Springfield Leader and Press from Springfield, Missouri (2024)

if- 8PniNCFIEL0 (file.) LEADER PRESS 16 Jum 12, lSTJt arket ay a -9T For complete stock market details, read The Dally News, regularly. springfield. por almost 100,000 altitude: ft. climate: fine TRAFFIC COURT a.4.,lHri A. iw- AUTO ACCIDENTS A car driven by Rozawa M.

Haubeln. 19, Rout 11, struck a bicycle ridiien by hoy DK-kerson, 9, of 145 North Wabsah, at Division and Wabash, 1:45 p.m. Moo-l Mr. Mutihetn aald ahe nw the cy- POLICE CALLS Police a Misted Mrs. Rosebud Cunditt.

71, ol 509 ast Madiaos to her home at 7:10 a.m. Aiuodsy alter she fell outside while taking a walk bos said she suiier-ed a diny spell and tainted. 1:30 STOCKS 1:30 New York Time Quotations by Reinholdt Gardner 209 S. Jefferson. Phone UN 4-2591 MRS.

ALVIN TRACY Mrs. Sarah Emily Tracy, 77, life-long resident of the Fair Grove vicinity, died at 1:25 a.m. today the home of a daughter. Mrs. Dorothy West, 1433 East Division, Allied Store 57't Atlia Chauner 16't American Airline 174 American Motors 14 American Standard 14la American 105v5 American Tobacce Sl'-i Anaconda Cop 41 Beth.

Steel 34 liurrousli iti hexarwek 4 Ohio 50 Chrysler 414 cNilliienUI Airline Iiayco 10H Ikhm Co. 4-iH hww Chemical 4tiV Iu Pont 1M aatern Air )8' aal man Kodak 93 Kmwn Die. Electric 4(1 Ford KM (Jen. Dynamic 22H General Electric 624 General Motor SOVi ben. Tele.

3(Ht L. Metis 3l. Greyhound to'-t UuU Oil vt lllinoli Central Int. Harvester 4V Johns-Manvllls 44V, Kcniiaoott Copper 7u4 Laclede Gal 14 Llgg. Myerg 77Vi Lily-Tulip 36's Montgomery Ward 2it' Motorola 61 NY Central 124 Olin-Mathteson 29 Penile (JCI 4H Phelps DodM Philip Morris Phillipf pet 454 4M1 42', 43 J5H 70 4H 9:1 So1 62' 4 51 '-4 2 44 44 Wei estarn Union Westinghous 27H Cash Grain prhttfleld Market Conrt MFA Milling Company BAHLJtV No.

I 4 lb, tt per bo. 11.00 CORN No. ahelled per bn. Il.lt No. 1 24 lb.

test per ba. 1 .70 WHEAT Hard No. 1 per bu (l.M trv! per bu. I1.9J Produce Heavy tprtnga leghorn Spring Hen lb, and Up Hens. lb.

Hen, under 1 lb. and Mae rfrlcsa by produaer PTodo) JErransoN city tupn southwest MiHimurt eu: Market ateady to silently stronger a the bulk of tha volume for grade A large moved at prices 1 cent hiuher. Consumer gradea A large 24-30, mostly 27; A medium 19-24, mostly jj- a mall 18-21, mostly 21; large 10-25, mostly 24; dirties and check U-22, muauy u. CHTCAOO (UPI) Live poultry-Heavy hen I roasters 20-22, mostly 21V, to 22; special fed While hock fryers Js-lSVi; Plymouth Rock fry, era 1. Cheese Single dallies SSV4-40; Ing- horn processed loaf 3-38; Swiaa Giade A 47-52, Grade- 45-50.

Butter Steady. 93 score 57 1 93 score 37; 90 score 54Vi; score 53; carlota- score sowt Vi score 54. Eg Steady to firm. White larae e. trss 20; mixed large extra mediums 23U standard 26; dktlet 23Vi ana cnecK u.

ST. LOUIS (UPI) Eggs: Steady A large 28-301 A medium 21 A small 19-18! large 24-21 standard U-Zihv; unclassified 22-23; check 111-19. Live Poultry: Hen ateady; broiler nn iryers tny Heavy type tun liiiht type 8-) Ilia and under 1-lns (17 1 commercially gmwa broiler and fryer io-idvj, rouaiers Noon Prices Mutual Fund Quotations AlfillM -t r. TS 7.90 Atomic DM 4.2S 44 Chemic Fd 9.17 9.99 Dlvid Shrs 23 3.21 Eat ft Bal 11.25 12.16 Eat 4V Stk 11.67 12.61 Fidelity Can 7.19 7 90 Hdiiity Trend 11.16 12.13 Fidelity Fd 13. IS 14.77 Inc Invtrs 8 45 9 26 Mass Inv Tr 12.36 13 51 Mass Inv Gr 7.29 One Willinm Street ...11.24 12.29 Puritan Fund 7.51 912 Telev El Fd 6.91 7.20 Welling F'd 1S.32 14.32 Nat see i 5.35 Nat Bee 7.17 Nat Sec 3 44 Nat Sec 8.69 385 7.94 3.76 T31 Crocker Youngster Fall Proves Fatal to Tot Funeral services will be held tomorrow at Crocker for 2-year-old Timothy LaVerl Parsons, vic tim of a fall from a kitchen stool at his home in Crocker.

The boy, son of the Rev. and Mrs. Lyall Parsons, died at 5:30 p.m. Sunday at Burge-Protestant Hospital following brain surgery performed that morning. The youngster appeared unhurt in the fall, which occurred late Saturday, but he became ill dur ing the night and his parents were unable to rouse him.

Besides the parents, he is sur vived by his maternal grandpar ents, Mrrand Mrs. Freeman Jen nings, Lebanon; the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parsons, Lincoln, and the maternal great grandmother, Mrs. Alma Berry, Lebanon.

