Deadly Devotion: The Charles Manson Story (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 References

Chapter 1

Cincinnati, Ohio 1934

What a fancy-looking lady, thought fifteen-year-old Kathy Maddox. She hugged her schoolbooks and stared at a woman who stood in front of the town whor*house. The bad house stood three stories tall and had a white picket fence surrounding it. It didn’t look bad to Kathy, but some people, especially her mother, said bad things went on inside—wicked, evil things. But the fancy lady didn’t look evil. Golly, I’d give anything to look like her, Kathy said aloud.

The fancy lady tugged on a long strand of pearls that hung from her neck. Her short-cropped dark hair was finger-waved. Even though Kathy stood across the street from the lady, she could see the beautiful way her face was made up—the long dark lashes, black eyeliner, rogued cheekbones, and dark, crimson-colored lipstick. Kathy envied her.

Say, what are you lookin’ at? asked Nancy, Kathy’s best friend, who stopped beside her on the sidewalk as they were walking home from school. She had an inquisitive expression on her chubby-cheeked cherub face. Nancy had golden blonde hair worn in a very curly style with big ringlets like Shirley Temple, even though she was a teenager like Kathy. Kathy always thought her best friend looked like a living baby doll.

Oh, nothing, Kathy lied.

Nancy looked across the street and saw the fancy lady, who had begun to talk to a man dressed in a pinstripe suit and a dark gray bowler hat. The lady smiled flirtatiously and giggled, batting her spider-like eyelashes under the heavy layer of eyeshadow.

Nancy made a disgusted face. Kathy, you shouldn’t admire a woman like that. Don’t you know what she is and what she does?

Kathy thought about it for a moment, then shrugged. No, not really. What?

Nancy raised her eyebrows and glanced across the street with a knowing smirk. Well, she leaned in close to Kathy, that man who she’s talking to isn’t a gentleman at all. You know what he’s going to do? He’s going to give her money, and then they’re going to go into that house, go upstairs to some tacky decorated room that stinks of cheap perfume—and they’re going to have sex! Nancy’s eyes were big and wide as if she were telling a ghost story.

Kathy, however, was intrigued. Hmm, you don’t say? she responded.

It’s true, Nancy continued, nodding her head. I overheard my mother and some other ladies talking about it in church last Sunday.

Kathy smiled at that. Those hypocritical churchgoers got on her nerves something awful.

If you want to admire a real lady, you should take a look at her. Nancy whipped out the large magazine she’d been carrying around at school all day long, Movie Star Magazine. On the cover was the lovely dark-haired actress, Claudette Colbert, posing in a dramatic fashion like all the actresses did. She had just starred in two Hollywood hits, Imitation of Life and Cecil B. DeMille’s Cleopatra. Claudette Colbert, Nancy said with a sigh as she stared admiringly at the magazine’s black and white cover, She’s wonderful! Idolize her instead. Nancy patted her golden ringlets. One day, I’m going to be a big Hollywood star just like her.

Kathy smirked. Yeah, sure you are.

Yes, Kathy replied. Claudette Colbert is wonderful, Nancy. She pointed across the street. But so is she. And with that, Kathy walked across the street toward the so-called Bad house.

Nancy started to panic. Where are you going? she called to her friend. Kathy!

As Kathy approached the woman and man, she heard the last bits of conversation between the two. The lady reached her hand out and stroked the side of the man’s handsome mustached face, giving him a smile. Kathy judged him to be in his early thirties. Don’t be shy, darlin’, the Lady told him. Go on inside, honey. There’s lots of pretty girls in there who will show you a real good time. And the price is right, too.

The man tipped his hat in her direction with a grin. I look forward to it, ma’am. He turned, then walked towards the house. He stepped inside, then shut the door.

The lady turned back and looked at Kathy, who just stood there staring at her in awe. The lady looked her up and down and smiled pleasantly. Well, hi there, honey. You lost or something?

Kathy shook her head.

How old are you, honey?


Too bad. You’re a real pretty thing. Say, would you like to be a working girl like me?

Oh, yes ma’am. What kind of work do you do?

The lady licked her crimson-painted lips. Well, let’s just say that I show men a real nice time. I entertain them. I’m like a party girl, I guess you could say. I make ‘em feel real good and all. Her smile was broad.

It sounds so glamourous! Kathy enthused.

The lady gently stroked Kathy’s face. Well, when you turn sixteen, come back and see me sometime and we’ll talk about your future. Bye now. The lady gave her a wink, turned, and headed toward the house. Kathy could hear her black leather pumps click-clacking against the red brick walk. The lady opened the front door and closed it behind her.

Kathy! Nancy shouted from across the street.

Kathy turned and waved her over.

