Baby food chart with recipes for 7 months to 1 year Indian baby & toddlers - Swasthi's Recipes (2024)


Indian baby food chart along with a list of tried & tested 60 Indian baby food recipes. Thanks to the readers who led me to this post on Indian baby food chart. Before I take you to the details of the food chart and the food recipes, please be informed that this post is based on my experience. I have honestly expressed my views and opinions on easy baby weaning so that it could be helpful to new mothers.

Baby food chart with recipes for 7 months to 1 year Indian baby & toddlers - Swasthi's Recipes (1)

Please read the comments below before posting your queries since similar queries may have been answered.

Well, some of my tips might look like old wives tales since they are based on Ayurveda, but I do trust them in growing healthy and happy babies. However I suggest consulting your elders or pediatrician before you follow any new foods or tip that have been mentioned here.

For the past several years, I have been consistently sharing & updating baby recipes especially for a good weight gain. You can find all the latest recipes or ideas on the baby toddler recipes section.

Readers who have been asking for suggestions on foods to gain weight, please check this detailed post on

Is this baby food chart suitable to my Baby?

This Indian baby food chart is a generalized one suitable for most babies. However i suggest you to use your judgement whether to include or not, certain ingredients in your babies diet based on your babies allergies, intolerance, appetite, likes and dislikes.

I have tried to link most Indian baby food recipes that I have posted earlier on this blog. Many were written almost 5 years ago and are updated regularly with new tips based on the readers reviews.

This Indian baby food chart was developed by me based on what i fed my 2 kids, whose birth weight was 3.3 kgs and 3.4 kgs. The ideas were basically drawn from the health and baby weaning booklets that were given to us during our visits to the singapore clinics, hospitals and few from clinics in Bangalore.

This chart is also suitable to babies who were preterm born or were underweight. However I suggest mums with such babies to consult a pediatrician if you are skeptical about these foods.

This post will be updated, to include tips and other information. You can leave a comment here if you want to know anything specific which will be answered. Please feel free to share or discuss your experiences, views, problems that you encounter while weaning your babies in the comment section. It could be helpful to other readers, it’s through sharing we can learn.

When to introduce food to baby – 6 months to 1 year

Here is a brief guide on the right time to introduce foods. But how to introduce them can be found in the recipe posts. Example: Oats or oatmeal – I have mentioned clearly how to choose them and the kind you can use and how to prepare it for a baby.

You can find a a detailed baby food chart for 6 months old baby here along with recipes.

This Indian baby food chart and the baby food recipes have been developed for a good weight gain in babies.

Indian baby food chart for babies above 7 months or from 8 months

Wake up – 6 am
Milk – (skip milk if baby wakes up after 8 am, make a milk based breakfast from breakfast section)
Breakfast – 7.30 to 8 am
One of the following:

 Egg, (Fully boiled or scrambled in very few drops of oil)(babies above one year)
IDLIwith rasam or sambar (sambar for babies older than 12 months)
VEGETABLE OATS PORRIDGE(blend it in a blender till smooth)
RAGI MALTwith badam powder
CHICKPEAS SOUP(babies older than 15 months)
BARLEY VEGETABLE SOUP(blend till smooth)
SWEET CORN VEGETABLE SOUP(blend till smooth)

Quick fix breakfast (for 8 to 18 months):

 Nestum rice (stage 1) withALMOND MILK
 Nestum rice with homemade curd (plain yogurt), add water as needed while mixing

Mid-morning – 10 to 10.15 am
One of the following:

 Steamed apple (raw apple for babies older than 12 months)
 Banana or steamed kerala banana (if baby has cold)
 Chikoo (sapota)
 Other fruits like watermelon, pears, oranges
or 2 tbsp of freshHOMEMADE PLAIN CURD / YOGURT(3 times a week, avoid when the baby has cold & phlegm, prefer room temperature. As the baby grows you can increase the quantity)

Lunch for baby – 11.30 to 12.30 pm
Try using whole grains like

 Broken wheat (daliya).
 Half basmati brown rice with half white rice.
 Soak them for about 2 to 4 hours in warm water before cooking. Discard the water.