Services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday in the Crocker Assem bly of God Church with the Rev. Charles Scott officiating. Burial will be in Mt Rose Cemetery at Lebanon under direction of Col onial. Fireman Will March For Shorter Week NORTH KANSAS CITY AP)-Municipal firemen voted to start marching in front of City Hall to-day and keep it up until the City Council agrees to give thenva shorter work week.

They work a 674-hour week and want it cut to 56. The vote to march was at a special meeting of Local 1030 of the International Association of Fire Fighters. Mayor Ralph B. Crain said the city faces a $40,000 deficit, not counting what it would cost to install the shorter work week for firemen. Radio Corp.

Republic steel Reynold Too. Rnval MrRee Safeway Store St, L-San ran Sears itoehurk Sncony-Mohile Rid. ll Cal. Kid. Oil Starling Drug fttudobaker Swill ti Co.

Tesaco Union Car hide United Aircraft 'lulled Air Lines V. S. Rubber ll, S. klnel to- J. GARLAND PARRtSH.

SR. Funeral services for J. Garland Parrihh. 63, of 1225 East Stanford, who died Monday after noon at St. John Hospital following an attack suffered Sunday night, will be at I p.m.

Wednes day In the First and Calvary Presbyterian Church with the Rev. William E. Everhpart officiating. Burial will in Greenlawn Cemetery under direction of Gor man-Scharpf. Mr.

Parrish, superintendent of maintenance for the Frisco Transportation Company where he had worked since 1937, had been a resident of Springfield more than 50 years. He was a member of the First arid Calvary Presbyterian Church. WILLIAM D. MEYERS William D. Meyers, 76, died Monday morning at St.

John': Hospital following a. short illness. Mr. Meyers, a retired blacksmith, resided with a brother at 2215 Col lege. Survivors include three broth ers, Ed, 2215 College, and George and Paul, Houston, and a sister, Mrs.

Anna Greene, Hon ston. Arrangements will be announced by Rainey. L. WHITFIELD BARRON Whitfield Barron, 75, died Monday morning in tha Seville Hotel here after suffering an ap parent heart attack. Mr.

Barron, who moved to Springfield from Aurora in 1937, ran a cooperage for several years here. He is a member of the Aurora Methodist Church, Aurora Masonic Lodge and the Scottish Rites Lodge in Joplin He is survived by a son, Lewis R. Barron, 541 East Loren; two grandchildren, and two sisters, Mrs. Nettie Hucking, Republic, and Mrs. Flora McClaire, Wash ington D.

C. Services will be 2 p.m. WedneS' day in the Cantrell Chapel at Republic with the Rev. Robert Ar-baugh officiating. Burial will be in the Evergreen Cemetery in Republic.

FRANK R. WILSON IBERIA Funeral services for Frank R. Wilson, 66, who died Saturday in Memorial Hospital in Jefferson City, were to be held at 10 a.m. today at the Scrivner-Stevinson Chapel here with the Rev, Clarence- Smith officiating. Burial was in the Livingston Cemetery.

Mr. Wilson is survived by his wife, Maude of the home; a son, Gail, Rehoboth Beach, two daughters, Mrs. Jean Bays, Waynesvule, and Mrs. Iva Lee Wall, St. Louis: two sisters, Mrs.

Laura Fancher, Iberia and Mrs. Queen Grady, Granite City, two brothers, James and Oscar, both of Iberia; six grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Italians Turn TowardRight ROME AP, Italy's ruling Christian Democratic party lost ground today in returns from municipal elections that provided the first major vote test of Premier Amintore Fanfani's "turn to the left." Fanfani had appealed for vic tory as an endorsem*nt of his center-left national government formed three months ago. But final results from the 34 largest cities and towns in the election representing 2,467,099 of the total three million votes cast gave the I four allied parties 49.3 per cent of the vote. Control of the Rome City Coun cil, the biggest prize in the week end balloting in 157 cities and towns, eluded Fanfani's alliance by one seat.

Although the election outcome was watched as a possible indication of the balloting in the general elections next year, Fanfani said his government would not resign even if the coalition lost votes. The alliance includes the Christ-tian Democrats, Democratic So cialists and Republicans, with outside support pledged from the Socialist party formerly allied with the Communists. Hit-Miss Rain Soaks St. Louis ST. LOUIS (AP A freak-Lsh thunderstorm swamped some spots in the St.

Louis area with more than an inch of rain in 30 minutes Monday night, and produced only a drizzle in other sections. There were many reports of flooded streets and basem*nts, lines and trees down, stalled cars and one man was stunned by lightning. A 32-year-old suburban Lemay man, Paul Allen, was knocked down by the bolt as he closed a trailer door. He said he saw the lightning strike the top of the trailer and come toward him. He was knocked 15 to 20 feet.

One of the hardest hit locations in the city was the Terminal Ho tel in Union Station. Runoff up to four feet deep covered tha hotel and station concourse floor. The hotel bsseTrwnt was flooded. Fur niture f.oated about the hotel. TRIAL FOR Clarence Smith, 55, Route 1, Rosersvllle, on charges of obstructing traffic, was set today for June 22.

Sitiiih arrested on a road near the Kinder Bridge Monday morning by sheriffs deputies, was released from custody when he posted J200 bond set by MaLstrate Barbour. on ranee. UM North Clay, paid H. a me J. Walker, Tift North Kamaey.

paid 6. BuruU C. Todd, Rout lined 877. foe following too cioa. Oroves.

21145 North Weller, lined 810. Hoy Walker, Boa 922. lined 610. hjurrill Hogan, SOS Went Norton, fined 910. Jerry W.

Smith. 6043 South Marsa. 610. Morris Belhbrem. 2'07 Kluiae, 810, Robert D.

Gough, 1622 South heifer. Drive, "kot backing Into traffic. Ruaaell Scott, St. Porta, Ohio, fined i. oris, Ohio, fined $10.

speeding, Psul M. Sooter, "2 North fined 616, Jack R. Binker, 331 I Nettleton, fined 6l. Leland M. rOf Main, KJ.trih KirMi.

sit. lieorse Bond. 273 Fast linwood, 86. Raymond Hulleige, Son Riverside, 65, Arthur L. Shepard, Richmond, 96.

