bY· Linda Adams, Marcia Ball, Mlrritd ' group mel ~iC21 fitness will be upLtine by

Harrisbwg. Monda), .nd· on h"~' S~ith. "",,,,,, .. ,,,,",",, I VI·TV in. St. Louis on Tutsday }o- Jim Mlrun , bouse c:onncction "ith Homecoming Bob Wood, house

Carman, Carol co*cknun, Hdcn Collins, Della Zcu, 10 to discuss 0 1. I·Jden Zimmaman, profcuor

Collcbtusac-. K2y FrInas. Curiel; Wild", Phi Tau. LOW!.ll i ___ iIi& ___ P;_"_;'~' '_f_P_h,~ .. ~a~1 <diiiii~~·~·"iiiiifM~"~_ .. ·JI promotion ICtI\ Itl~ In otha busmcs~.

son of Wood,· Hall was Miry Mlrpm Minor "house queen." She is also a can-ClIODsn Cbllrmen dieate for the Dolphin Queen.

Wilma Bima Ind urol}-n Pill- . Dr. ~ald C. Hil~n of the man are co-cJu;ifmm for l\bl'}' JOUrnalism dep,ifunent 1,+ bouse

~r;eco!::;"s Homecoming ~A~'d J?ossct, rormer!y I _ Emba.m·, u no\\" a house cnunsdof

lois Harris is on tk Home- at Ou~tauq\U.. C1ea~ West, for­a;,ming Stecri~~ eommiltt'C, sen" CAL. 2 _ SOCIETY jng with tht ~nde commintt. mer SIU lcttanu.n .md a gradu·

ale assistant in P. E., is mnaining Auciln, Hln Guests as hausc counselor :II the Enbusy.

Aocia co19n)' has hld sc,·tru SiCs Eps HIVe guest, ror the put \\"eel.:. Bob Jtp- Des~ert P.rt~ . . son, National Tm"t'ling Secretary. Sigma Phi Ep~llon colony had has been on ampus 10 help ~e • desert patty \\'edncsda~' C\'ening colon)'. ~Ir. Jt"pSOn wu graduated \lilh the Delta Si~s at til(:" chapler from Kan~s SUle Coll~. house. 'Three- Sig Eps - Al

~ Aoci~ c:ha~er at t~ Uni- ~~;~' ~m ~~}i~;hl' T:~,d.J~:~ "mlry of Missoun ~ntJI\'~ men Haslet!. ~ as a quann 31

:~ti~Pw~ ;:~~n~a;~~ a:dhBr~ ~nn~tf~st \:k~~et~rop~i White: The fi"e men tame to .SIU rush ~rt}". Follo\\ing the

r 1}iunday for t\\"o 1'UdI. merungt, ~ pl("d~ werc initiated tlihT reruinc:d 10 Columbia. M<.'., colon,'. liSt Su~da~" .l\ l isso .. uri is to be onc Sig Ep's c:andidue for of the uutaHlng chiplcrs when the Queen is Ann Hug~, a c:olon)" btc:om~ a dupICf. man from Wickliffe. Ky. She \'~rious committees and thtt'e the guest-of·bonor at dinner