Nancy shook her head. Not on your life! she told her. I’m not going anywhere near that...that place.

Oh, stop being a sissy, Kathy told her friend. No one’s lookin’. Come on!

Nancy sighed and reluctantly crossed the street to join her friend in front of the house. What was that all about? What on Earth were the two of you talking about, anyway?

Girl talk, Kathy told her with a sneaky smile.

Girl talk? Nancy repeated with a suspicious expression on her face. Listen, are you crazy? You shouldn’t talk to people like that.

How come? She was nice, Kathy defended her. Nancy, I swear, you’re almost as bad as my mother. You shouldn’t judge people based on how they look.

Oh, get real! Nancy gave her friend a ‘you should know better’ type of look. So, what did you call me over here for? Let’s go home, Kathy.

Kathy gazed at the house. She turned to Nancy and smiled devilishly. Nancy suddenly looked panicked. Oh, no. I know that look, Kathy Maddox. You’re up to no good, again. Last time, my mother nearly beat my little behind raw because of you and your shenanigans.

Hey, she whispered, let’s go peek, huh?

Nancy stared at her. What are you talking about? she asked. Oh God, do I even want to know? she moaned. Her friend Kathy was always pulling stunts that got them both into hot water. There was something about Kathy that was a little bit crazy. Perhaps it had to do with Kathy’s over domineering mother, Nancy suspected.

Kathy nudged her head in the direction of the house wearing a devious grin.

Nancy’s eyes became the size of saucers. You mean—

Let’s sneak over to the window and see what they’re doing inside!

Oh, no! No, sir! Not me! Nancy announced with fierce objection. Firmly, she crossed her arms against her chest. I do believe you have lost your marbles, Kathy Maddox.

Oh, you’re no fun. Kathy draped her arm around her friend. Come on, Nance. Don’t you wanna see what kind of awful things they do in there? I know I do! It’ll be a riot! She raised her eyebrows with a silly grin.

Nancy looked away on the verge of tears. Why do you always make me do these stupid things? I’m going to be corrupted before I turn eighteen, and then no man will ever want to marry me.

Kathy rolled her eyes. Oh, brother. in?

Nancy shrugged. I guess. But I don’t approve. What if we get caught?

We won’t.

All right, then, Nancy relented.

Nancy watched as Kathy set her schoolbooks down on the sidewalk beside the white picket fence. You’re not just going to leave those there, are you? What if someone steals ‘em?

Kathy turned and sneered. So what? They’re just boring old schoolbooks, anyhow. She walked through the gate opening and then turned, signaling for Nancy to follow. Well, you coming, Chicken?

Oh, all right, Nancy sighed, setting down her schoolbooks as well. I really cannot believe this.

Both girls snuck through the gate opening with Kathy as the fearless leader. Without warning, she darted over to the side of the house, and then she waved for Nancy to follow. Nancy did just that, and the two stood along the side of the house. Kathy observed the rows of firewood that was stacked against the side of the white three-story house. It was high enough to look through the lone window that was just a few feet above the stacked logs. She surveyed the setup and smiled. Hmm, she said aloud. We can climb onto those logs and peep right through the window and watch. Bingo!

Nancy, as usual, began to panic. Ohhh, what if they see us?

Then we’ll run, big deal, Kathy told her. You’ve got legs, don’t you?

Yeah, but...

No buts, Nancy. Come on.

Kathy crept over to the stacked logs and carefully climbed on top of them. Nancy stood by helplessly and watched, growing increasingly paranoid that someone would catch them. Oh, be careful, Kathy, she whispered. You’ll fall and break your leg.

Nah, Kathy assured her. She managed to get to the top of the logs and stood on her tippy toes, struggling to get a peek of what was happening inside of the house. As she did this, her schoolgirl skirt was hiking up, and her panties were about to show.

What do you see? Anything? Nancy called.

Kathy’s eyes grew big as she peeked through the dirty, mud-spattered window. Oh boy, oh boy, she laughed.

Inside was a garishly decorated room with red velvet wallpaper. There was a nightstand with a lamp that had a red bordello-style light bulb blazing inside. Kathy suddenly set her eyes on the Fancy Lady and the handsome gentleman with the moustache. They were on a double bed covered in purple satin sheets having sex. He was lying on his back, completely naked. She was on top, straddling him. She was naked too and had a beautiful body. Except, she was still wearing the long strand of creamy-colored pearls. As she rode the man like she was riding horseback, the strand of pearls swung back and forth. She threw her head back and screamed in ecstasy as she reached her climax. Oh, yes, yes, yes! she shrieked in delight with a smile that stretched from ear to ear. That’s it! Don’t stop! Keep it coming and don’t stop for nothin’! Dig for gold, baby! Dig for gold!