Charlee H. Freeman, 2155 North Johnston. 610. Larry Garth Bain, Fair Grove, fined 610. Bonnie Sue Chllcutt.

Bol D'Are, fined 68. Larry E. Guilelt, Rout 8. lined 810, For driving wrong way on one-way street, Arvaf Hefner, 1317 North Lyon, fined 69, For leaving keys la IgdlUon. Wade flut-nlttm f'mnm.

flttM Si For excessive motor noise, nooen Latham, Route WUlard. fined 83. For (ailure to stop at slop sign, neri Glen Blanton, Rout J. Republic, lined 63, Jerry A. Sharp, 1872 North Broad way, fined 63.

Fined 65 earn tor failure aiop ior stop light, were Walter M. Young, la37 North Benton, lnei K. Mlncks, 1918 South Fort, Lawrence i. Freeman, 933 East Mi-Gee, Billy Ray Foster, 1946 St. Charles, and Glenn O.

Millet, 1916 South Glenstone, fined 810. For overtime narking tickets, rrang Heifnerman, 1035 Uiiwood Terrace, lined 4, Press Montgomery Motor bale. IJ.u Boqnvllle. 64, Bert Webb, 2138 Wayland, 10, e-d uittenoertter, uoa ueaaroroon. 63, Felllnl Maylleld Eugene Ander son, 247 North Fort, fined 8ft.

Frani-es Holmes, 1340 North Prospect, fined 634. Fined 5 each (or lallure to display city license were Roy Allen Sappington, 29(8 West Latoka, Wanda M. MrMani, East t.rand, John Kdwtn Adams, urn North Kansas. Bill Howard Brantly. 516 East Morningside.

Bruce Edgar Gray 2137 North Oakland, Harold IX McManis, 703 North Fremont, Martha Nunnally. aw? North Columbia, Mr. D. L. Lamb.

1.129 Benton Avenue, C. L. Nlmmo, iru West Olive. For making Improper left turn, uaroia G. Cotter, Republic, fined 65, James Howard Swearengin.

Route 2, 83. Jerry Lloyd Fauoett, 1060 South Fort, 85. Eugene Earl Crain, 2100 West Walnut, 6.1. Denny Lee Sell, 2149 East Turner, 93, Delbert Gene Vsnderpool. "3 North Douglas, 65, Barry Gerues, itit Magnolia, Long Beach.

65. Billy Joe Hunt, Route 2, fined 810, B. N. West. Halltown.

fined 85. W. R. Roy. 916 South Jefferson, fined 85.

For improper backing, Doru A. Mitchell, 1441 Roanoke, fined 910. For excessive aceelleration. Linda Sue Johnston, 1117 South Kingsbury, fined 55. For failur to yield rutht-of-way.

Rich ard Harding Davis, 704 East Madison, fined 85, R. C. Tharp, 2311 Kings, 810, Virgil Roger Keith, Republic, 610. Karen L. Duncan.

1705 East Brower, 810, Haltie B. Mathias, Republic. 810, Judith Standard. Drsry College, 810. For improper right turn, Norvcn Crit-ten, Branson, fined 110.

CITY UTILITIES NEW CUSTOMERS George Arwon, 2,131 North Farmer, Kska Grant, 1926 Dorothy Knott, Soulh Campbell Avenue. Wm. P. Lucas, 1516 North Grant. Lester Nash, Nichols Junction.

Oma Richards, 1314 North Clifton. NorarShepberd. 601 Washington. D. T.

Stewart, 914 South Crutcher. Jim Struble, 2026 South Delaware. Robert P. Williams, 2347 F.aat Division. NEW RESIDENTS- Josenh A.

Bohrer. E. Elm from West Plains. Frank Calame. 1041 E.

Loren from An- pleton City. Charles H. Dunn, 1340 E. Meadowmer from Columbia. H.

A. roizarty. 715 E. Dale from Sherman. Tex.

Glen Frost, 2128 Cairo from Kansas Cite. W. L. Lockridee. 2130 Normandv (mm Kansa City.

Rev. James T. Shirley, 923 North Lone Pine from St. Louis. Delbert Tavlor.

719 Weat Tama. Irons Kansas City. E. J. Williams, 2131 East University from Kansas City, IttAaua IN LOCATION Maudie M.

flnwrnn. 427 West Mlnnta from 1231 South Crutcher, Tom Gtenn, 1352 North FulbrigW from 1838 North Hillcrest. Therin Harris, 203J North Golden from 2439 West Sunshine. Clarence King, 830 South Grant from 212 West Brower. Robert H.

Houx, 2871 Eastmoor from 1713 South Plaia. Ronald K. Snow, 1151 South Crutcher from 2328 South Campbell. James Thompson, 2201 Weat Nichols from 1632 West Divauon. Fred Trantham, 1220 South Maryland from 2541 South Campbell.

MRS. RUBY ARMENT, Springfield, will reportedly be taken to the Webster County jail at Marshfield today for trial later on charges of concealing mortgaged property. Arment yesterday surrendered herself to Knox County officers after she learned the Web-" ster County warrant had been issued WASHINGTON AP)President Kennedy will not hold a news conference this week. it hi I Flor.net) Grsinhoasts, Ino. Marvin's Floral Art Opel's Flowers Springfield Seed Ino.

Stokes Floral Shop Wlckman Garden Summsrfleld Greenhouses Hedgewood Greenhouse SCHAP.PF it it Eat WtWwgq CHARLES P. WILSON Charles P. Wilson, 53, was dead arrival at 7:15 a.m. today at Burge-ProtesUnU Hospital after suffering an apparent heart attack at his home, 934 East Sun shine. He was superlntendant of the Concrete Company of Springfield, and a veteran of World War II.