chairmen recently appoinlee! are: day C\·ening.

~~~t ~~;:~.~i:ncechai::~~ thi~;:~r'~~~~~ ~~~tembcr

Lois Goldsmith, McCann, od~, to Ii i II }Inil% CAmpbell , HatflPd.

Tmie SmIth. Knupp, and 'Odb SilS Hud

. Ribbon plcdg- CIIlP" GraDps Judy Sapden is chairman .

(or atte.nd- the cona::ssions committee . Kay Sue Southern Spi{il committee

candid.ue rhe Queen's Plam. i5 c:o<luinnan for the fast committtt'. Joanne Fruconr i

Shon 3ttt'nded the game at also on the brb.lrJast committt!'.

. for £rcJ.hmm member of Ahce \ ctte 15 eo<hamnm £1"1 . \~~~ ~~~l:~I~~de;l~gt' j J03n. Nor~s i~ senin.-:. on. th~ fi·

$'Iudc-n t ~undl. NoT3. ungn. publicity of the Home Ec Ouh. is ~n.ninJ: for ,ice president Joy D,wis and Bub Chamna;

dlt lun~?r dus. ' att on the committt'C fonning , Sony.!. Kirk has beton sc-Iccud as irnothCf'S dub. BI~b Ownnris.

,\SIU twirlcr. . Alice Yette. and Judy Sanders l :t

on the wa'O' &nd mans commiatC. Pi PI.ns Loi~ K:lla is a andid~tc (or

i will !u,,'c a ina iN . <luct~·5 court. Diane Finley i5 a hers d ~ . d P" lcandidalc ror sophom*ore c1lss sec·

al~ m. a~oJJo,~.~~gat;: ~;:;sufer. Will attend the:

gamc-. ..I $all\! Jo Pinct, Delta Zeta, to Hard=. has bcc.n nom' Tom Cr~in, Delta Clii I

.run as I candidate ror MlrTid

s~~/h.:~so~co~r;~~~~ Hdc-n CoJlins. Deha leu. 10 I

~an:~~~tcrcol l~giale Ath- ~~~n~V~ ~:~~. ~r~lt~ HatEiefd. . mt.n ; Jitk Pfiffer, rush c:haiT- Sig Eps opened their intramural

min; Jim Rowv national initia- footMU season hy wling ThE. tion i Del WaChtd. iChobnhip; On the tcam au Mll: !\blone, Dca:n Carr, intumurals: and Philipak. Dutch Sch,~d," .. '''''''ll' I " ' ~':" QlUck Schroeder, constitution Holascha, Jim Whitmore, and petition. Onen. John BcrcPler, Roger """'.1""""')'

Initiation of fall pledges will Carroll Dow~en. Nonn MOOl'r,

~t:l.~ at the ~gubr mttting an~o~\~~~ir~m consists of

Nonn MooH'. Stach Adelman,






W. SpocIIIlD 1.-' NItIII.n ... t •• . S.III, Faill.nd tor y,. Alin., Y,.n wttll O.r ",.anent WIY., Slyl. Ctl In. set. •

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The Egyptian, October 19, 1956 - COnnecting …· Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1956 Daily Egyptian 1956 10-19-1956 The Egyptian, October 19, 1956 Egyptian - [PDF Document] (5)

S~lukis 8C@e With i;ste;;"';i;;~~,_ "MI·c' hl'gan For 2' nd 'in 1'1 A C ;~'YJ!l":..':: :h.":.!Dli=~~;:;' ...... ;n'lromb. . !luin 60 pla~ who ~~ out \Uf's team are Aden Hill (6-2),

'. . ~;;-;E?;~): p::: ~~~=h~v~ 1bt baule for second place in speed mlY r~tw:e . mu )'C2I', H~Dds~ (~I): Alton; Oifrord

thr IntenUh': Conference nee will Gr k B wi' I ' al "Juad. TallcsI: munung lettemuD Ouistian (6.-4), Patoka; Don Me-uk< pI"" hq, ",mo","" n;gh' u ee 0 109 ntramur ' S ;, , ,5 !,my Vludod<. ~'ho u tk ,:;,. (6,5) . 0.-,; Tom H.I"", the SJU ~ukis play host to the ~ 0 top p~ Eor the It2rtlng a:nter (6-3), Albion: Richard Hughes Wan MKMg= H~, • .l!lIl1'ue pens , . po"ti.n dU»""' , (6-2). Slu"~,, ; J~ Gonul" (' .