Try one of the following

DALIA KHICHDI(vegetable broken wheat food)
VENN PONGAL(skip pepper, hing)
DAL KHICHDIwith one of the vegetables: spinach, methi, pumpkin, carrot, ridge gourd, bottle gourd, tomato
SWEET POTATO RICE(make the same way as potato rice, you can add a bit of jaggery instead of salt)
PLANTAIN RICE RECIPE(raw cooking banana with rice)
 CHICKPEA TODDLER MEALfor toddlers not for babies
INDIAN BABY FOODwith chickpeas and methi leaves (11 months, only for babies not having colic)
 Dal & mashed rice withTOMATO RASAM,RASAMmade withRASAM POWDER
 mashed rice withMOONG DAL RASAMor dal ka paani (bassaru)
 Soft mashed rice withDRUMSTICK SAMBARorSAMBAR(15 months and above,mash up the veggies along with the rice, try using homemade sambar powder)

For a lighter meal, if the baby has colic

 mashed rice with dal ka paani with a pinch of ajwain(strained dal soup)
 Soft Mashed rice with milk
 Mashed rice with yogurt (avoid this frequently)
 Soft Mashed rice & banana (if needed puree)
 Mashed rice withTAMARIND / DANIYA RASAM
 Soft cooked carrot, mashed rice with daniya rasam
 sabudana porridge with salt and ajwain (vaamu / carom seeds) powder
 rice porridge with salt and ajwain powder

Mid noon – 2.30 to 3 pm
Fruits or steam cooked mashed veggies
Evening snack for baby -5 to 5.30 pm
One of the following:

 Large serving of Milk
 whole grain cereal
RAGI MALT WITH MILK(almond powder can be included)
 Millet porridge (will post the recipe shortly)
ALMOND MILKwith powdered corn flakes or nestum rice (stage 1)
CARROT BABY FOOD(can skip almonds)

Dinner – 7 to 7.45 pm
Please Note:
Feeding late can cause indigestion and the infant may not sleep due to colic. Avoid feeding heavy foods. Dinner should always be light, nutritious, mostly vegetable based.

 For babies from 10 to 12 months prefer light foods from breakfast section. Avoid egg & nuts.

 Babies above 12 months : Any foods mentioned in the breakfast and lunch can also be served for dinner.

Other options

 mashed rice with dal ka paani (strained dal soup)
 Soft mashed rice with milk
 Mashed rice, carrot with daniya rasam
 rice porridge with veggies
 Rice with dal ka pani (bassaru) and light cooked vegetables.
 Soft Rice with tomato rasam and light steamed or cooked vegetables.

Bed time – 8.30 to 9 pm
Large serving of Milk. Make sure there is a gap of at least 1 hour 30 mins in between the completion of dinner and milk. For babies above 12 months: If the baby is still hungry after the milk, can feed some light crackers.

Related post: how to make ragi flour for babies or toddlers’ porridge

Tips to increase the appetite in babies

1. Try to serve fruits 1 ½ to 2 hours before a meal. They tend to make the infant feel hungry naturally. Do not serve fruit with a meal.

2. Do not mix fruits with dairy especially milk. It leads to indigestion.

3. Babies need exercise, let them play and crawl or run around. Don’t confine them to a small area. For toddlers / babies who can walk, a small walk in the neighborhood before a meal can make them hungry.

General Tips:

1. If you have a very fussy baby, avoid milk in the early morning and serve milk based breakfast mentioned in the table.

2. Serving bread or any other baked stuff to babies, leads to colic or bloating due to the ingredients like baking soda, powder, yeast etc.

3. Limit crackers or biscuits to only once a day, avoiding is however better.

About Swasthi

I’m Swasthi Shreekanth, the recipe developer, food photographer & food writer behind Swasthi’s Recipes. My aim is to help you cook great Indian food with my time-tested recipes. After 2 decades of experience in practical Indian cooking I started this blog to help people cook better & more often at home. Whether you are a novice or an experienced cook I am sure Swasthi’s Recipes will assist you to enhance your cooking skills. More about me

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Baby food chart with recipes for 7 months to 1 year Indian baby & toddlers - Swasthi's Recipes (2024)


What food to give 7 month old baby in India? ›

Here is a list of nutritious yet delicious 7-month baby food items that you can include in your baby's diet.
  • Cereals. You can make porridge with oats, semolina, ragi, rice or barley. ...
  • Cooked or mashed fruits. ...
  • Rice Khichdi. ...
  • Cooked veggies. ...
  • Lentils. ...
  • Liquids other than milk.
Feb 9, 2024