The man’s face was all red and he was sweating profusely, vibrating his body furiously on the satin-covered bed underneath her. I’m coming, honey! he shouted. Oh, yeah! Oh yeah, you bet! With his hand, he gave her naked rear-end a smack, and she yelped like a puppy.

What’s going on, Kathy? Nancy whined. Do you see something?

Oh, do I ever! Kathy guffawed.

Ohhh! Ohhh! Fancy Lady screamed in ecstasy, her breasts bouncing up and down as she was being penetrated harder and faster.

Thar she blows! the man shouted to the Heavens as he exploded within her like a volcano.

Together, they reached their climaxes, their bodies practically setting off sparks inside of the dimly lit room, and she collapsed onto him, sweating, and heaving.

Something within Kathy was lit, like a fire that was waiting to be ignited. She felt all warm inside. There was a funny feeling in her groin, a mysterious stirring of some sort that she never experienced. She closed her eyes as her breathing quickened...

Mama like, the lady purred, running her hand across his slick chest. Kathy saw that her long, claw-like fingernails were painted blood red. The lady smiled, and her tongue crossed her teeth.

The man sighed in contentment. That was great.

You’d better believe it was, Buster, she said, rolling from his sweaty body. She sat up in bed, opened the drawer to the nightstand situated next to the bed, took out a cigarette and a match, and lit it up.

Kathy couldn’t believe what her eyes were seeing. So, this was what a working girl did? Well, it looked like fun! Oh, why couldn’t she be a working girl, too? Why did she have to go to school, which she hated? It was all so boring. It was at that very moment in time that Kathy decided she wanted to be a working girl...just like the Fancy Lady from Main Street.

Slowly, as if in a trance, Kathy pulled her face away from the glass. She shut her eyes, lost in their splendor. God, she wished it was her in that room with that handsome man!

Nancy broke her fantasy with her whiny voice. Come on, Kathy. It’s getting late. We’ve gotta go.

Kathy climbed off the wall of logs and jumped back down onto the ground.

Inside of the room, the Fancy Lady ever-so-slightly turned her head toward the dirty old window. It appeared as if her curious little visitor was gone. She smiled. Hope you enjoyed the free show, Kid.

What did you see? Nancy bugged her.

Kathy smiled. You name it...I saw it.

Nancy cringed. Eww! You know what, Kathy? I don’t even want to know.

Kathy laughed. Okay, then. I guess we should head on home.

Yes, let’s. You know, really are crazy.

The two girls began to walk home. It was a lovely Spring Day in Ohio. The air was warm and pleasant with a most gentle breeze that whispered softly against Kathy’s skin. Along the way, Nancy started to talk about the upcoming school dance at Lizzie Borden High, The Enchantment Under the Sea Dance. I’ve heard through the grapevine that Kenny has a crush on you, and he wants to take you to the dance.

Kathy shrugged. So?

Golden Rings rolled her eyes. Oh, Kath! You are so insufferably boring sometimes. All you care about is weird stuff, like that prostitute back there. I simply do not understand you.

Nancy always said things like that. But Kathy did not see the point in worrying about things like school dances and boys. She was only going to be a teenager for a short time. She was ready to become a woman. It’s difficult to get excited about things like that when my mother forbids me from ever attending them. You know how she is, Nancy.

Yes, I know. I’m sorry for bugging you. I just wish you could go. We would have so much fun.

Yes, we would. Kathy tugged at one of her braided strawberry blonde pigtails in deep thought. Her mother made her dress like she was a little girl. Mother controlled every aspect of her life, right down to the socks she wore on her feet and the color of her undergarments, which were virgin white, of course.

They reached the street on which they lived that was lined with sturdy old houses made of red brick and white-painted wood. Tall, beautiful pointy Evergreen trees and Buckeye tress with their creamy-colored blossoms, shiny brown nuts, and semi-glossy foliage shaded the suburban houses. It was a completely different world from the downtown area from which they came where people like the mysterious Fancy Lady and her cash-paying gentleman friends existed. Kathy looked at the beautiful surroundings as Nancy blathered on and on about teenaged-related stuff that really didn’t interest her on little bit. The girls reached Kathy’s house—a small red brick cape cod. Forlornly, Kathy looked at the house. The sheer white curtains fluttered, and she knew that her Mother was watching her, spying on her as if she were involved in criminal activity. And according to her mother, talking to Nancy was exactly that. Her mom, Mrs. Maddox, watched her daughter talk to Nancy from inside of the house. She cut her green eyes, breathing heavily as anger began to overtake her like a demonic spirit. Mrs. Maddox closed the curtains. She marched through the conservatively decorated house filled with early American furniture. The spotlessly clean Maddox home’s décor color tones were browns, blues, and greens. Glossy hardwood floors were present throughout, permeating the smell of pine. The place had a church-like aura and was constantly dark inside. She went to the front door and opened it. She stood in the doorway as a tall, formidable force to be reckoned with. She wore her usual plain-colored cotton housedress with a full-bib apron with ruffles. Black-laced brown leather work shoes with thick heels were on her feet. Her hair was streaked with gray and pulled into a tight bun. Kathleen Maddox, get in this house! she commanded.

