Click here for more detailed information on the rules of this sub, our trigger warnings and our tagging practices.
When you comment, assume a context of abuse to all posts.
Be nice. No personal attacks, name-calling, or bigotry. Exercise empathy. Respect boundaries. No slurs or victim-blaming. Don't downvote. Speak with your upvotes. No fatphobia, transphobia, etc.
No advocating for someone else's narcissist or golden child siblings.
No posts about politicians or political parties.
No diagnosis by media/drive-by diagnosis. Do not post about celebrities, people in the media, random strangers or anyone else that you don't personally know. This subreddit is for posts about abusers that you know personally, and that are abusing you personally.
Advising anyone in this group to commit suicide or referring them to groups that give this sort of advice will result in an immediate ban.
Respect each other and follow Reddiquette. Mods may remove posts and comments that are hurtful or not in the spirit of the subreddit at their discretion. Help us preserve a respectful, supportive atmosphere. Your tone matters when responding to others (especially when the post has a "Suppport" flair), so please be kind!
Do not derail the posts of others.
No generalizing about groups of people. This includes race, religion, profession, gender, political party, age, ethnicity, etc.
No advocating abusive practices. This includes current controversial ideas in discipline, medicine, or science that are abusive or misinformative. We stick to the verifiable truth as best we can on RBN, and to advocating healthy practices. This also includes anything relating to theft, slander, lawbreaking, as well as all forms of corporal punishment (i.e.: no pro-spanking posts or comments), anti-vaccination and other pseudoscience.
No encouragement of illegal drug use or self-medication without medical supervision, and no advising against proper medical treatment.
No asking or offering of gifts, money, donations, etc. No GoFundMe, crowdsourcing or fundraising sites.
No links or recommendations to hate groups.
No posts or comments advocating violence, murder or revenge (even in jest).
No posts about N-kids.
Narcissists are NOT allowed to post or comment here.
No platitudes or generic advice or motivational posts Solicited in advice in comments to posters is fine. Making generic advice posts, such as this title example, is not allowed: Three tips to shut a Narcissist down! No posts like "ACoNs are an inspiration to me" or or "I feel so bad for all of you and I really love my normal parents" or "IF I CAN DO IT, YOU CAN TOO!" or "You make me a better parent because your posts about the trauma you experienced shows me how to not mess up my kids". Instead, please support our posters directly by commenting directly on their posts. Let's keep the people who NEED support in the spotlight and give them direct support!
No graphic or clickbait titles. Examples here.
Please flair triggering content such as graphic physical abuse, sexual abuse or animal abuse. The flair button will appear under your post after the post has been submitted.
Maintain anonymity and privacy No linking to personal or public Facebook pages, Discords, chat rooms/groups, or identifying information. Do not ask OPs for more identifying information if it is not provided. Posts that contain an abundance of personally identifying information may be removed to safeguard the community and the poster.
You may link an entire sub (for example, /r/BPDlovedones or /r/suicidewatch), but not directly linking to a post/comment. When you link to a post or comment, please use a link. Posts or comments that encourage brigading will be removed.(Further explanation here.).
No pure image posts - Memes, etc., must be contained within a self-post. (Example.).
Moderation in this group is always biased FOR the OP (the person who made the post - not the commenters). For example, if an OP does not appreciate comments of a religious nature, the moderators will defend the OP's boundaries. If an OP prefers comments of a religious nature, the moderators will also defend that boundary. This is a support group - we are all here to support the OP. We often see commenters confused and feel that any comment should be allowed. But, we are biased FOR the OP's needs and boundaries. When you write your own post asking for support, we will also be biased for you.
Please keep in mind that the mods here are unpaid volunteers with their own busy lives and jobs and struggles. We are not online 24/7. We cannot read every post or comment. We are not omnipotent. We aren't aware of every problem, so please use the report button to flag the mods for problematic posts/comments you see in this group.
While you're at it, check out Reddiquette. Not all the guidelines are appropriate for this group, but most are. It's a good baseline for behavior on in general!
Disagree with a Mod decision? Modmail us! Modmail reaches the entire Mod team, we will review and respond as soon as we reasonably can. Rules lawyering will not help your cause.