'Boh lcams sport 1· 1 confert'nCe ' By JOt MtloS! O\'cr a touchdown to ~n e.a\: by the Othtr lette:nnen turrung out for 10), Gnnite erty; Don Cuny, marks and are currently tied for The '.i e!lenic Bo\\iing I.n~ The touch footwll intramural last R~ 6-0. ~ . ,W h.i Ie beginniDtmdrill' "'Ue C2puin Cor. Amon; ~n.cI Don Ot.Idac:d : (6-2) I third in t~ HAC. The 5cama place opened ·!ts 1956·57 season \\red· progmn h now in full swing wilh House, I~ a g~me deeded ~. don ·Lam (6.2), Seymour Dry- Edwudm.1lt: I tarn, Illinois Nonnl~, howC\'cr, ncsday., Oct' . 10, ~'jm iall )'Q(s all loops ~nning ~ction this downs" nl~pcd the,.: Qp\\·n, . "J!w: .on (6-4) , Warren Talley .,<6.) , ~g the: ~ promisinJ: ~C\~'-",jJJ meet league.leadlng Central champIOns, Sigma PI defeating Sig . .... u.k. ~me \115 t~ed 0-0 after regulauon and Robert Wdoh- (ti· l ):/ . c:ortlefI are two Southern Dlinol5 Michigan in a ~me which prob· ~ Phi .Epsilon, leo by Wall~' " : . In IhlS ase, ~e decision is Another leu,erman •. Manon Rmlr- gu.rd~, Ridd.rd (hch~') Jones (5.

and dh-ision. Iht iosr:rs with a 45 3. eel Monday lind 1.uesda) . Wit h dOWn!. The ClolI't;ls 'had thrt.e. at lhe. end of the football season. 7) , West Fntnkfdrt. ably will Sl'nd '~ormaj, inlo sec- Rees' 493 smes. Roger Bush lee:! Fn e iChedul£d~amcs~ere ~I.a~. 1:1\'cn to lbe team wlm the mw ing (6-3). 1$ cxpa:ted to repott 8). Herrin , and Don Griffin (5·

Afta l osin~ its. 61,lCning , loop l n an~ ~Ich. Delta Oi de- tbeI~ th~~~IJf:' ~:di-lal1 The White 1-I0UK got no~... Only .l\etcnnm noc: ~ing "Considering tht:ir uze," gid gunt to li~ntn.lbt·hr~n, 3¥i~ I~ : ~ted J Acah~ ~~ the stm\gtb of circuit, two games' were pla}"Cd, Two other games .scheduled rOT frOlll la:st year's team are gum:ls Holder, "dicsc: ~\"O wen: among NAILEb F\)R l(~S_S Yerlon 1\1 ~'ers before he "\could SI~ raJ w n )Ietn Sal ~t ~ S ¥ I game a~d 494 one was forfeited . Moqdlly wcre forfened. U. D.'s Ridwd Blythe., Joe. Johnson, and me heu high scbciol guards in the QUlincrback Bill Norwood pitch OUI 10 his FI Ib.c~. The nolS, 33-0:, ~rJE:0n la~l'ch~ ' sen~h~' h f uck ~roeder , 382 The Ouuuuqua Bm-c.s s1ip~ gnbbtd a forfeit from the Brown 6-6 anlerCus nos.. $Ute last year." shot into the IUstrrn Illinois Saluk is blanked dlC Panthers,