Kathy looked at Nancy and sighed woefully. Guess I’d better go.

Nancy waved at Mrs. Maddox, smiling brightly. Hi Mrs. Maddox, it’s nice to see you.

Mrs. Maddox’s face twisted into a snarling mask of contempt and disgust. Get off my lawn, whor*-Girl, she replied coldly.

Nancy walked away from the Maddox house as fast as her legs would allow.

Mother, don’t be rude to my friend! Kathy gasped incredulously.

Don’t ‘Mother’ me. Get inside, pronto!

Kathy stepped into the house, then her mom slammed the door shut and locked it. In the entry hallway, they were two dark shadows arguing with each other.

How many times have I told you not to hang around that whor*?

Mom, Nancy is my best friend in the whole world.

Jesus is your best friend, Kathleen, and don’t you forget it.

Kathy’s eyes began to tear.

Mrs. Maddox placed her hands on her hips. Stop weeping. Wipe those tears off your face this instant. I forbid you to cry over some trashy little tart like Nancy Cooper, whose name is no doubt synonymous with slu*t. That girl goes through boys like we go through toilet paper. If I catch you speaking to that whor* girl just one more time you will be whipped and you will never go to that school again. Do you understand?

Kathy lowered her head. Yes, mom.

Now, go to your room and do your homework.

Kathy turned and walked down the dark corridor. She entered her sparsely decorated room, then shut the door and locked it. There was a wooden crucifix adorned with a little golden Jesus hanging above her bed. A pale sliver of light from the window shone onto it, making the object look ethereal. Kathy wanted to rip it from the wall and throw it out the window. She tossed her schoolbooks on her bed, then she flopped onto her bed and buried her face in her pillow. She wished she were someone else than Kathleen Maddox.

Later that evening, Kathy finished her homework. Just as she closed her schoolbook, she heard a car pull up to the house. Kathy rushed over to the window, parted the curtains, and looked out. Her face brightened. It was her brother, Luther, who she loved more than any man in the world. He arrived home driving their father’s black Ford Victoria without his permission.

In the living room, Mrs. Maddox stared out the window watching her son park the Ford Victoria along the curb. Her eyes blazed with rage. Dear God in Heaven...he had a woman in the car with him! How dare he bring some cheap floozy home to her house!

Kathy’s brother was tall, slender, and dashingly handsome with the same red hair that she had. She smiled happily. Luther was the one bright spot in her universe—the only person in her life who gave her any joy. He was everything to her. He was her best friend, her confidant, and her protector. Mother wouldn’t ever hurt her when he was around. Her father was useless; a wimp and a wuss who was afraid of his wife like she was the Big Bad Wolf. In a way, Mrs. Maddox was exactly that.

Kathy watched with trepidation as her brother got out of his father’s shiny black Ford Victoria, wobbling as if he had been drinking, which was very possible. Kathy’s father was a heavy drinker, too. Thankfully, though, he was not a mean drunk. He just became quiet and seemed to disappear into the walls like he didn’t exist. The man worked the graveyard shift, so she and Luther rarely saw him. And when he was home, he was drunk and hid in the family room where he’d listen to the radio all night long.

Luther’s female acquaintance, who Kathy hadn’t laid eyes on before then, wore a long red dress the color of the Devil’s cape, and she wore lots of makeup on her face. Her dishwater blonde hair was long and wavy, but it was sticking up as if she and Luther had just rolled out of bed after hours of fornicating—which Kathy assumed was the case, much to her amusem*nt, but also to Mrs. Maddox’s horror. His girlfriend was laughing drunkenly, and she had trouble getting out of the car.

Luther stumbled over to help her. I’m comin’, Baby! he called out to her, slobbering stupidly as he staggered over to her side of the vehicle. He laughed. Don’t you go anywhere, now.

Hell, the blonde laughed. I couldn’t even if I wanted to! Holy macaroni! Am I drunk!

Mrs. Maddox opened the door to the house and stepped out onto the front porch, watching in disgust.

Luther saw his mother and waved drunkenly. Hey, Ma! he shouted. This here is my girl, Estelle. Ain’t she pretty?