Survivors Include his wife, Lour- rene of the home; two brothers, Edward Smithland, and Theodore Louisville, four sisters, Mrs, Christine Warming- ton, Cincinnati, Ohio, Mrs. Rex Simms, Montesano, Mrs. John Tully, Radcliff, and Miss Ayleen Wilson, Waukegan, 111. Funeral arrangements are under the direction of Herman Loh-meyer. The body will remain in Herman Lohmeyer East Chapel until 8 p.m.

today, at which l.me If will be sent to Smithland, for services and burial. MRS. OLLIE L. WILLIAMS Mrs. Ollie L.

Williams, 70. was dead on arrival at Burge-Protestant Hospital at 9:30 a.m. today after suffering an apparent heart attack at her home at 2054 North Kellett. She was a member of the Homeland Baptist Church. Survivors include three sons, Fred of Strafford, Gene, 1020 North Forest, and James U.S.

Air Force; two step-sons, Bill Williams, Tulsa, and Tom Williams, Los Angeles; the mother, Mrs. Easter Goodwin, Jacksboro, 14 grandchildren and six greatgrandchildren. Funeral arrangements are under the direction of Klingner. CHARLES C. RUSCONl PURDY Charles C.

Rusconi, 67, died Monday morning in the Cassville Osteopathic Hospital where he was taken shortly after he suffered an apparent heart attack. Mr. Rusconi, a retired safety engineer, moved to Purdy last October from Kansas City, Kan. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge in Kansas City. He is survived by his wife, Leora; two sons, Charles Be-loit, and James Kansas Cityiwo daughters, Job and Mrs.

Loren Gregory, both of Kansas City; five sisters, Mrs. Grace Brown, Dallas, Mrs, Bertha Rhodes, Portland, Mrs. Sarah Chandley, Al-meda, Mrs. Katherine Shepherd, Independence, and Mrs. Mary Colgan, Vinita, 15 grandchildren and six greatgrandchildren.

The body will be taken by Culver Funeral Home of Cassville to the Butler -Funeral Home in Kansas City, Kan. RONALD HOLLOWAY STOUTLAND Funeral services for Ronald Dee Holloway, 19-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holloway, Route 1, Stout- land, who died at 8:10 a.m. Monday at the University of Missouri Medical Center, will be at 10:30 a.m.

Wednesday in the Christian Church here. The Rev. Will Smithpeter will officiate. Burial will be in Stout land Cemetery under direction of Colonial of Lebanon. The child had been ill since the age of 5 weeks, Besides the parents, he is sur vived by a sister, Cynthia Kay; the paternal grandparents, Mr.

and Mrs. Selbert Holloway, Richland; the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fenton. Stout- land; the great grandparents, Mrs.

Rebecca Hankins, Stoutland, and Alpha Sullivan, Sleeper. MRS. GEORGIA HOUSE CASSVILLE Funeral services for Mrs. Georgia House, Cassville, 79, who died at 11:30 p.m. Monday at the home here of her daughter, Mrs.

Jesse Yarnall, win be at 2 p.m. Thursday In the Exeter Baptist Church with the Rev. C. L. Connor and the Rev.

Paul Watson officiating. Burial will be in Maplewood Cemetery at Exeter of Cassville. Mrs. House, who had lived in the Cassville area most of her life and was a member of the Christian church, is survived by four sons. Gene, Exeter, William, Cassville and Joe and Wayne, both of Kansas City; two other daughters, Mrs.

Lola Ehman, Kansas City and Miss Marjorie House, of the home; a brother," Kenneth Brighton, Kansas City; two sisters, Mrs. Rosie Cold, Neosho and Mrs. Bailie Stahr, Kansas City; 14 grandchildren and 12 greatgrandchildren. Mrs. FDR Takes Issue With Jack NEW YORK AP)Mrs.

Franklin D. Roosevelt, a supporter of President Kennedy, has taken issue with him by calling for the nomination of David Levy over Rep. Charles A. Buckley in the 23rd District in the Bronx. Addressing a rally of 60) Reform Democrats Monday night.

Tfrc eh o.na ing for Kennedy's ultimate good in opposing his wishes. Mrs. Roosevelt criticized Buck- who Is also Democratic leader of the Bronx, as an absentee congressman and one who always takes orders, votes as he's told end never has an independent thouslit in his head. She took note of the fact that the trcskient had" publicly' announced his support of Buckley, who has served in Congress for "A years and is chairman of the House Committee on Public Works. at cliat but aa she stsiled to pass him, he turned Into the path ol her car and aha could not avoid hilling him.

The boy ea-caid biiury. Samuel A. EWUlg, 94, wuoaiano, died lor failure to yield right of way fharll. Hawkins. 74.

of ih3 West State, at Kanaaa and tHvlstun, 3:19 m. Munday. Margaret Page, SI, of 619 East Sun shine, cited for fallur yield right ol way to Junior Ivie, 3D. of 1411 llenton. jerierauet ana iiviaiou.

s.w Mnulsv Cars driven by Pul W. Sovereign, 56. 194 South Ferguson, ana a pickup driven by Orvl Pyealt, 47, of Irving, collided at Kunbrough and Elm. :10 p.m. Monday.

pit-atm ariven rv irvy n. inip, I. of 2416 Ramsey, and car driven Jimmt. C. Stephens, 41.

Harvey. collided at Bennett and Ulenetone, 7:10 p.m. Monday. BIRTHS To Mr. and Mrs.

Otis Smith. Miller, boy, 6:16 a.m. Monday, Burge-Prote- To Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Roger, nouie a girl.

4:33 p.m. Monday, Burge- Protestant. To Mr. and Mr. Jessie neoaen, mar North Johnston, a boy, 6:10 p.m.

Mon day, Burge-Protestant. To Mr. ana airs, bianiey Anaerson, aim West Lee. a girl, 6:41 p.m. Monday, Burge-Proteatant.

To Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Kindred, Rout 1. Bruihton.

a girl, 1:34 a.m. Tuesday, SI. John's. To Mr. ana Mrs.

duo n. jiwn, 1B17 South New, a girl. 3:15 a.m. Tuesday, St. John's.

lo Mr. ana Mrs. ensrtes mamn, Route 2, boy. 4:34 a.m. Tuesday, St.