;:~~-a~~~:\' ~/llIin~~;nN~~;: \\-aTa~gKa;~I~psii:~ 'pTO\'c-d too ' . ' Jut. ~n~he~~:=~~~i~ ~1!1he .nd johnJOn gnduattd :'The big quc.stion is nOl thtir backfield last ~aturdapo ~a il ~ 3-O . .. . 22.7. Eastern Michigan tied fot Aron~ (or the Phi Taus. Lyndall Nllht fDotb.' 1I G~mu ~s also a \;ctor b forfei! r!n ..... hlle ~, ,,:ho ~'~u~d have. been hel~ hut w~ they can .gee ~Vhen I rad 10 the paper . b~l ( ~hc ~h~~ .adm lmSl ~:lIIon .is the HAC championship last ~'Or ~bmt' came -through. with a bin- Played At LIttle urmy the Anthony Deuces: ' sdlobsnea!!y 1~&1bM:, has m.~ ~r shots orr ~,~ck cnough a~nst nng .Ihal tht: front of tht h~'1' agalnSI Ihe Imit foil and lor and is reponed to h.aM: an C\'en Ing·503 for the \\'mners whik N'gh f dull . . f('1'l'Cdtoa~coJlege. ulr opponents, he-added. "Both vasgol nglobeiand5CIpeddufln~ dw:uppcrclasSlIl t'n . How c~ Q an strOnger sqUad this i\G1S~:m . Don ~hmcr's 446 led the 10000fS. pi1\':; at lif.j:c.sG~~' ~.~ili On T ~ar, Oc:- 16, t h c re T'A"O of the 'best ilKXlming pros. ~ the ad\'U1uge of bring ibif· :: summer J though it was a gocf IhOnl.'S!. fIcshman WiLlClt the \ Vorld

Eastern ;w-player is halfback In a \'~ clse. mall:h ·Tela Xi the inSiallarion' of c1Ktric . lights g~ or.t .e fra lernlty lea~ were: peets aft Marvin ·Jones, 6-3 frah. ry.' .ca. But \\'~en.l eame ~ck al! I.hat Serie when Itl' is forced 10 lakc Keating, who need for IhrCt' dcfcalttl SIgma T1U Gamma in around the pJn in field Monda, pla~ed .. "hlle one .... -as f .... rfeuee:!. man from Linc:oln High 5mool of 1£ Bor1;:smilld'and Mm.; n Jones .... ~ done ,\as thou the \\ecGs \1 C;rI: ... . ,. . aoudldowns in EaUcrn Michi~an : s ~·o of ~ games:. John ;\Ieckles' night. • g . Theta Xi nipped' Sig Pi ; -6. East SI. Louis. and • returning Ixalt. inlo the top 10 as forwards , ~eared arvJ some holes; \ I'l' te be· (' f\Hhe-(l d !lCk cI '!>S and Oil)) mOSl 2 1-6 " -in O\'el Weslern 1Iitnois )2(1 SC tl~ \1-aS high CDr the win- 'Tht: I' hu Phi Tau blanked Kapp3 Alpha Pii St!l'1'icrman, Frank Borpniller, §. Holder 5Iid be. rna\' shift BrI.-son. Ing dug. Do ~'o u suppose thaI of me game? tt\'O weeks a,go. ners. ",hilt Ron Hansbury's 500 11; Jr~ set ~n top of 12 12-0. and The TKE's white,,:ub. 3 ,aphom*ore . &om Murph~boro. TaIlt'., and Wdd:.· to guard ·posi. Southern Illinois ',\cds m so )---------

Huron q~nCTbac.k nill Amell series .... -as high for the losm. l:\~ 20 Jeet nhlgh \\'llh 200 watt cd 'Sigma Phi Ep$i lon. 7·0. Tht tal lest nt'wcomer is 'Robert· tions: ' !tough that it takes all summer 10 OJI them- down: hu a £lnt passing ~ and ElISI- For lhe sororitjes tk Tri Sigs an re caors. The poles -~---'---==--'-'----------'-~--------'-""-='::"':=":::'=::::;:"::"---------em's line is hcaV\' and experienc- pnwcd 100 powt rful for tilt Pi ate' made ~I of thrtt tWO L~' foul"$ -rr~ rd. Both SIU and EllSlcrn Michi. Kaps, taLing al/ ' Ihree gllTlCl. Phil embedded .1n the ground. The You Call WIn a Cash Award-gan ha\'e 2·2 marLs fOT o\'enll Dco.\-a r Id the winncr:s with"a 405 students did lhe wOJk O\'cr 11K.' --pbyrn;,,,, .. n, , , ' ''';' ".hH, J.d,:"o ..... h;g ... ,k<nd .nd Mond." , alld &Llar.'hifJ Money for Your Col,/elTe in