Hi Mama Maddox, Estelle called out, wiggling her fingers while giggling. She let out a loud, gurgling belch. She covered her mouth in embarrassment and began to laugh while her teeth stuck out like a horse. She fell over to her side on the front seat in hysterics.

Guess what? Luther said to his mother. We’re gonna get married!

Estelle sat up at the mention of their engagement, clumsily composing herself. Mm-hmm. Yes, we is.

Kathy’s heart almost stopped when she heard that. It couldn’t be true! If he were to get married, that meant he’d leave her. Kathy snuck out of her bedroom and tiptoed down the hall. She heard her mom giving Luther a hard time as soon as he entered the house.

You’ll marry that floozy over my dead body, Mrs. Maddox commanded.

She ain’t no floozy. She’s a nice gal.

She’s a cheap hussy! I could tell by that red dress she wore.

Aw, you’re crazy, Luther accused.

Crazy? I ought to wash your mouth out with soap, talking to your mother like that. Well, I forbid you to see that slu*t anymore.

Kathy peeked around the corner and watched. Luther took off his newsboy cap and scratched his mop of red hair. I’m eighteen, Ma. I can do whatever I feel like doing.

"Not while you’re living in my house," she replied, cutting her eyes at her son.

Luther’s face turned red with anger. Know what? I’m sick of you always getting on my case. I don’t know why I stay here.

Mrs. Maddox threw her head back and laughed coldly. Because you don’t have a job, that’s why! If it weren’t for your father and I, you’d be living rough on the streets of Cincinnati.

I can get a job, you’ll see.

Well, I won’t hold my breath, Luther.

I will! I can take care of myself. I’m out of here and I’ll live on my own and make my own rules and see whatever broad I want without hearing your mouth about it. He brushed past his mother, who spun around and glared at him.

If you leave, don’t ever come back.

Luther walked past Kathy, who turned and watched him storm down the corridor to his bedroom.

Don’t worry, I won’t! He slammed his bedroom door shut.

Kathy’s wide eyes filled with tears. He could not mean what he said because she would die without Luther! She waited until her mother disappeared through a door that led into the living room where her father was listening to the radio. Kathy went to her brother’s door and knocked.

Luther opened it and sighed when he saw his little sister. Oh, it’s only you. I thought it was Ma coming back for more.

Kathy followed Luther into his bedroom. She shut the door behind her. You didn’t mean what you said, did you? You’re not really getting married and leaving home, are you?

Luther began throwing clothes into a suitcase. I have to, Kath. I can’t stay here anymore with that crazy woman. And dad is no help. He’s scared of her.

Tears poured from Kathy’s eyes. But you can’t leave me here by myself. Please, Luther, take me with you. I won’t be any trouble.

Luther stopped packing and gave her a hug. Kathy, I can’t take you with me. Estelle and I are getting hitched. She won’t want some kid hanging around us. No offense. He tried to break the hug, but Kathy wouldn’t let go.

Please don’t leave, she begged.

Luther pushed her away. Stop it, Kathy. You’ll be all right. One day, I’ll come back for ya. But right now, you can’t come.


Luther closed the suitcase and he winked at her. See ya around, Kid.

He left his room as Kathy chased after him, calling his name.

Luther walked out the front door as Kathy stood in the doorway. She cried as she watched her brother help Estelle out of the car. Come on, Honey buns. Let’s get out of here.

The young couple began walking away from the house. Estelle stopped in her tracks, looking at the car. We’re walking? What about the car?

It’s my father’s Victoria, not mine.

Estelle groaned. Aw, gee-whiz, Luther. You mean we have to walk? But it’s warm out, and I’m gonna get all sticky. Ain’t this just peachy?

Come on, Woman! he shouted irritably, walking away from her and the house. Grab the suitcase.

Estelle made a face at him as she grabbed a hold of the heavy suitcase he’d packed in his bedroom. This is heavy! she complained. Thanks a lot for the help.

Luther, come back! Kathy screamed hoarsely, watching as her brother and his fiancée walked up the street. No matter how loudly she shouted to him, her brother wouldn’t turn back. It was like she was invisible to him. And just like that, Luther and Estelle turned the corner and vanished from sight. He was gone! Kathy looked up to the sky that was turning pinkish purple as the evening edged closer. God, she whispered, if you really do exist, why’d you take my brother from me? Why, God?

Mrs. Maddox turned away and looked at Kathy, who trembled in the doorway with tears running down her face. Kathy Maddox! her mother shouted. Get in the house! What the neighbors must think! She brushed past her distraught daughter and went back into the house.

Kathy shut the door, then she sank to the floor sobbing. She hated her mother for driving Luther away.