John's. To Mr. and Mr, Jerry Lee Hamhy 827 West Turner, a boy, 3:15 ajt. Tuesday, St. John'.

lo Mr. ana Mrs. it. j. rearson, 2647 West Brower, a girl, 6:39 a.m.

Tuesday, St. John's. LOSSES REPORTED Spare tire and wheev reported stolen from nlrkiin truck Barked at the tirark Auto Sale. 634 College, 11:10 a.m. Mon day.

thw i-nmnum. m.iYBi nunu. im ported theft of a lawnmewer. fishing rod and reel from hi home, 10:30 a.m. Mon day.

Norm. Henderson. 2239 North Grant, reported the theft of an electric (aa tram her home. 1:10 p.m. Monday.

jni Harneaton. luw west raciuc, re- orted a bicycle stolen from the 600 lock West Commercial. 3:45 pjn. Moo- Kttv Ntfnois. lnaa Kan r.im.

reoooeu woman 'a billfold containing VI in caan and peraonal paper noien irom ranaa Drug Store, National and Elm. 4:55 p.m. Monday. Willie Watnman, 1211 Pythian, report, ed the loss of purse In the 400 block South Avenue, 8:25 p.m. Purse contained nuuoia wnn quanuiy ui uu and personal tndentuicatiua.

Articles Recovered Rlf-vcle found water spillway la Southern Hills Monday afternoon taken to ponce neaaquariera. Mrs Frank Vincent. 1337 Washington, reported she found a potted tree in her backyard, 9:25 a.m. Monday Tree believed one stolen off Campbell street last week. Ross Kates.

620 East Monroe, reported he found a amall ice chest behind hi shop at 30 West Pershing, a.m. Mon day. A bicycle, blue aa dwblte, girl's model. waa recovered at Grant Beach Park where it bad been abandoned; 1 a.m. Tuesday.

AUTOS RECOVERED A 1960 Chevrolet reported stolen from the 500 block Boonvill last Friday night was recovered at 9:20 a.m. Monday si East Trafncway and Delaware. Owner is Hex lnompson, uruner, mo. DIVORCE CASES PETITIONS Caroline Sue Hayes against James Adam Hayes. GRANTED Sharon Rae Frve.

22. from Jerry Wayne Frye, 21 plaintiff awarded custody minor children and 6160 monthly child support. Anna E. Murphy from John Robert Murphy decree of annulment for plaia- tllt; lormer name, wensier, reswreu. AUTOS MISSING William Jayne, Fort Leonard Wood, re ported his auto stolen at 12:10 p.m.

by a woman be knew. POLICE COURT For violations at do ordinance. O. R. Taylor.

920 Mt Vernon, lined 810, Ed co*ker, BA9 South Main, fined 810, Mrs. E. H. Borup, 13(a) south Pennsylvania, fined 85. For drunkenness Thomas D- Nation, paid 83.

Clarence L. Smith, Route 2 RogersvDJe. 625, James Lot Beleges, 2520 West Elm, 825. Charles Jones, 444 South Avenue, 616, Rex T. Brand, 1640 East Brower, 811, John Carter, 1013 Ben ton, 111, Ralph Alking, Kansas City, Kan, il, bourn Artnur tncnora.

nouie Brook inc. 621. For affray, Homer Giles, Route 4, Box 484, fined 811. Joe Bob Briedlove Route 1, Morrisvuie, fined 811. For vagrancy, Lanraii Davis, Wichita paid 83.

.0 aifVaL ttftif'i Call Your Dependable Florist Edwards Tabliwara ft Flowers Tbi Flower lowl Jaroraa H. Schillitzel Son Azurt Florist Htlin's Flower Shop Kljjlnbothini Floral ft Gifts Kanca Sob Creiadeass GOnMAN Si---' '-r H. L. L. Gene 1'iotlut, operator ol a car ai Cherry and (iiensume reported at am Saturday that a chrome panel of gaugea waa taken from a car parked en the lot aometime alter I p.m.

Saturday. Clara M. Sw.arenaia, Route 6, man-siier of the White Front Tobacco Store, College, reported at 7 30 a.m. Monday someone had apparently tried to enter the store over the weekend. Officers iound prymarks on the I runt door ana noted a padlock was musing, notning waa taken aa entry apparenUy had not been made.

Woman ta the 1300 block North Cllfton comDlained at 6:20 a.m. Monday her estranged husband attempted to break in her Borne, lie leu ai ponce request. Police asaUted Samuel O. Queeaen-berry, 3, of SIS' Norlh Main to his home at 9:40 am. Monday alter be apparently lost hi balance and fell la Uw WO block West Tampa.

Mrs. Dixie Brown, 636 West Harrison, complained at 11:20 a.m. Monday that younxstere In the area were causing a diatrubance and she said they also had been playing in an old home being rated and ahe (eared they would be injured. Two of the boys were contacted and were warned about their actions. Two teen-age boys found hitchhiking in the 12110 block North Glenstone, 1:10 p.m.

Monday were taken to headquarters where one. Private James S. blnrkey, 19, admitted being AWOL from Fort Ord, since last Monday. The second man i.m., e. -rhrailkill.

17. of San Gabriel. was booked lor vagrancy after telling several conflicting stories about hi recent actlvitie. w.iiiim 36. Edwardsville.

Ill was taken to Springfield Baptist Hospital at 9:45 p.m. Monday by Reed Ambulance of Camdentun lor treatment of neck tn-Juries suifered while diving at Lake Park, ramfUnlM. ft, 4ft m. MoildaV. Marra.

owner Of a mars.ee ai lino North Robberann, reported at 5:30 p.m. Monday ne nenevea someone naa tried to enter the store. Ofticers found a small section of screen putiea awa: from the window but found oo other evi dence o( forcible entry. E. G.