Spc.arheadin'l SIU soffensl" e al' fof' lhe}osm With 34~ . _ . -'If) oJ· r 6' tack is Can't1' Shannon, sophom*ore laM yw's champions, Delta In ..... lUlogy. class tht. othtt \ halfback , who scored foor 10uch. Zeta. 1001: t\\"o of thr~ "~mc.s from da~' a professor said. somethmg ~I . downs .:lgainst E3su:rn tJI inois 10 the Dd'a Siss. 81."\' Conawav's made me \\'(ft'I~ec If an c-d~tlon R d ' D · oa>ring ;n • ', ;ngJo g.m" H, p;ok' ... !til, EI.~ ",n .. , no'o • g'~ "ott I b",d n, H, ",d. do< o~' •

\ ./ Which simrtides willl'eaders of the October Digestlike best 1 I. N.:....· ..... ..;";;<lrewWH ... ~. Siory or th,_ thritie c:ripple t.o wbom younptua ft,pdr: for . d •.

2. no..- Pl ..... """ .... ,.. How thiot ,.,. "ur.i.illl: liole'" ill hl.lma .. evolu~oll bu bet'o pro,·ed .. fraud from lhe .tan

I. Moo ..... I'-P-" Y .... ( ........... Famed lulilOl' ~ R~ol!.r..u:ruIe1tlJhtip)'o\llo .. ft.ollll4f1"opilli_

tie a league record ((II" conference 3;2 wu rugh fOT Ihl' winners '~·u • ~ood ~Ing, I ~a \'~~ I ~Iept ea er S 1gest ca up 165 yards in 12 e:am es in score of 315 was high for the Delta Iy thing .'hat all humans. N\'C I~ the game plus 1 32·~'I.rd punt reo Sigs. e~on lS thaltheyJtcdirrertnt. I ( !i.Nlt=~:,~~~17::::;T;II:oa;:.~ afc-

;'''':h~~=o;';"p.\~"IO", O:,~~:;ng, rn,o"gh T,,""y. $41 000 CONTEST :;,";;:,:.,-,::,-.::::.";:,;:"N'7i-.!::i.'F:.:!""· laLca~ing d ~~.~ sh?dCf\si~ ~'1 I~~~O~ERJ[S . ~':::d ':·:~:;~""hi.=I1~:'-o!,-boyb~ ! '.

t:-;: :h~:gh;;~I ' t~m~n:~;~~st Si;a 'P~ 2is ~ t r5

'}.·;'''. · B \ ~ , " " , coIondoprairie. Eastctn Illinois to thTO\\' ball-ar· SiglTlil Tau 2 180 .•• ~ ·r 7 . IolM'1cI ... • .... 1 ..... ~.MWI . R aw medital ~ ril"rs ror lo~;cs . TEt\:'\1 HIGH G -\;\I E lu", from Ulimala~ .. "I)" to l ,ul hUDlaa1i ...

Depth in the becUidd is a Sigma Tau Gamma ti~ , ~O::'WI~t~" U~::~::'~:-\lD~t~'i: =g~h o~I'~.·~I,"k~:~~ 1::: ~:: ~; ;~L a Clean 'n Easy than a dozen backs ready to car~' !:,\, DI\lDUAL HIGII SERIES

~":ll~~:.eH~~I~o~~e ~~ t:nda~II~I~c 5;2~3 0 ~ ribbon changer Open to All College Studen~s (Faculty, too!)

Miller. and P~ul R{"$1h'o (w h 0 Hon Hanslu*t'l' 500 playtd lor the firsl lime \lSI wttk L'\;"I?I\ 'IDU AL l·fiGII C:\ ;,lE after bcing sidelined \I ilh a pre· k cnl J~lh 20 I

Nothing to buy,., nothing to write :selJan injw~' ) ha\'e looLed good in l. ~ nd~ 1I ;\ 1,mi,' .!OO ~nt games. Elaine K~ !J. 156

" a\\'al \\'a) \\"ell ' rl~scd \\ jlh his FItATER:": lTIES \\"0-" LO~T team's ~owing against Eastern II· Si(!ma Pi -I 0 linois, poinl in!! OUI Ih;1t the Pan· T" E .... 0

... alld yOti may filld you know more about people than you think!

th<-"fS nelcd only 57 ~'ards rushing Ddl.l Chi 0

;~~ltdc~~~~~ sE;~k;;~ sto \\~~l: ~:~ ~ ~u r.iLm tn~ (~ . How well do you know human nature? Can you teD