The next day, Kathy took the long walk to school. She always cut through the woods that led to the railroad tracks that ran alongside the city. She’d carefully follow those tracks past the Whistle Stop Café where she’d get herself a fountain soda and a donut. Then, she’d pass the orphanage where young girls in tattered dresses and rags skipped rope, and boys in dirty shirts and pants played a game of dodgeball. She walked past the brick jailhouse, the post office, and courthouse. There were also big factories with rows of tall smokestacks that pumped churning black smoke into the morning sky. There was the lumberyard that was busy with the buzzing of saws, and then finally, she’d reach Lizzy Borden High.

She was at her locker putting her books inside. Just as she closed the locker door, there stood that boy Kenny who Nancy was telling her about. Kathy let out a startled scream. Oh...hi, she greeted.

Hi Kathy, he answered. He was a nice-looking boy around sixteen years old with sandy blonde hair. He was tall and looked to be in good shape. Kathy thought he was nice-looking. She didn’t understand why he was there because he never talked to her.

Did you need something? she asked, co*cking an eyebrow.

Yeah, I was wondering if you had a date for the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance tomorrow night? I know it’s last minute, but I was hoping you’d go with me.

Me? Why?

Because I like you, Kathy. I think you’re real pretty.

Um... she stammered. Kenny, my mom is really strict. She’ll never let me go.

Do you always do what your folks tell you to do?

She smirked. No.

Then I guess that’s a yes, then?

Kathy bit her lip. Okay, how about I meet you outside of the gym at seven o ‘clock?

Kenny grinned happily. Great! It’s a date!

She watched him walk away. She sighed happily. Kathy didn’t know how she would be able to go, but she was determined to make it happen one way or another.

Later that evening, Kathy sat at the dinner table across from her mom and dad. She could hardly eat because she was so nervous about asking permission to go to the dance.

Kathy, you’ve barely touched your dinner. Is there something wrong with the chicken? It’s your favorite.

Kathy lay her fork down beside her plate. Mom, I was asked to the school dance tomorrow night. Everybody’s going. The boy who asked me is named Kenny and he’s very nice. I told him I’d go.

Mr. Maddox, her dad, smiled. That’s nice, Kathy. I’m sure you’ll have a good time. Just make sure he brings you home at a reasonable hour.

Mrs. Maddox shot her husband a scornful look, narrowing her eyes angrily. Are you giving our daughter permission to go to that satanic evil dance with all those perverted boys? You must have hit your head! Kathy, don’t you listen to your fool father for he knows not what he says. You’ll go to that dance over my dead body. End of discussion. Now pick up that fork and finish your dinner. There are families who are starving to death as we speak who would kill to eat that chicken.

Kathy slammed her palm down on the table. No! I want to go to the dance!

Mrs. Maddox stood from her chair. Heretic! You dare to defy me? I won’t have it. Now, go to your room and stay there until I summon you.

But dear— Mr. Maddox begun.

Don’t but dear me. You have no power here. She will never go to that dance or any dance for that matter. She turned to her daughter. Now, go to your room, demon child!

Daddy? Kathy implored. Please say that I can go.

He wiped his mouth with his napkin. Gee, Kathleen...if your mother thinks it’s a bad idea...

Oh, you never support me with anything! she screamed. You sit there like you’re dead!

Mrs. Maddox banged her fist on the dining room table, shaking the china. Kathy’s father jumped in a startle. Enough! she commanded.

I hate you! Kathy told her mom. Now I know why Luther ran away and married that girl. She glared at her dad, who hung his head in defeat. How can you just let her talk to you like that, Dad? You’re the man! Stand up to her!

Mr. Maddox got up from the table without uttering a word. He walked into the living room and sat down in a recliner. He turned on the radio and stared off into space, wishing his life was completely different—exactly the way his children felt.

Mrs. Maddox, meanwhile, scoffed. That’s all your father is good for, sitting in that chair like a lump of nothing listening to the radio. Your father is weak, Kathleen. Don’t you forget it. Now, go to your room.

Kathy bolted from the table in a huff. She ran down the corridor, retreated to her bedroom, then slammed the door behind her and locked it. She fell on her bed and stated to cry. She won’t let me do anything. I just want to be my own person. I hate her.

Chapter 2

It was Saturday night, and Kathy was supposed to meet Kenny outside of the gym in an hour. Her mom was in the living room knitting, as usual. Kathy sat on her bed staring at the wall. The desire to go to the dance was overwhelming. She didn’t care so much about Kenny. She just wanted to go and have a good time for a change. The idea of spending another Saturday night at home made her stomach twist with nausea. She decided to go anyway. She didn’t care how much trouble she’d be in. Kathy put on makeup and fixed her hair kind of like the lady she saw in town. Kathy snuck out the window and walked to the school.