Turner, too Bast Lromnara. rnmDlulned at 5:45 n.m. Monday that a man driving a car past his home threw a quantity of empty beer eans Into his yard. He furnished police with license information and was advised to contact the city prosecutor if he wtahed to (Ue cn arses. woman tn In lmo ntocs west rneips complained of a 17-year-old youth caus ing a disturbance by blackguarding her.

The youth denied this. No action taken. woman la tne zioo mora wen uuve comolamed at 7 p.m. Monday of a neighbor makina excessive noiae wnen working on a stock car. The neighbor told officers he didn't know he was doinf wron.

said the complainant had a frudee aaatnst him and if ane wisnefl to file charge he would reciprocate. No aciion MKen. A parking meter was found laying on tha sidewalk in the 1709 block North Campbell, 7:30 p.m. Monday and wa taken to headquarter. It Bad not been damaeed ea broken Into.

Police were asked to assist la locating Mllena Leah TucMey. 15, of 413 South Missouri. 8:15 P.m. Monday after her mother reported hep missing from horn and believed headed tor Miami, to get married. G.

L. Wade, manager of the Franklin Store. 1670 North Glenatone, reported to police at 6:35 p.m. Monday that he waa getting ready to close and nut the key to the front door in the lock. He said a short time later he dis covered the key waa misaine, A.

N. Caffey, 1611 North Douglas, complained at 8:40 p.m. Monday that youngsters in the neighborhood bad been pulling flowers off his bushes and oa several occasion had thrown rocks at elderly were contacted st a home nearby and admitted in front of their father they had been responsible. Police said the father sdminiatered dis- ciulinarv action on the spot with a belt and said the youngster would be taken to the complainant's house later 1 0 apologize (or their actions. Woman in the 1800 block North Main complained at 9:50 p.m.

Monday that a tenant had acted as if he intended to strike her during an argument. She waa advised to contact the city prosecutor if she wished to file charge. Hearing an auto horn honking at Broadwav and Commercial. Officer Adam checked and found Robert E. Pippin.

52. of 1130 West Locust, who said a train had the trakc blocked and he wa waiting for it to cross and Impatiently honked his henr; Adam warned Pippin about, unnecessary noise and left, but a short distance away he heard Pippin a cam bonking; this time Pippin wa cited for violation of a city ordinance re garding improper sounding of a warning device and checking. It was learned hi driver's license had expired; troopers were summoned snd a citation wa is sued (or this violation 1:15 a.m. Tuesday. John W.

Acker. 30, of 435 -West lyocusi, wa pouee someone naa suite an electric drill from a house at 429 West Locust where he hsd numerous tools stored; some vandalism also had been done at the place. Acker said a.m. luesaay. Checking report of person needing medical attention at Greyhound Bus Ue- pot, 510 St.

Louis, police found Porter O. Mann, 39, Lewisburg, W. who said tie bad been traveling tnree day and was very tired; be wa takes to Burge-Protestant Hospital where attend ant said ne appeared to be exhausted 1:02 a.m. Tuesday. Mr.

Kenneth Gilmore, 22. of 4,15 West Crestview, told police someone knocked oa tne front door ana wnen sne got tip no one wa there; police failed to find the prowler; 12:41 a.m. Tuesday. Mrs. Mickey Elder, 37.

of 929 East Garlield, and Leonard Keeling, 46, 2O09 North Main, told police someone threw a rock at Keeling' 1956 station wagon. Inflicting minor damag to the rear tat) gate; police (ailed to find the person suspected of throwing the rock; p.m. Beulah Hedrick, 34. of 1040 Elm Ar cade, told police a 24-year-old resident of the. 1500 block North Kansa went into tne Mty Ranch llrive-ln.

where she Is employed a manager, and went behind the counter; when she told him to leave he refused, saving he used to own the place and could come behind the counter any time he wished; police advised the man to leave to avoid I tinner trouble; 10:49 p.m. Monday. Mr. Vivian Taylor, 40, of 914 Nichols, was cited for drunkennes after she called police and told them she wa go ing to see her husband, who had previously called police and complained that she had torn his shirt off and threatened to kill him; 10:30 pjn. Monday.

Warren Watson, 40, of 1643 Cherry, told police hi 7-year-old son and two other children were playing in the vtcln. ity of 1139 East Central when a man asked them to get a flashlight and help him find a silver dollar he had loxt; the man then attempted to get the childrea into hi car; police failed to locate to man in question; 9:56 p.m. Monday. Warren Haslip, 26, of 1SI6 East Mc-Daniel. cited for drunkenness; 12:13 a.m.

Tuesday. Marriage Licenses APPLICATIONS I Oscar A. Foster. 35. of 273 West I Lombard, and Anna Lou Proett, 22, of 720 Sooth Hampton.

Virgil Lee Richards, 23, of 2623 Wesf Lynn, and Mary Elizabeth Hampton, 18, St. Louis. Meyer, 31, of 937 East Lombard, and Joy D. Barnes, 28, of 1925 South Roanoke. Larry Aden Stockton, 19, and Phyllis Sue Cables, 17.

both of Walnut Grove. Darl Went i. and Viola Bates, 37, both of Rorkford. la. Wler Bell, 23, of 2WO North Grant, and rent Cook.

26. of 131! West Tamps. Wilham Frederick Collinson, 19. of 1221 South Fremont, and Diana France Roop, ne ace Hated. 1310 East Jerry Glenn Scott.

20, of 2359 West Rich, and Connie Mae Stewart, 17, of 1271 South New. Sidney J. Fortner, over 21, Wiflard, and rvrjm Lee rortoer, over 21, Asa Grove. David Allen Gamble. 21, and Jank Kay Wiilnoghby, 19, both of Nixa.

HIGHWAY PATROL Minnie Ms Peak. 22, of 17Z7 North National, cued for failure to obey trailic sisnal. Piyiliii Lorene Pniqdexter, 32, of lfsa North Sherman, cited (or so operator's licence. Chridtnober Julian Hsnks, 17, of 2714 Gtenw-ood, dted (or Improper mufflers. Cited for improper registration were Thomas Edward Koch.