~~~~ ;:~I~I~~r~ ~:;~: ;h~; l ~~e~'rp~ l . u ~ : what subjects interest people moet? Here is a chance to tat your \\"t"\.l. Si~ma Phi [p, lIon 0 ~ judgment-show how good an editor you are-and you may win

:\flt T mttling EaSlcrn :\ \i rhigan SOROR,IT IES \\'O~ LOST ~ ,5.000 for yourself, plus $5,000 in ac.holanhip fundi (or your this week. SIU \\ ill host Western Tri 5,!! -I 0 ~ ~ oollege.

~~~o~:I~~d~~.~~I;~omin£ ti lt g;:~ ~:~~ .;! I ~::n ~ It's fun to try. Maybe you can top other BtudenUi in . Pi " ' r p.o S i~ 0 -I ~~ colleges acr~ the country .• . and you can match wit. with the

Brown JUq on "" " 01 do< ",,;ng ,h" " on ,I" NEW TWIN-PAK editors of Reader'. Dig ... !. • rair 01 a JJ e\ ~. DOES IT ... ,Why" do far more college. graduates ~d Reader's Digest than

Top in Irfaee '1 [:\:\1 ST A:XDl;\'GS \\' 1 T.... ..... .... ..... any other magazine? What is it that mab. the Digest the moat BroI\ nJu b . tlteri ....

BoWl;".". league o~p',\·np,C, lub :\0. 2 SEE rT NOW Vo'idely reap magazine in the .. 'orld - with 11 million copies ~.I!~ w bought each month in the United States, plUl 9 million abroad?

The SIU 1 d d S d , Thompson Poinl NO DOWN PlYMllt Why is it rood each month by st least 60 million people. in 12 bowli ~g lea~~ :cd ~~IIO :' ~:~, ~·!.~;:aub No, 1 24 Months to Pay! languages-Arabic, Danish. English. Finniah, French, German,

~p~!0~\:~w~;~7 !h~g t:;~~ ~~n~c~ub I talian, Japanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish and.S wedish? of the Fll'C AC:l."5 wuh Dean Ilai· ~ Brunner OHice Supply Can you spot in a typical issue of Reader'. Digest the uni-~~~ ~:~. the lop pin gt.·ut'r 1m lhe:· ThIN J"COpie who ~ucr when 403 Sout~ Ill inois f\,t. j v~l hum~n values that link &eholars. sta~toen. ec.iJnt.ists.

ho~~\·:tl~ 2~:;. \~hiclf::~.,d _~~~ :U I~~~\;~r~ri: \~: JI~ I~OT3 r~~~. . WTlt.er8. busUleesmen, housewives? Can you pick out the articles ._ , d I I that will De,most popular Vo'ith the average Digest reader?

fot a nnro\\" triple conqUCSI al;~ in st I~n~.~o~"~'n~po~",~,~, ~, ~OO~'''''~' ~~.~m~',~~~~~~~~~ ~I~o ~6.inR:/~TT:~:' a~d "( r You may find . . . I OU bow mOrl ooout ptoplt thD" , Oil thi"k! JOt D~' colbLomcd Iheir rt~p«. IT'S FOR REAL f by .Che.te, Fi.ld 'I Here'. all you .do. S tudy the de!lCriptiol1l #(&t n,bt) of U. ~ in u.. :~ \~~~r:rs :'il~S~i1~n~d:~ !~ (( .,I • October Reader'. Digest-or, bettu ,till, read the c:ompJete article. in the chorin!! :t 472 SCI fOT the \'ictims. iMue. itac.lf. (But you arc. not required to buy The itucs.'. D;,.t. to enter

Anchor man Jim Lof-:;rrn pilm. . - the CflntesL) Then aimpJy wt the ail: articles-in ord .. or pre!e:ntDCe-that cd tht- O? ium Pir 10 J 3.1 \ iaoT'l' ! you think readers of the m.gatine -.rilI1ik;-beet. Tbia will be compared with 0\'('1" NC\\'man Clob i'o. 1 \lith I-nationwideaurvey conducted arnont ' e:ro. -=taon of Dip.t.IlUb.c:riben.

:~i. ~7::n~~ ~T~";'h/~i;hl~~~ FoUow th. d irectiona given belo". fill in the enb-y blank, pUt. it Oft a feu on. The ,iClims had Ihe mis. I poet card, and eet. it. into the mail before tba deadliDe. AddiLional blanka.,.. tance of Bt'n i"\O\·Qtnn ··s 50 1 for obtainab~ _t your,collep bookalon . "I •

th~~~~\'~ring mal~' Thomp. All entriea must. be postmarked. bOt later than mid.nilbt. Odober25, 1956. son 's Poinl rer,istercd a' win Don't delay. In cue of tlea, the entry with the..m.t ~ will ~ ~_t~v~1~