Kenny was waiting for Kathy outside of the gym. His face beamed when he saw her. Golly, you sure look different. I like what you’ve done with your hair. None of the other girls look like that.

Thank you. I’m glad you like it. This is the real me. I’m sick and tired of people telling me how to look and act. I am my own woman.

I like that, Kenny confessed. It’s a real turn on. Hey, wanna sneak to the back of the school and have a little drink? Out of his dress jacket, he pulled out a bottle of booze and showed it to her. I stole this out of my old man’s liquor cabinet especially for this occasion. You drink?

Kathy chuckled nervously and patted her hairdo. Um, sure I do, all the time.

They went behind the school where it was dark and secluded. They passed the bottle of booze back and forth. Kathy liked the taste of it. She enjoyed the warmth that slithered through her body and loved the feeling it gave her. She out drank Kenny, who seemed shocked.

You weren’t lying. You sure can throw back some liquor, Kathy Maddox. I’ve heard stories about you. Looks like they weren’t pulling my leg after all.

Kathy wiped her mouth and scowled. What stories?

That you’re a wild one. Why do you think I asked you to the dance?

You said I was pretty.

You’re alright. You’re not a dog. But I want some action, and I think you’re the gal who’s going to give me some.

Kathy laughed coldly. Yeah, dream on, lover boy! I don’t know who told you what, but I’m no tramp.

Sure, you are. Look at how you’re dressed. Only whor*s dress like that.

Before Kathy could slug him, Kenny put his hands on her breasts and started to feel her up. Kathy pushed him away and slapped him across the face. You keep your hands off me, Kenny! How dare you think you can touch me like that!

Kenny rubbed the side of his face. His eyes were full of anger. You tease! You come back here, drink my booze, then you won’t give me some loving? No woman is gonna do that to me. Just wait until I tell everyone what a slu*t you are.

Kathy started to cry. You’re cruel, Kenny. I never did anything to you.

Wah, wah, wah! he taunted her. You dumb crybaby. Go home, Dog. Damn. You dumb girl. You really think I wanted to go out with you because you were pretty or something? You—pretty? Ha! You’re only good for one thing—banging! That’s all. You’re a cheap floozy, and you’ll always be a cheap floozy, Kathy Maddox. Kenny motioned to himself. There’s class... Then he motioned to her. And there’s trash. Understand?

I understand that you’re a creep, Kathy fired back. I’m going home.

Good. Get lost, slu*t. Take your cheap floozy self on home and stay there so I don’t have to look at your ugly face no more. You got that? He got up from the grass and walked away, disappearing around the corner of the school.

As the tears flowed, so did Kathy’s eye makeup. She wiped at it, sniffling. She knew Kenny would tell everyone what happened, and her reputation would be ruined forever. But she didn’t care. She got up from the grass, wiped her dress off, then headed home.

Kathy left the window cracked in her bedroom. She pushed it open and climbed into the house. When she flipped the light switch on, Kathy gasped. Her mom stood in the center of the bedroom with her arms folded against her chest. Her eyes were slanted angrily; her nostrils flared. Kathy knew she was in a heap of trouble. Fear ripped through her. Her mother looked like a psycho and never appeared as angry as she did in that moment. Without uttering a word, she slapped her daughter across the face so loud it sounded like the cracking of a bullwhip. Kathy fell to the floor.

Sinner! Mrs. Maddox screamed. How dare you forbid me! Look at you! Your face is smeared with makeup! Oh, Kathy, what have you done to your beautiful hair? You Jezebel! Were you whoring around? Oh, I know where you were. You were at that dance, weren’t you? How many boys did you seduce tonight? No, don’t tell me. My heart could not take it. God, God, God, you could be pregnant! You’ve brought shame to this holy house! Shame to our family’s good name! You’re an abomination, Kathleen! A stain on humanity! What shall I do with you now, wicked child of filth? What, I ask? I’ll pray, Kathleen. Pray for your sins! She unleashed a large black bible. Read this, for it is the only thing that will save your tarnished soul. You are to stay in this room and pray until I come back for you. She placed the bible down on the floor in front of Kathy, then turned and walked to the door. Mrs. Maddox turned and said, I’d have aborted you if I knew what a slu*t you would have turned out to be. Jesus hates tramps!

Kathy gasped, stunned by the harsh, ugly words spewing forth from her mom’s mouth.

Mrs. Maddox opened the door, then left the room. Kathy heard the door lock from the other side.

She knew her punishment was going to be bad, but it went far beyond anything she’d imagined. Kathy was kept locked inside her room for days. Her mom explained to her the next morning that she would not be returning to Lizzie Borden High. It’s evil! she said. You will be home schooled from now on. Your education will be reading the Bible and nothing more. Every day, I will test you on what you’ve read. If I find that you haven’t been studying your bible, the punishment will be harsh, Kathleen. And with that, Mrs. Maddox exited the room and locked her in once again, beginning the first of many days of being a prisoner in her own bedroom.