23, Ssbetha. Kan snd Melvin Wiiiard Weils. 16. Strafford. CCK2I5TCfHia csi UMrm N.

r. Stock Extant; psaj Gram Fler teard Rewn, Psrkiaf. INQUIRIES INVrTID 164 Sewsktie- TU1-1I1J Ct'L ru or Cam lo RE'iiHCLDT Far Stock Mailttt Informatiom Kt New Tar gWk Csefcasf Wwtusd feods Sleeks t-awd Fmo 4-251 239 1. JeanM to ai of by a where she had made her home the past year and a half. She was a member of Cedar Bluff BJptist Church.

Other survivors are her husband, Alvin; five sons, Fred, Boulder, Ted, Marshfield, Gerald, Fair Grove, Cleo, 1655 East Kearney, and 1714 North Golden; two daughters, Mrs. Lillie Frace, Houston, and Mrs. Pansy Bridges, 1616 West Atlantic; three brothers, John Minor, Bloom, Hubbard Minor, Kansas City, and Willard Minor, Marshfield; six sisters, Mrs. Bertha Trantham, 1325 East Atlantic, Mrs. Martha Morris, 513 West Locust, Mrs.

Mary Hogan, 2135 North Weller, Mrs. Grace Stovall, Marshfield, Mrs. Nora Blazer, Fountain, and Mrs. Dorothy Willis, Fairfield, 19 grand. children and seven great-grand children.

Arrangements will be announced by Rainey. LEE ROY JONES Graveside services for Lee Roy Jones, 71, of 1459 North Grant, will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday in National Cemetery with Reader Louise Ann Chapman officiating. Mr. Jones died Friday at 9:40 a.m.

in Springfield Baptist Hospital. i i ORAC SAMUELS HALLTOWN Ora C. Samuels, 70, a lifelong resident of the Hall-town community, died Saturday morning at his home. Mr. Samuels is survived by his wife, Edna; a brother, the Rev.

Dewey Samuels, Webb City; and four sisters, Mrs. Myrtle ReddelL Mrs. Doris Rose and Mrs. Loren McClease, all of Springfield, and Mrs. Hazel Goodman, Grimes, Calif.

Services will be at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Halltown Nazarene Church with the Rev. S. Walter Smart and Luther Craven officiating. Burial will be in the Halltown cemetery under direction ofMorris-Leiman of Miller.

MRS. LUCY MUSTAIN LEBANON Mrs. Lucy Mus- tain, 74. of Lebanon, died Mon day morning at Springfield Bap tist Hospital where she been a patient the last two months. Originally from Stoutland, Mrs.

Mustain had lived in Lebanon the past several years. fore her retirement she was a housemother in a dormitory at Southwest Baptist College in Boh var. Funeral services will be at 2 Wednesday in the Stoutland Baptist Church with Dr. George McClelland, Dr. Bradley Allison and the Rev.

Richard Blix officiating. Burial will be in Stout land cemetery under direction of Palmer. Mrs. Mustain is survived -by a son, Dr. Rollin Burhans, Louisville, two daughters, Mrs.

Willis Ezzard, Conway, and Mrs. Wendell Fuhr, Joplin; a Mrs. George Walters, Monterey, eight grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. MRS. ALFRED D.

FORE MARSHFIELD Mrs. Lclia (Corbett) Fore, 73, a former resident of Marshfield, died in St. Louis Sunday following an illness of eight years. She is survived by her husband, Alfred, St. Louis; a brother, Bry an Corbett, Springfield; three grandchildren and four great -grandchildren.

Services were to be at 2 p.m. today in the Barber-Edwards Chapel in Marshfield with the Rev. AI Smith officiating. Burial was in the Marshfield cemetery. DANIEL CHILDRESS PURDY Daniel Childress, 78, Route 1, Purdy, died at St.

Vincent's Hospital in Monett Saturday, after a brief illness. Mr. a retired fanner, wps a member of the Arnhart Baptist Church. A native of Chiekamau-ga, he moved to Purdy from Uttle Rock, in 1925. Survivors include his wife, Nettie; six daughters, Mrs.

Lloyd Clayton, Purdy, Mrs. Max Mc-Cracken, Uklah, Mrs. Owen Evans, Stockton, Mrs. Raymond Tennison, Monett, Mrs. Chester Stigman, Erie, and Mrs, Amos Smith, Quenema, five sons, Ed and Homer, Purdy, John, Monett, George, and Ray, address, unknown; two brothers.

Bill, Aurora, and Virgil, Pine Bluff, a sister, Mrs. Henry Pyette, Pine Bluff, 51 grandchildren and 37 great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be at '2: 30 p.m. Thursday in Arnhart Baptist Church with the Revs. W'uifred David and Tommy Day officiating.

Burial will be in the church cemetery under direction of Buchanan of Monett. CLARENCE A. PETERSON LEBANON Clarence Arthur Peterson, 57, Route 5, Lebanon, died at 9:30 a.m. today at Wallace Hospital of a heart attack suffered a short time earlier at the MFA Exchange, where he had been employed four years as a butcher. He is survived by his wife, Alberta; a of the home: a brother.

Earnest, Kansas City; a half brother, W. D. Smith; Lebanon, and a sister, Mrs. Maude Nevils, Lebanon. Colonial in charge of to Livestock HOGg The hog market was steady to 25 rents higher than Monday' averaie with a top of 816 .75 choice No.

1 bog. 110 and down. llfO-840 pound 1S 50-16 JS JSO-JOO pound! 14 50-15 25 150-ltW pound 1.1.00-15 1)0 blocker and Feeder Uno-HOO Sows, 4oo pound and down 13 25-14 .00 Heavier weight sows S'sg II uo-itnti CATTLE The market aotlv with cows trong 25 cents higher I other class about iteariy. Good choice fed ter S2.5O-23.50i medium to good grade 21) tand- aide, llflRji'OOi tillt: ii.imu.wi mnity cum ana year. 1 Ou.l7.00l good to chore teckaf ants, and reader steer, medium to good 2i 00-33 Sui eommoa IrrnAi, 100-iiiKH (nod to ctiKk heilaro, lu.uo- D.oni ewnmo) kino.