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FOUDW THE$[ EASY RULES • 1 • • "" the d •• cripel ..... iac.hil.d\,er. or the artid. that .ppear in October Readu·. D;.,;MI.. Or better . read the complete art.iclee. T hen ~eci the 6 that you t hink JIlOit. R.den will lik< .... 2. 0n .... 1tI."k.t laft,");itatbc

:~1I0~~~~~~~:! orckr of populuity. from lim to . iztJr "loct.. Your .. 1ae!.ioDt wiU be judRed by ~m~ft with . national 'Uf'\'~y _bich ruu 1ft Older of popularity tIM 6 articl.. that fUMr.liJr:. bMt. Fill in and mail the coupon. AU eau;. mUit be poIllD&rked not later thaa mid. Dirbt. October 25. 1956. I . ",I. c.mattl. -,.n only to collere at.udeata .nd (.culty IDaDlbenr in the U. S., ucludina aoploy_ of The Read ... •• D~, u. "'CD_ ~. aadthair fr.rn i1i,.. Jt il.ubjeet to aU (edual. aula nd local I.w. net ululatio .... ~ . Onl, ." • .• ",ry ,.., ~"'.II . I . III ...... li •• _ eutri6 po.tmarked aadie.t riJ.1rin. Enlrilll will be judced

• by O. E. Mehlt)Te, Inc .• _~ de. daioa will be 6DaJ. AU e.ntriM become = .oITbeRudn·. DigeR: DOb.

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n . wt..I ......... ""MII"'" _ ' ........... 'TOCI III~" _ p .. ,. oqbtIDr o"' ....... HI'ff:·. ho .. .... ,.ill tnIol1twarcbt of prayft" ·bI'o . 'lpn-y foroth<t-A.

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qllil 10 build }'OUT 'l"oa.buluy.

17.""""_,,,,_,,,,,,, Ui ... lnel.' Wby lh.b"n . ... ,. l.OeW'. juVl'~deli llq oeDrT I. to"w"ult6r:ltd-nd .....

I '.~ ....... " ........... u ... Ho"''''''., itTo~d",ie­• brillE rne4ic:aJaidto j ulI' ~.

, •. e.-.. "' thoo .... hI. TlMfurlll. till, dnma of III. t lll"

=~~ :::: ::~~d~,... Wh.t IN j ok.)'OlIlike. 0.. ..... " yn laucb r.~ . bout,,(N.

21. n. _ "-t .-"'11" lilly ...... S~1lI oa,. of tha U.s.s. $tIUlI .. ·l'ftfoI" froltl . dep1.hof 40 fatholll"-n. ____ . ........,. ... tr.w.y .... Ho .. oe. ' .. dOl_bo. ... d';'~tif.fOl"J.~_ .. olm'lI ; ... ....... llthill.k.

U."""'''''I'''~W h.(to..d«tGt operatM. . ... ~tl.T .. ·b.tdld bedo~ Wb a wntull reeor. of yOIU t:IIItdial hUtory JIll,. Hmtd.,. _~ your 1:If ..

U . ........ twI.tfvI " ... ... ..... B.,..~ •• 11,. ~o. . Dd admiratioo areA' t mucilcooc! .we. ftp~dl _ Iod:.,j.·up emoUeDi n eatuall, .. ~thtr.

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S • • en .. , _ ... c...., ........ lh,1'I tt.. IMII " '11_ U aUM of aD IDdill! .. ill bllM I • ..,..till hiatory. ~. TIoaI< ..... 1_. 10 "'~' How 0.. I'(l&D WN:tu,.. ot Ih it Hrloosive hullH"lI'Ilde_ot Ihaa l"IIDdUl~

'111 . Mil "01 1 ... -' ........... Bo.· • kitchert 5CnUI.W u4 I. pwtcf ..... lIed plNl bKaIUUotGcrbc- Prad\IeWCo. U . a..q. ..... ft .. 11I -.-Ie. Wby thlt. oW' _I ..ea.,

• mDlmI. iDrloc, . h.u. mIlTl TirliIDrl IYD aD,. otHr.

!!·0C;. 'i1D~;,..Iao"-::Y!;k~:-:u~': '01~ • t.. . ......, .. , .... ... Iloo. Hg .. I..lIdJi:o.ptt ~ prgn ,~~ pWrtlUi II ht_t'\q ... 1IitU ... ~ggfLll.

li:;:,,:,:l';u':..d~~atoritaofttr. IImlI""ac ~. "'~ tc-'o ~'Tbt 'A..:.m.o E.--.. t <>upd l uOIt nploclHm~l iollJ a bout our~,..

.,. " ..... ;",1 . '''''' Goe.\ OiI F'-. j: ' ",)' oI:O:;, ... r .. }oIju • ct,,,, •• ·110 b .. - . a lon~ btUUlt 0II- 1Pd &I.tT7iP.a-.u.

The Egyptian, October 19, 1956 - COnnecting … · Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1956 Daily Egyptian 1956 10-19-1956 The Egyptian, October 19, 1956 Egyptian - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.