Meals were brought to her, and she was only let out to use the bathroom. Kathy watched the sunlight enter the room every morning, then slowly make its way across the room until it disappeared, and the darkness of night took over. She read from her bible, memorizing as much as she could. But the Bible was so boring! After a while, she decided she didn’t care what mom did to her. She wasn’t going to read that stupid Bible anymore.

One day, there was a knock on her window. Kathy looked up and saw Nancy outside the window, waving at her. She snuck to the window and pressed her hand against the glass. Oh, Nancy! I’m so glad to see you!

Kathy, are you okay? You haven’t been in school for a week.

Kathy ran her hand through her red hair, shaking her head in confusion. A week? That’s all? I thought it’s been months.

What’s happening? Are you sick?

No, Nancy. It’s my psycho mom. She’s punishing me for sneaking out to the dance.

Oh, yeah. Well, Kenny’s been saying horrible things about you. It’s all over the school. I miss you, but maybe it’s best you’re not there right now. Everyone thinks you are a slu*t, Kathy. But I know you’re not. You’re weird, but not slu*tty.

Thanks, Nance. I didn’t do anything with that boy, I swear. He tried, but I shot him down. He got mad and called me names. I guess that’s why he’s running his mouth about me.

When are you getting out of there? Nancy asked looking concerned.

I...I don’t know. My mom isn’t letting me out of this room. I’ve really messed up this time.

Suddenly Kathy heard the bedroom door unlock and in walked her mom. Kathy gasped and spun around.

Kathleen, what’s going on? She saw Nancy outside the window, and her eyes turned to angry slits. Get away from that window, you cheap hussy!

Mrs. Maddox ran out of the room. Before Kathy knew it, her mom was outside chasing Nancy with an old broom, swinging it at her as Nancy scurried away from the house. Kathy watched in horror as Mrs. Maddox chased Nancy down the sidewalk, screaming, Get off my property, whor* Girl! Heathen! Satan’s trollop! Shoo! Shoo!

Mrs. Maddox returned to Kathy’s room and slammed the bedroom door shut behind her.

I’ll never forgive you for any of this, do you hear me Mother? Never! You can’t keep me locked up in this room forever. Because like it or not, I am a woman, not a child. And one day I will have sex, lots and lots of sex, and I’ll enjoy it! But it won’t make me a whor*. It’ll make me human. But you wouldn’t understand because you are not human. You’re a monster!

Mrs. Maddox crossed her arms tightly against her bosom. One day you’ll thank me for this punishment. Now...let us pray. She closed her eyes and bowed her head.

Kathy laughed coldly. You can pray, Mother. Pray your little black heart out until the cows come home. But I will never love you or thank you. And I don’t care what Jesus thinks! She pointed at Mrs. Maddox and laughed. Ha, ha, look at you—you’re stupid. Do you hear? Stupid with your silly Bible! Who are you praying to, Mother? To a book? To the wall? The ceiling? Nothing! That’s what you’re praying to! There is no God. No Jesus! Only stupid people like you! Ha, ha!

Mrs. Maddox was too stunned to speak. Clearly, her daughter was possessed by the Devil. Mrs. Maddox hugged her Bible close to her heart and held her head high. One day, Kathleen, you will repent and become a nun.

Kathy rolled her eyes. Like hell I will.

Her Mother turned and left the room, locking the door behind her.

Enough was enough, Kathy decided. She plotted her escape from the bedroom prison and waited until later that night when she knew her parents were asleep. Kathy used the big black bible to break the window in her bedroom. It was chilly outside, so she dressed warmly. Kathy climbed out the window and walked down the street. She did not know where she was headed. Anywhere but home was good.

After walking for a while, she realized she did not feel free. Kathy had no money and nowhere to go. She would probably have to return home. That thought depressed her deeply. Mom would beat her to death. It was then she decided that life was not worth living.

Kathy walked to the train tracks that ran along side of the city of Cincinnati. She stepped onto the track and waited. Kathy heard the approaching train. It whistled, warning her of its approach. The light shined in her face, blinding her. The noise of the train got louder as it came closer. Kathy shut her eyes, spread her arms, and waited for the impact that would end her for once and all.

Just as the train was going to run her over, someone leapt out of the darkness, grabbed her, and pulled her away from the train. She and the mystery person fell to the gravel. The train ran past them, its ghostly whistle fading into the distance. All Kathy could hear were crickets chirping. She opened her eyes and sat up. Sitting beside her

Deadly Devotion: The Charles Manson Story (2024)


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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.