I iM7.IM. Good to choice bull, 17.50-11.30 medium bulla 1.00-1T.OO com moo to Uht bnll U.0.l.M. Utility and commercial eows 15.00.lS.50i extra choice kind up to IHi cutter cow, caimer cowa 11. 00-12. V)i ilh ahelly canntr cow lower! atock cow 14.0u-lS.UO, TEAL! Th eal marliet waa fully aleady with good and chute vealer weighing 175-225 lb.

25.00-27.00l prima up to 28 ttandard 0.0O-24 00; boner calve IjO-IW In. 12 ll alaUKhter calve lb, and down, 12 Hi good to choice light atock calve. 10 to 'ha 25 00-lu 00! medium grade lightweight atocii calve 13.0lV30.00l good to cholc 400 Ht aMMiater calm, t2.0o-M.D0i medium to good grade, it 00-20 00 1 com-moa kind. UOo-ltm: good to cholc atock raive. 24 oxtra cholc kind hifkori madiuia to good gradea.

1H.0D-Xt.ui. LAMBS The lams market wa active and 50 to 7S cent hlKber with a ton of 22: a (ew atrictly prime lamb old for 22.50, welshing. K5 to 105 lta.i medium to good aoi iiig lamb 13-Hi thin lamlat 12 80 and down I llshtweight clipped we 4.50 and dowm (oat 4-5j cholc Angora) goatr kujiwr. NATION At STOCKYARDS (DPI) -Livealock: Hi ia.30Oi moderately active, uneven i barrow and film, 160 lb and up ateady to 15 lower; under 180 lb and aowi aleady, 25 lower; 180-240 lb and aowt ateady, 25 lower; 180-240 lha barrows and fllta 16.25-17.10s aow 400 lha and llshter l3.75-14.SBi 40OS00 lb Cattle 4,500, calvea 400; slaughter teer and heifer alow, steady: cowa active, steady; bulls unchanged; good and choice steer 21. standard and good good and mixed good and rhnjV heifer 21,50 24; ilandard and low good, 19.50-21.50i utility and standard utility and commercial cows 15-1R 50; commercial and cutter utility and commercial bulls 17.50-19.

50; commercial and cutter vealera and slaughter calves active, steady; good 21-2o; cow and utilities 16-21; good and choice slaughter calve 21-25i utility and eundard 17-21. Sheep aunt steady! good and choice In-lbS lb anrin lambs 19.50-24; utility and good W.SW 50; good and choir ehorn lamh no. i ana 1 peii utUity and good FLOYD TAYLOR, 47, of 615 West Atlantic, was released from been held overnight for his own protection," police said. Taylor was treated at Burge-Protestant Hospital late Monday for self-inflicted wrist slashes and told ambulance attendants he cut himself because of jealousy of his girl friend. U.S.

WEATIIER WT.ATHKS DATA FOB SPRINGFIELD Temperature! Highest yesterday 61; lowest Hi is morning 60: highest this date in 75 year 99 in lvi; lowest thia date io 75 year 48 is 1103. Precipitation; Rain or melted snow from a.m. yesterday to 6 a.m. today heaviest lain ttu data in 71 years S-il -h mi. Aunt Rosa that morning set tonieht 7 3ti length of daylight 14 hours, 41 minute.

Pat a supplied by U.S. Department of Commerce Weather Bureau; first column, hiaheM temprraiur yesterday; second, lowest last nisht; third, precipitation during past 24 hours coding 9 m. BtattM Bilk Lew Pre. Atbwiuerqvtt HO 59 Amanlle 85 34 Birmuujhaia 86 72 Boiae 79 53 Kwnnei 87 Buitahi. V.

7 51 Chicaeo 79 53 .93 41 .22 Columbia 85 62 Denver 63 50 .01 l)e Mease 61 IXroH 83 63 1.86 IluluUl 80 il Fort Smith 89 61 Fort Worth 89 72 Kansa City 84 65 Little Rock 87 69 Los Aneele 82 Memphis 63 79 Miami Beach. 64 78 Minneapolis 73 43 New Orlean 89 71 New York 99 68 .41 93 Oklahoma CUy 63 67 Omaha 90 90 Phoeni 99 61 pittsbursh 81 59 6iit Lake CUy 89 53 Seattle 72 47 ft. Louis 94 64 I 12 tPRl.Sor'IELD 81 lulM 8 69 .02 Viaihirtsrton 65 71 .14 PUini 63 4 Wichita MISSOrRI Clearing ateni see- 4mi. enersttr fair and eouler ie- wwre this siternoon; generally fair snd a.r tiunirtit wtin tne low tne mn t.r tnpr 5i; mostly sunny and pleasant Vxiday with the hish In the upper 7 et to the lower 80s southwest. ARKANSAS Pertiy ciotirty thi sRer onn and tonight with ioialed thuoder-oowers eaa nd south portion this acrnoonr (air and mild Wednesday: a cooler moat section lomght; low 1mighi 'as-; high Wednesday ia the Fsir partly cloudy this a'ternoon.

tnnurht and Wedoeeday; eiianr of few widery scattered thunder-norm extreme went this aftirmw or ItHiipn and as portion Wednesday Mrrwmi er ewninf httie change In Vryri'iift; tow tonigM 56-Oi high MOJMKiay ta 80s. c-l V)J fjlti1" b-M. t' -V Or A few t' WE CONSIDER IT PseI Fr fcfcwers are expected tonight in Gulf states sod a states immediate-dra oaal rain is forecast for souther i enw-rk-d oo the south Pacific ii 4'if Gylf sfsitM and become cooler A.

Springfield Leader and Press from Springfield, Missouri (2024)


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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.