What Indian food is good for 1 year old baby to gain weight? ›

Here are some good options for foods to help babies gain weight:
  • Peas and Potatoes. These are great foods to help babies gain weight and can be cooked in a variety of ways to keep things interesting for your child. ...
  • Chikoo. ...
  • Olive oil. ...
  • Ragi. ...
  • Banana. ...
  • Avocados. ...
  • Oats. ...
  • Chia Seeds.
Jan 27, 2023

What should a 7 month old meal plan look like? ›

7-month-baby Meal Schedule

Right now, your baby's meals may typically be made up of a base wholegrain/grain (e.g. porridge) mixed with vegetable (e.g. pureed broccoli) and meat/others (e.g. tofu), perhaps with a tiny portion of fruit (e.g. apple and other fruit puree) when your baby feels up for it.

Which fruit is best for 7 month baby? ›

Fruit includes:
  • apples.
  • bananas.
  • blueberries.
  • kiwi.
  • mango.
  • melon.
  • nectarines.
  • oranges.

Can I give 7 month old eggs? ›

You can give your baby the entire egg (yolk and white), if your pediatrician recommends it. Around 6 months, puree or mash one hard-boiled or scrambled egg and serve it to your baby. For a more liquid consistency, add breast milk or water. Around 8 months, scrambled egg pieces are a fantastic finger food.

Which fruit is best for baby weight gain? ›

Bananas are rich in potassium and contain varying amounts of vitamins A, C, D, and K, B vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, manganese, and fiber. It is also loaded with calories, making it one of the best food for babies to gain weight.

What is the first food for babies in India? ›

In India, the traditional first solid food for babies is often rice-based. Rice cereal or a rice porridge known as "annaprasana" is commonly introduced to babies as their first solid food.

Which Dal is good for babies? ›

Moong Dal is the most commonly used lentil for babies in North India and Toor dal is most commonly used in South India. A lot of South Indians following the ayurvedic diet also use moong dal.

Does banana increase fetal weight? ›

Which Fruits Are Best for Foetal Weight Gain? Fruits rich in essential nutrients for foetal development include bananas (potassium, folate), avocados (healthy fats, folate), oranges (vitamin C, folate), berries (antioxidants, fibre), papayas (vitamin C, folate) and apples (fibre, vitamins).

Which foods increase baby weight? ›

Best foods that can help your baby gain weight
  • Breastmilk. For infants below 6 months, mother's milk is more nutritious than any other foods. ...
  • Whole cream milk. Whole cream milk is pasteurized and hom*ogenized, which means fat doesn't separate from the milk when you boil it. ...
  • Bananas. ...
  • Ragi. ...
  • Sweet potato. ...
  • Eggs. ...
  • Ghee. ...
  • Lentils/dal.
Feb 8, 2024

What are the 3 meals for 7 month old? ›

From about 7 months, your baby will gradually move towards eating 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch and tea), in addition to their usual milk feeds, which may be around 4 a day (for example, on waking, after lunch, after tea and before bed).

What finger foods can a 7 month old eat? ›

Start with menu items like pieces of soft cheese; small pieces of pasta or bread; finely chopped soft vegetables; and fruits like bananas, avocado, and ripe peaches or nectarines. These foods should require minimal chewing, as your baby may not yet have teeth.

How many times a day should a 7 month old eat solids? ›

At 7 and 8 months old, babies need solid foods two to three times a day. They're still getting most of their nutrients from breast milk or formula, though. A formula-fed baby will drink about 24 to 32 ounces of breast milk or formula in a 24-hour period.

What table foods can I give my 7 month old? ›

Suitable finger foods for baby during this stage of weaning include:
  • Breads & Pasta. One finger of toasted cheese on bread. ...
  • Fruits & Vegetables. Raw sticks of cucumber. ...
  • Cheese. Stick of firm cheese, e.g. cheddar cheese.
  • Meat & Poultry. Strips of freshly cooked meat or chicken.

What Indian foods can I give my 7 month old baby with no teeth? ›

You can try roti, idli, parantha as well if they are cooked well and soft. Slightly mash them into chunks and your baby would love to munch on them. Potato fries: Prepare potato fries, veggie fries (broccoli, pumpkin, avocado) at home and offer your baby.


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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.